mikebrady / shairport-sync

AirPlay and AirPlay 2 audio player
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How do I check status of a shairport-sync instance? #248

Closed cre8dojo closed 8 years ago

cre8dojo commented 8 years ago

I have several instances running on startup of my raspberry pi:

`pi@raspberrypi:/sys/class/gpio/gpio3 $ ps ax | grep shair 453 ? Ssl 0:00 /usr/local/bin/shairport-sync -c /etc/shairport-syncZone_HW2_Right.conf 455 ? Ssl 0:00 /usr/local/bin/shairport-sync -c /etc/shairport-syncZone_HW2.conf 456 ? Ssl 0:00 /usr/local/bin/shairport-sync -c /etc/shairport-syncZone_HW1_Left.conf 460 ? Ssl 0:00 /usr/local/bin/shairport-sync -c /etc/shairport-syncZone_HW0.conf 461 ? Ssl 0:00 /usr/local/bin/shairport-sync -c /etc/shairport-syncZone_HW2_Left.conf 465 ? Ssl 0:00 /usr/local/bin/shairport-sync -c /etc/shairport-syncZone_HW1_Right.conf 3551 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto shair

pi@raspberrypi:/sys/class/gpio/gpio3 $ systemctl |grep Zone shairport-sync@Zone_HW0.service - loaded active running ShairportSync AirTunes receiver Zone_HW0 shairport-sync@Zone_HW1_Left.service - loaded active running ShairportSync AirTunes receiver Zone_HW1_Left shairport-sync@Zone_HW1_Right.service - loaded active running ShairportSync AirTunes receiver Zone_HW1_Right shairport-sync@Zone_HW2.service - loaded active running ShairportSync AirTunes receiver Zone_HW2 shairport-sync@Zone_HW2_Left.service - loaded active running ShairportSync AirTunes receiver Zone_HW2_Left shairport-sync@Zone_HW2_Right.service - loaded active running ShairportSync AirTunes receiver Zone_HW2_Right`

I want to start using the run_this_before_play_begins and run_this_after_play_ends parameters in the conf files to turn amps on/off when needed. I need to check status of specific shairport-sync instances to determine if/when to switch amps on/off in the case where instances share an amp.

How can I determine from a script that instanceB of shairport-sync is active/connected/playing when user stops playing via instanceA?

Also, are these parameters for when a users plays/stops/pauses or connects/disconnects?

Thanks, Rey

cre8dojo commented 8 years ago

Also, can we specific a variable in the run_this parameters to be able to pass connection info? e.g.

run_this_before_play_begins = "/usr/bin/shairport_sync_script.sh before $X-Apple-Client-Name"

So I can pass the action 'before' and the name of the source device connected?

roblan commented 8 years ago

play_begins/ends are triggered on connect/disconnect (but normally client disconnects after abouts 3s after pause).

Actual status of chosen shairport-sync instance could be saved somwhere (in a file maybe?) using play_begins/ends scripts.

And You can get connection info using https://github.com/mikebrady/shairport-sync-metadata-reader althought metadata format seems to be a bit unreliable. So connection info in before/after scripts as variables looks like a nice idea.

cre8dojo commented 8 years ago

Thank you! I'll take a look at metadata-reader. And I implemented your suggestion for keeping track with files:

run_this_before_play_begins = "/usr/bin/shairport_before_after.sh before HW1_Stereo"; run_this_after_play_ends = "/usr/bin/shairport_before_after.sh after HW1_Stereo";

shairport_before_after.sh: (simplified because I have both amps on one relay for now)


logfile=/tmp/test_shair.log gpioDir=/sys/class/gpio inUseFile=/tmp/amp_inuse

echo $1 >> ${logfile} echo $2 >> ${logfile}

echo $USER >> ${logfile}

echo pwd >> ${logfile}

echo '' >> ${logfile}

amp1="HW2_Stereo HW2_Left HW2_Right" amp2="HW1_Stereo HW1_Left HW1_Right"

if [ ! -d /sys/class/gpio/gpio2 ] then echo "need to export pin" >> ${logfile} echo 2 > ${gpioDir}/export while [ ! -f ${gpioDir}/gpio2/direction ] do echo "sleep until pin exported" >> ${logfile} sleep 0.1 done while [[ ! ls -l ${gpioDir}/gpio2/direction =~ "root gpio" ]] do echo "sleep until permissions set on pin" >> ${logfile} sleep 0.5 done echo "setting direction of pin" >> ${logfile} echo out > ${gpioDir}/gpio2/direction fi

if [ ${1} == "before" ] then


    touch ${inUseFile}$2
    echo "turning amp on"  >> ${logfile}
    echo 0 > ${gpioDir}/gpio2/value

elif [ ${1} == "after" ] then


    if [ -f ${inUseFile}$2 ]; then rm -f ${inUseFile}$2; fi
    sleep 10
    if [ `ls -l ${inUseFile}* | wc -l` == 0 ]
            echo "turning amp off"  >> ${logfile}
            echo 1 > ${gpioDir}/gpio2/value

fi echo '------------------' >> ${logfile} echo '' >> ${logfile} echo '' >> ${logfile}

Thanks again for this wonderful project!

mikebrady commented 8 years ago

Hi there. I'm closing this issue, if that's okay. Please feel free to reopen it if there are any developments.

Bob2345de commented 5 years ago

Also wanted to turn off my 6 zone amp only when no streams were running, this worked for me. It checks if a shairport instance is running one of the top 3 cpu loads and if so runs my expect script. Depending on what you have running on your system you might need to increase the 3 to something higher. In my case shairport always has the highest cpu load when receiving a stream (approx 10% cpu on RASPI 3) otherwise all instances are idle.

! /bin/bash

echo "Standby script ran at $(date)" >> /etc/Denon_on_off.txt sleep 40s if top -b -n 1 | head | grep -A 3 PID | grep shairport > /dev/null

then echo "shairport running will turn NOT off AMP power" >> /etc/Denon_on_off.txt else echo "shairport NOT running will turn off AMP power" >> /etc/Denon_on_off.txt expect -d /etc/Denon_standby.exp echo "Denon turned to Standby at $(date)" >> /etc/Denon_on_off.txt fi

microfx commented 2 years ago

Thank you! Works perfectly! Incorporated it so Librespot also uses this script to determine whether it should turn off the amp or not. Great!