mikeal / nodeconf2013

NodeConf 2013 Planning and Sessions
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DTrace sessions #12

Closed mikeal closed 11 years ago

mikeal commented 11 years ago

@max123 is leading a DTrace session.

Max, we do all the planning here on GitHub. A few things I need from you:

The session should emphasize hands-on experience and include as little "presenting" as possible. Please suggest any people you'd like to have around to help you with the session and we can comp their ticket and add them to this thread, you'll be handling up to 40 people per session and running the session 8 times in a row so it helps to have people around to help.

Can you detail what you're setting up for the network and everything for this session?

hueniverse commented 11 years ago

Sweet! I demand a private lesson!

max123 commented 11 years ago

This will be performance analysis and debugging with DTrace (and probably mdb, haven't decided that part yet). Will there be a network in the room that attendees can use? Basically, I'll have attendees log into a virtual machine on my laptop (gotta find out if I can put 40 VMs on it). That way they'll have access to DTrace (and mdb).

mikeal commented 11 years ago

@isaacs said that Joyent could setup a network. there is a network at the camp but you should assume that it will crash because it's built for children attending summercamp, not for 300 geeks with 3 devices each :)

Ok, we can't assume people already have SSH tools setup (people who run Windows may be there) so I'll need you to give me some tools for people to install either before they come to the camp or from a usb flash drive.

Also, people won't make it very far if they can't use the editor they are comfortable with. Can't assume everyone knows vim, so we may want to investigate some SCP tools that can mount the SSH fs like a local fs they can edit in their normal editor.

mikeal commented 11 years ago

@max123 if you can set a gravatar picture I can get you on the website :)

max123 commented 11 years ago

Hi Mikeal,

I have a gravatar. What do I do with it?


On May 9, 2013, at 1:02 PM, Mikeal Rogers notifications@github.com wrote:

@max123 if you can set a gravatar picture I can get you on the website :)

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mikeal commented 11 years ago

I'll add it to the site today :)

max123 commented 11 years ago

I shall be bringing a wireless router that will allow 40 people to ssh to 40 different SmartOS instances running on my laptop. I have tested using all 40 instances, and it works (though I haven't tested 40 different connections over the router). I need to make sure people who have Windows have putty (or some other ssh client) installed.


mikeal commented 11 years ago

Cool, if you have any setup steps people need before the conference (like installing putty if they haven't already) I can send them out before the conference.

Keep in mind that not everyone knows vim :) It might be a good idea to suggest some kind of ssh-fake-filesystem thing so that people can use the editors they are comfortable with.

max123 commented 11 years ago

If they have ssh, they should also have scp (I believe it comes with putty). So yes, please tell people they'll need putty. I don't have a windows machine, so no idea how to install/configure it. With scp, they can copy the files from their SmartOS instance on my laptop to their laptops, and use whatever editor they want. Then copy their modified files back to my laptop to test. By the way, I don't really know vim. Emacs user since before vi existed... And emacs does run on windows. :)

max123 commented 11 years ago

My plan is to talk about 10 minutes on what is DTrace and how it can be used with node. Then describe 1-2 node apps that they will be using DTrace with. And then give them instructions on what they need to do with the apps and DTrace. Then let them do it.

domenic commented 11 years ago

With scp, they can copy the files from their SmartOS instance on my laptop to their laptops, and use whatever editor they want. Then copy their modified files back to my laptop to test.

Please provide detailed instructions for that. I have no idea how I would do that on Windows.

While you're at it, detailed instructions on putty would be nice too, as I've only acquired knowledge of how to use that crazy program after years of pain and suffering.

max123 commented 11 years ago

I have not used putty in several years (no need as I have no windows machine). As I recall, putty has ssh as well as scp. No idea how to install it or use it…

On Jun 11, 2013, at 9:43 AM, Domenic Denicola notifications@github.com wrote:

With scp, they can copy the files from their SmartOS instance on my laptop to their laptops, and use whatever editor they want. Then copy their modified files back to my laptop to test.

Please provide detailed instructions for that. I have no idea how I would do that on Windows.

While you're at it, detailed instructions on putty would be nice too, as I've only acquired knowledge of how to use that crazy program after years of pain and suffering.

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mikeal commented 11 years ago

maybe @piscisaureus can enlighten us as to the experience and workflow of a windows developer :)

mikeal commented 11 years ago

@max123 that format sounds great, seeing a live running app will be a great experience. is there some sort of tool they'll have to simulate load they can watch?

piscisaureus commented 11 years ago

@mikeal @max123

If people have git installed that should be fine. They can fire up ssh from the "git bash" console.

Both mingw32 and cygwin also ship with ssh, so having either of those is good too.

If people want to use putty, that works, but adding/generating/exporting keys is different from ssh. It's probably easiest if you just give attendees a username and a password.

max123 commented 11 years ago

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 11, 2013, at 18:49, Mikeal Rogers notifications@github.com wrote:

@max123 that format sounds great, seeing a live running app will be a great experience. is there some sort of tool they'll have to simulate load they can watch?

I haven't decided that yet, but yes, there will be a tool for simulating load.

