mikebrady / shairport-sync

AirPlay and AirPlay 2 audio player
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Crash on disconnect #482

Closed ncp1113 closed 6 years ago

ncp1113 commented 7 years ago

I am getting an error main process exited, code=killed, status=11/SEGV. It occurs when the device switches from Airplay to the local device sound. I am using scripts to turn on the receiver when shairport-sync starts and stop. turnonreceiver:

import pigpio
pi = pigpio.pi()
pi.write(14, 1)

turnoff receiver:

import pigpio
pi = pigpio.pi()
pi.write(14, 0)

My config file is:

general =
    name = "Den";
    interpolation = "soxr";
    log_verbosity = (3);

alsa =
    output_device = "hw:0,1";
    mixer_control_name = "PCM";
    mixer_device = "hw:0";

sessioncontrol =
    run_this_before_play_begins = "/home/pi/turnonreceiver";
    run_this_after_play_ends = "/home/pi/turnoffreceiver";

Here is my log:

Feb 26 19:41:53 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Output device name is "hw:0,1".
Feb 26 19:41:53 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Open Mixer
Feb 26 19:41:53 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Mixer device name is "hw:0".
Feb 26 19:41:53 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Mixer Control name is "PCM".
Feb 26 19:41:53 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Lowest dB value is a mute -- try minimum volume +1
Feb 26 19:41:53 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Hardware mixer has dB volume from -102.380000 to 4.000000.
Feb 26 19:41:53 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Has mute ability.
Feb 26 19:41:53 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: The processor is running little-endian.
Feb 26 19:41:53 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Version: "3.0d16-OpenSSL-Avahi-ALSA-stdout-pipe-soxr-metadata-sysconfdir:/usr/local/etc"
Feb 26 19:41:53 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: statistics_requester status is 0.
Feb 26 19:41:53 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: daemon status is 0.
Feb 26 19:41:53 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: rtsp listening port is 5000.
Feb 26 19:41:53 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: udp base port is 6001.
Feb 26 19:41:53 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: udp port range is 100.
Feb 26 19:41:53 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Shairport Sync player name is "Den".
Feb 26 19:41:53 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Audio Output name is "(null)".
Feb 26 19:41:53 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: on-start action is "/home/pi/turnonreceiver".
Feb 26 19:41:53 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: on-stop action is "/home/pi/turnoffreceiver".
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: wait-cmd status is 0.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: mdns backend "(null)".
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: userSuppliedLatency is 0.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: AirPlayLatency is -1.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: iTunesLatency is -1.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: forkedDaapdLatency is -1.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: stuffing option is "1" (0-basic, 1-soxr).
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: resync time is 0.050000 seconds.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: allow a session to be interrupted: 0.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: busy timeout time is 120.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: drift tolerance is 0.002000 seconds.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: password is "(null)".
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: ignore_volume_control is 0.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: playback_mode is 0 (0-stereo, 1-mono, 1-reverse_stereo, 2-both_left, 3-both_right).
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: disable_synchronization is 0.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: use_mmap_if_available is 1.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: output_rate is 44100.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: output_format is 3 (0-unknown, 1-S8, 2-U8, 3-S16, 4-S24, 5-S24_3LE, 6-S24_3BE, 7-S32).
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: audio backend desired buffer length is 0.150000 seconds.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: audio backend latency offset is 0.000000 seconds.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: volume range in dB (zero means use the range specified by the mixer): 0.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: zeroconf regtype is "_raop._tcp".
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: decoders_supported field is 1.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: use_apple_decoder is 0.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: configuration file name "/usr/local/etc/shairport-sync.conf" resolves to "/usr/local/etc/shairport-sync.conf".
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: metdata enabled is 0.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: metadata pipename is "(null)".
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: metadata socket address is "(null)" port 0.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: metadata socket packet size is "500".
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: get-coverart is 0.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Successful Startup
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: avahi: avahi_register.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: avahi: register_service.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: avahi: service 'E6490076287C@Den' group is not yet commited.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: avahi: request to add "_raop._tcp" service without metadata
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: avahi: service 'E6490076287C@Den' group is registering.
Feb 26 19:41:54 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: avahi: service 'E6490076287C@Den' successfully added.
Feb 26 19:41:59 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: New RTSP connection from [fe80::85f:a976:b617:d1dc]:56897 to self at [fe80::9746:b48a:5e8:585d]:5000.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 0.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 1383D3BB2F3E6B59.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 1060096272.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/310.15.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "OPTIONS":
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "0"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "1383D3BB2F3E6B59"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "1060096272"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/310.15"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "0"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Public", content: "ANNOUNCE, SETUP, RECORD, PAUSE, FLUSH, TEARDOWN, OPTIONS, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 1.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 1383D3BB2F3E6B59.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 1060096272.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/310.15.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "OPTIONS":
