mikeal / node.couchapp.js

Utility for writing couchapps.
Apache License 2.0
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Is the boiler app supposed to do anything? #62

Open cawoodm opened 11 years ago

cawoodm commented 11 years ago

I managed to install the boiler app in my couch so in that respects it works. However: 1) Calling http://cawoodm.iriscouch.com/tw/_design/app/ just returns the design doc JSON and does not route (rewrite) to index.html 2) Calling http://cawoodm.iriscouch.com/tw/_design/app/index.html does nothing at all. Reason: in site.js the function app.index is unimplemented.

app.index = function () {
// Where is the meat?
boxxxie commented 11 years ago

delete that code and it should work. i've made many couchapps via node.couchapp. you should have to only make minor edits to the files boiler produces to get your app to work. delete the sammy crap, keep site.js, delete the app code. it would be really nice if this guy maintained his projects.... ug