mikeal / nodeconf2014

NodeConf 2014 Organizing and Planning.
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C Bindings Session #13

Open mikeal opened 10 years ago

mikeal commented 10 years ago

This is both a question and a challenge: Can we make a workshopper and session that makes writing C addons approachable and simple enough that they would be accessible to people who haven't written C or C++ before?

@rvagg @isaacs

rvagg commented 10 years ago

sure can, writing a workshopper on this was my "next project" at one stage... somehow that got overtaken by the bazillion other "next projects" I have.

mikeal commented 10 years ago

ok... if we do a level session then we'll have to decide which one you're leading and what people we can hand the other off to :)

mikeal commented 10 years ago

one big issue i see is the toolchain. it's pretty easy to assume people on any OS have an editor and can install node to get the other workshoppers up and running. but with compiled shit it might be harder to assume that someones preferred development toolchain can do this and that the workshopper can be broad enough to support the variety.

rvagg commented 10 years ago

Because Windows; mostly it'll just be a matter of having tools downloaded and ready to hand out on USB stick or local network somewhere (Microsoft VS, XCode), tho these companies are increasingly making it difficult to install their crap without having some kind of internet-verified code or even using an internet-only install path. Maybe it can just be an elite workshop, held in the woods, only for people with Linux laptops and beards and no shoes.

dominictarr commented 10 years ago

retweet https://github.com/mikeal/nodeconf2014/issues/13#issuecomment-33747913

chrisdickinson commented 10 years ago

Is there a way we could pull in @thlorenz on this? He seems to be pretty deep into dotc, which would lend itself nicely to the workshopper format.

mikeal commented 10 years ago

Adding @ceejbot to this one.

rvagg commented 9 years ago

Open sourced last night at https://github.com/rvagg/goingnative and in npm as goingnative

@ceejbot should be able to give anyone a run-through that wants it today. It's very basic material, assuming very little C/C++ knowledge, and I don't expect people to get very far into it but it's designed to give a taste of the potential. Currently has way too much documentation and too few exercises for me to be happy about its completeness but it's still a work in progress and it'll work out fine!

rvagg commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately this was picked up on the twitterz last night too so it's not exactly secret any more.

rvagg commented 9 years ago

Aaaaaaand we have Windows support! w00t! unfortunately it's likely we'll be spending the whole 30 minutes installing MSVC and whatnot but hopefully that yak shave has already happened because they've had to build native addons before.

By the way: I'm going to have a bunch of USB drives with windows compile tools on it, MSVC (all of it) & Python, I'm not sure if that's helpful to anyone else but feel free to send people my way for help (room 6).