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "1"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "1383D3BB2F3E6B59"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "1060096272"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/310.15"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "1"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Public", content: "ANNOUNCE, SETUP, RECORD, PAUSE, FLUSH, TEARDOWN, OPTIONS, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Apple-Challenge: +/Imt0n8qqGQbcvJWLvsPg==.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 2.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 1383D3BB2F3E6B59.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 1060096272.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/310.15.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "OPTIONS":
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Apple-Challenge", content: "+/Imt0n8qqGQbcvJWLvsPg=="
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "2"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "1383D3BB2F3E6B59"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "1060096272"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/310.15"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Apple-Response", content: "MEP98F+tIlzNagco6I5glN239wdVCd64gws4+2lz3tkdkzxsGOGo7UwXV2Y5qSzqx6Ld6coYGiXD928/EhhvM/V7nB9YAVGQ2384tBIS0ej/Xsv4KuWzeKirsQeMCqyWB5XGQeqpDQFSjM8BL7RsI4fK9QLNoZ4eZyJU3WkIlY5XTqTDkS36x4CYNQozNRxfmBe0GUjJqCXdZnlEHPr4m8zMLjjFmKaLBRbJUlSVcVrh/IsSN1HiZmBCTPP2SoReB3HUqyzyW/9sOCKCjrlWhYkHAbL5Uh5IoTjk+ivORD43LZ0sXEVQpmkHEZqmUK2Ur/H9PpOL95XOUzqrWCG2jQ"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "2"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Public", content: "ANNOUNCE, SETUP, RECORD, PAUSE, FLUSH, TEARDOWN, OPTIONS, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Content-Length: 679.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Content-Type: application/sdp.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 3.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 1383D3BB2F3E6B59.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 1060096272.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/310.15.
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "ANNOUNCE":
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Content-Length", content: "679"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Content-Type", content: "application/sdp"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "3"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "1383D3BB2F3E6B59"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "1060096272"
Feb 26 19:42:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/310.15"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Play connection from user agent "AirPlay/310.15".
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "3"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Transport: RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;mode=record;timing_port=65295;control_port=61403.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 4.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 1383D3BB2F3E6B59.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 1060096272.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/310.15.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "SETUP":
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Transport", content: "RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;mode=record;timing_port=65295;control_port=61403"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "4"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "1383D3BB2F3E6B59"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "1060096272"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/310.15"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote string seen: "1060096272".
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID string seen: "1383D3BB2F3E6B59".
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent is AirPlay; selecting the AirPlay latency of -1 frames.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: rtp_setup: cport=61403 tport=65295.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Set up play connection from fe80::85f:a976:b617:d1dc to self at fe80::9746:b48a:5e8:585d.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: listening for audio, control and timing on ports 6001, 6002, 6003.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "4"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Transport", content: "RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;interleaved=0-1;mode=record;control_port=6002;timing_port=6003;server_port=6001"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Session", content: "1"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 5.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 1383D3BB2F3E6B59.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 1060096272.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/310.15.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "RECORD":
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "5"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "1383D3BB2F3E6B59"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "1060096272"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/310.15"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "5"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Audio-Latency", content: "11025"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Content-Length: 20.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Content-Type: text/parameters.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 6.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 1383D3BB2F3E6B59.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 1060096272.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/310.15.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "SET_PARAMETER":
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Content-Length", content: "20"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Content-Type", content: "text/parameters"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "6"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "1383D3BB2F3E6B59"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "1060096272"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/310.15"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: volume: -13.269041
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Setting volume db to -2238.981764.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "6"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Output sample ratio is 1.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Output frame bytes is 4.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Audio receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Control receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Timing receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Sync packet received before we got a timing packet back.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Output bit depth is 16.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Timing sender thread starting.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: syncing to seqno 24000.