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max123 commented 11 years ago

Everyone will have user name "student", with a password. So no need to set up ssh key. But they will need to have ssh, and if they want to edit on their laptop, they'll need scp.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 11, 2013, at 19:01, Bert Belder notifications@github.com wrote:

@mikeal @max123

If people have git installed that should be fine. They can fire up ssh from the "git bash" console.

Both mingw32 and cygwin also ship with ssh, so having either of those is good too.

If people want to use putty, that works, but adding/generating/exporting keys is different from ssh. It's probably easiest if you just give attendees a username and a password.

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aulvi commented 11 years ago

Putty standalone is just a telnet/ssh client, but you can download an archive with all the utilities: http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/putty.zip

I can provide fairly detailed docs on setting up Putty and getting ssh keys working under Windows, I wrote these a few months ago for a client and can quickly re-purpose them. However, I strongly advocate that you avoid using keys if possible. More hassle than it's worth, tbh.

On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 10:01 AM, Bert Belder notifications@github.comwrote:

@mikeal https://github.com/mikeal @max123 https://github.com/max123

If people have git installed that should be fine. They can fire up ssh from the "git bash" console.

Both mingw32 and cygwin also ship with ssh, so having either of those is good too.

If people want to use putty, that works, but adding/generating/exporting keys is different from ssh. It's probably easiest if you just give attendees a username and a password.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/mikeal/nodeconf2013/issues/12#issuecomment-19275243 .

mikeal commented 11 years ago

That's great for editing. The node.js services they will run and inspect, will the code for those already be on the server they SSH in to?

On Jun 11, 2013, at 10:33AM, Max Bruning notifications@github.com wrote:

Everyone will have user name "student", with a password. So no need to set up ssh key. But they will need to have ssh, and if they want to edit on their laptop, they'll need scp.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 11, 2013, at 19:01, Bert Belder notifications@github.com wrote:

@mikeal @max123

If people have git installed that should be fine. They can fire up ssh from the "git bash" console.

Both mingw32 and cygwin also ship with ssh, so having either of those is good too.

If people want to use putty, that works, but adding/generating/exporting keys is different from ssh. It's probably easiest if you just give attendees a username and a password.

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max123 commented 11 years ago

Everything will be set up on the machines. They should be able to ssh in (using a login/password), run the labs, edit and make changes, and run again. They can edit on the virtual machine they ssh into, or they can scp the files to their laptop, edit there, and scp back to the virtual machine to test.

On Jun 11, 2013, at 10:37 AM, Mikeal Rogers notifications@github.com wrote:

That's great for editing. The node.js services they will run and inspect, will the code for those already be on the server they SSH in to?

On Jun 11, 2013, at 10:33AM, Max Bruning notifications@github.com wrote:

Everyone will have user name "student", with a password. So no need to set up ssh key. But they will need to have ssh, and if they want to edit on their laptop, they'll need scp.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 11, 2013, at 19:01, Bert Belder notifications@github.com wrote:

@mikeal @max123

If people have git installed that should be fine. They can fire up ssh from the "git bash" console.

Both mingw32 and cygwin also ship with ssh, so having either of those is good too.

If people want to use putty, that works, but adding/generating/exporting keys is different from ssh. It's probably easiest if you just give attendees a username and a password.

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max123 commented 11 years ago

The "git bash" console? They run this from a terminal window on a windows machine???

aulvi commented 11 years ago

Yup, exactly right. It's another program in their Start Menu under Git. I just tested this a moment ago "git bash" has ssh and scp.

On Tue, Jun 11, 2013 at 11:38 AM, Max Bruning notifications@github.comwrote:

The "git bash" console? They run this from a terminal window on a windows machine???

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/mikeal/nodeconf2013/issues/12#issuecomment-19283291 .

max123 commented 11 years ago

On a completely different note…

Can anyone tell me about accommodations at Walker Creek? Am I going to be sleeping in a room with 5 other people who all snore? Would it be better to bring a tent? Or is the plan to not bother sleeping for a couple of days…

thanks, max

max123 commented 11 years ago

On a completely different note…

Can anyone tell me about accommodations at Walker Creek? Am I going to be sleeping in a room with 5 other people who all snore? Would it be better to bring a tent? Or is the plan to not bother sleeping for a couple of days…

mikeal commented 11 years ago

@max123 you're in the "semi-private" room, which means you get a bed that is not a bunk bed but is in a room with a few other people who statistically will not all snore. There will be ear plugs available if you like :)

You are welcome to bring a tent and camp out, there's plenty of camp space if that's what you prefer.

max123 commented 11 years ago


On Jun 12, 2013, at 2:26 PM, Mikeal Rogers notifications@github.com wrote:

@max123 you're in the "semi-private" room, which means you get a bed that is not a bunk bed but is in a room with a few other people who statistically will not all snore. There will be ear plugs available if you like :)

You are welcome to bring a tent and camp out, there's plenty of camp space if that's what you prefer.

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hueniverse commented 11 years ago

After a day of sessions, drinks, food, swimming, more drinks, more food, and s'mores (and some more drinks), the likelihood if you caring about someone snoring is very very small.