mikeal / nodeconf2013

NodeConf 2013 Planning and Sessions
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Core Planning #4

Closed mikeal closed 11 years ago

mikeal commented 11 years ago

I'd like to use this issue for planning the core session.

The idea is that this session will teach people the basic layout of node core, particularly lib/, and possibly how the module system really works.

Another goal of the session is to get people comfortable with the idea of hacking on core and possibly submitting a pull request or just taking part in an issue. At the very least, it would be nice to give people some idea of the social aspect of how node is built so that they feel it's accessible were they to need it.


domenic commented 11 years ago

One of the most effective demos I've seen in intro-to-Node talks is firing up node-inspector and debugging into the core modules. This has a few nice benefits:

mikeal commented 11 years ago

adding @piscisaureus to this session.

piscisaureus commented 11 years ago

To actually compile core people need a complete toolchain. Can we ensure that people have these upfront? Otherwise we'll spend half of the session getting it all to work.

mikeal commented 11 years ago

can we depend on a package in the package.json for nodeconf2013 that requires all the build tools for node core? that way if they've installed nodeconf2013 we know they can compile core.

isaacs commented 11 years ago

Pretty much any module with a binary component will require a build toolchain. How about adding weak as a dependency? We use that in core to run GC tests anyway.

mikeal commented 11 years ago

that won't validate that you have OpenSSL. are there are other deps that aren't bundled?

piscisaureus commented 11 years ago

OpenSSL is bundled.

mikeal commented 11 years ago

I'm thinking of adding to the instructions that everyone fork nodejs on GitHub and check it out. This would be a little more enabling than just having the code in the nodeconf2013 package.

What do you guys think?

piscisaureus commented 11 years ago

Maybe tell people to compile node.js master? It doesn't require much setup.

isaacs commented 11 years ago

Just tell them to compile Node.js. That's the best way to know that they can compile Node.js.

mikeal commented 11 years ago

I can add that to the instructions.