Feb 26 19:42:01 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Hammerton Decoder used on encrypted audio.
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Output sample ratio is 1
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Output written using MMAP
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: PCM handle name = 'hw:0,1'
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: alsa device parameters:
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: access type = MMAP_INTERLEAVED
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: format = 'S16_LE' (Signed 16 bit Little Endian)
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: subformat = 'STD' (Standard)
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: number of channels = 2
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: number of significant bits = 16
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: rate = 44100 frames per second (precisely).
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: precise (rational) rate = 0.000 frames per second (i.e. 0/1088784512).
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: period_time = 5804 us (>).
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: period_size = 256 frames (precisely).
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: buffer_time = 371519 us (>).
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: buffer_size = 16384 frames (>).
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: periods_per_buffer = 64 (precisely).
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Open Mixer
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Mixer device name is "hw:0".
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Mixer Control name is "PCM".
Feb 26 19:42:02 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Setting volume db to -2238.981764.
Feb 26 19:42:03 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 7.
Feb 26 19:42:03 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 1383D3BB2F3E6B59.
Feb 26 19:42:03 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 1060096272.
Feb 26 19:42:03 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/310.15.
Feb 26 19:42:03 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "OPTIONS":
Feb 26 19:42:03 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "7"
Feb 26 19:42:03 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "1383D3BB2F3E6B59"
Feb 26 19:42:03 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "1060096272"
Feb 26 19:42:03 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/310.15"
Feb 26 19:42:03 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:03 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "7"
Feb 26 19:42:03 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:03 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Public", content: "ANNOUNCE, SETUP, RECORD, PAUSE, FLUSH, TEARDOWN, OPTIONS, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER"
Feb 26 19:42:05 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 8.
Feb 26 19:42:05 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 1383D3BB2F3E6B59.
Feb 26 19:42:05 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 1060096272.
Feb 26 19:42:05 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/310.15.
Feb 26 19:42:05 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "OPTIONS":
Feb 26 19:42:05 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "8"
Feb 26 19:42:05 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "1383D3BB2F3E6B59"
Feb 26 19:42:05 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "1060096272"
Feb 26 19:42:05 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/310.15"
Feb 26 19:42:05 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:05 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "8"
Feb 26 19:42:05 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:05 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Public", content: "ANNOUNCE, SETUP, RECORD, PAUSE, FLUSH, TEARDOWN, OPTIONS, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER"
Feb 26 19:42:07 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 9.
Feb 26 19:42:07 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 1383D3BB2F3E6B59.
Feb 26 19:42:07 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 1060096272.
Feb 26 19:42:07 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/310.15.
Feb 26 19:42:07 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "OPTIONS":
Feb 26 19:42:07 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "9"
Feb 26 19:42:07 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "1383D3BB2F3E6B59"
Feb 26 19:42:07 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "1060096272"
Feb 26 19:42:07 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/310.15"
Feb 26 19:42:07 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:07 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "9"
Feb 26 19:42:07 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:07 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Public", content: "ANNOUNCE, SETUP, RECORD, PAUSE, FLUSH, TEARDOWN, OPTIONS, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER"
Feb 26 19:42:09 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 10.
Feb 26 19:42:09 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 1383D3BB2F3E6B59.
Feb 26 19:42:09 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 1060096272.
Feb 26 19:42:09 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/310.15.
Feb 26 19:42:09 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "OPTIONS":
Feb 26 19:42:09 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "10"
Feb 26 19:42:09 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "1383D3BB2F3E6B59"
Feb 26 19:42:09 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "1060096272"
Feb 26 19:42:09 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/310.15"
Feb 26 19:42:09 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:09 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "10"
Feb 26 19:42:09 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:09 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Public", content: "ANNOUNCE, SETUP, RECORD, PAUSE, FLUSH, TEARDOWN, OPTIONS, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER"
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24969.
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24970.
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24971.
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24972.
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24973.
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 11.
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 1383D3BB2F3E6B59.
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 1060096272.
