mikeal / nodeconf2013

NodeConf 2013 Planning and Sessions
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Photo Bomb #20

Open mikeal opened 11 years ago

mikeal commented 11 years ago

I'd love to collect links to all the photos people took at NodecConf this year. Please add links to comments and what not.

Thank You!

mikeal commented 11 years ago


dshaw commented 11 years ago


mikeal commented 11 years ago


zaach commented 11 years ago


oren commented 11 years ago

5 minutes video - http://engineering.yp.com/post/nodeconf

emilygit commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the good times! https://plus.google.com/+joyent/posts/3sfWvbhft6F

adparadise commented 10 years ago

A bit of NodeConf nostalgia: http://www.flickr.com/photos/23765981@N08/sets/72157634999269008

hueniverse commented 10 years ago

Family photo https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bb7eve4kcs3ux81/OW0EKBNTX8