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/310.15.
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "TEARDOWN":
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "11"
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "1383D3BB2F3E6B59"
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "1060096272"
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/310.15"
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "11"
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Connection", content: "close"
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP shutdown requested.
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Closing down RTSP conversation thread...
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Shut down audio, control and timing threads
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Timing thread interrupted. terminating.
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Control RTP thread interrupted. terminating.
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: rtp_timing_sender thread interrupted. terminating.
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Closed and terminated timer requester thread.
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Timing RTP thread terminated.
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Audio receiver -- Server RTP thread interrupted. terminating.
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: timing thread joined
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: audio thread joined
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: control thread joined
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Player thread exit
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: shutting down RTP thread
Feb 26 19:42:10 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP conversation thread terminated.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: one thread joined...
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: New RTSP connection from [fe80::c42:bc6e:65e7:1e9a]:55192 to self at [fe80::9746:b48a:5e8:585d]:5000.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Apple-Challenge: ReyNKB6jDX9z//0H5r/vSQ==.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 0.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 68F9AE9A055DA273.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 591120608.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/280.33.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "OPTIONS":
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Apple-Challenge", content: "ReyNKB6jDX9z//0H5r/vSQ=="
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "0"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "68F9AE9A055DA273"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "591120608"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/280.33"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Apple-Response", content: "56v/HHGVKw6/PYcAe4AqV9iTe1EMNDDbZU/g7bnCJiL2ktW030YslACIdEejC3SjEiFh6X4orrMtm54l+VvpSB6+F+/rs8tpjVTQUhV14YhwUt143duTzrIm0HSO+ZtjE8Qi8a930xJGiK+5DZZX1Hqlot1kOQTHrLEktriMj4WVJjWa1KQu3qEWPfLDJpuoMDWJ3QxeCHNx1vyTxc/XfsKD3LnSJutY6E+jpid067ot+SDh88/ufB7fe1hqAsKyLiG+ig1N5dO+gD9r6DXMGi6Rl4xh3t0Z3bs39QiCt7nX657zr0X2yG4Gofwgc/ze9Pj1erHt3ZyKKIg1Ji4mtQ"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "0"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Public", content: "ANNOUNCE, SETUP, RECORD, PAUSE, FLUSH, TEARDOWN, OPTIONS, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Content-Length: 672.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Content-Type: application/sdp.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 1.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 68F9AE9A055DA273.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 591120608.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/280.33.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "ANNOUNCE":
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Content-Length", content: "672"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Content-Type", content: "application/sdp"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "1"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "68F9AE9A055DA273"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "591120608"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/280.33"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Play connection from user agent "AirPlay/280.33".
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "1"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Transport: RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;mode=record;timing_port=57901;control_port=63204.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 2.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 68F9AE9A055DA273.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 591120608.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/280.33.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "SETUP":
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Transport", content: "RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;mode=record;timing_port=57901;control_port=63204"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "2"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "68F9AE9A055DA273"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "591120608"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/280.33"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote string seen: "591120608".
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID string seen: "68F9AE9A055DA273".
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent is AirPlay; selecting the AirPlay latency of -1 frames.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: rtp_setup: cport=63204 tport=57901.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Set up play connection from fe80::c42:bc6e:65e7:1e9a to self at fe80::9746:b48a:5e8:585d.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: listening for audio, control and timing on ports 6001, 6002, 6003.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "2"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Transport", content: "RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;interleaved=0-1;mode=record;control_port=6002;timing_port=6003;server_port=6001"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Session", content: "1"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Output sample ratio is 1.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Output frame bytes is 4.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Control receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Output bit depth is 16.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Audio receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Timing receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.    CSeq: 3.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 68F9AE9A055DA273.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 591120608.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/280.33.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "RECORD":
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "3"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "68F9AE9A055DA273"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "591120608"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/280.33"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "3"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Audio-Latency", content: "11025"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Timing sender thread starting.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Content-Length: 20.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Content-Type: text/parameters.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 4.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 68F9AE9A055DA273.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 591120608.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/280.33.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "SET_PARAMETER":
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Content-Length", content: "20"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Content-Type", content: "text/parameters"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "4"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "68F9AE9A055DA273"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "591120608"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/280.33"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: volume: -15.255682
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Setting volume db to -2872.998351.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "4"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: syncing to seqno 1212.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Output sample ratio is 1
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Open Mixer
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Mixer device name is "hw:0".
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Mixer Control name is "PCM".
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Setting volume db to -2872.998351.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTP-Info: seq=1212;rtptime=963860071.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 5.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 68F9AE9A055DA273.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 591120608.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/280.33.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "FLUSH":
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "RTP-Info", content: "seq=1212;rtptime=963860071"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "5"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "68F9AE9A055DA273"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "591120608"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/280.33"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Flush requested up to 963860071. It seems as if 0 is special.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "5"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: syncing to seqno 1223.
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Output sample ratio is 1
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Open Mixer
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Mixer device name is "hw:0".
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Mixer Control name is "PCM".
Feb 26 19:42:26 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Setting volume db to -2872.998351.
Feb 26 19:42:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 6.
Feb 26 19:42:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 68F9AE9A055DA273.
Feb 26 19:42:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 591120608.
Feb 26 19:42:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/280.33.
Feb 26 19:42:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "OPTIONS":
Feb 26 19:42:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "6"
Feb 26 19:42:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "68F9AE9A055DA273"
Feb 26 19:42:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "591120608"
Feb 26 19:42:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/280.33"
Feb 26 19:42:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "6"
Feb 26 19:42:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Public", content: "ANNOUNCE, SETUP, RECORD, PAUSE, FLUSH, TEARDOWN, OPTIONS, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER"
Feb 26 19:42:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: syncing to seqno 1460.
Feb 26 19:42:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Output sample ratio is 1
Feb 26 19:42:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Open Mixer
Feb 26 19:42:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Mixer device name is "hw:0".
Feb 26 19:42:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Mixer Control name is "PCM".
Feb 26 19:42:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Setting volume db to -2872.998351.
Feb 26 19:42:30 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 7.
Feb 26 19:42:30 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 68F9AE9A055DA273.
Feb 26 19:42:30 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 591120608.
Feb 26 19:42:30 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/280.33.
Feb 26 19:42:30 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "OPTIONS":
Feb 26 19:42:30 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "7"
Feb 26 19:42:30 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "68F9AE9A055DA273"
Feb 26 19:42:30 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "591120608"
Feb 26 19:42:30 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/280.33"
Feb 26 19:42:30 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:30 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "7"
Feb 26 19:42:30 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:30 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Public", content: "ANNOUNCE, SETUP, RECORD, PAUSE, FLUSH, TEARDOWN, OPTIONS, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER"
Feb 26 19:42:32 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 8.
Feb 26 19:42:32 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 68F9AE9A055DA273.
Feb 26 19:42:32 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 591120608.
Feb 26 19:42:32 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/280.33.
Feb 26 19:42:32 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "OPTIONS":
Feb 26 19:42:32 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "8"
Feb 26 19:42:32 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "68F9AE9A055DA273"
Feb 26 19:42:32 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "591120608"
Feb 26 19:42:32 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/280.33"
Feb 26 19:42:32 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:32 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "8"
Feb 26 19:42:32 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:32 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Public", content: "ANNOUNCE, SETUP, RECORD, PAUSE, FLUSH, TEARDOWN, OPTIONS, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER"
Feb 26 19:42:34 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 9.
Feb 26 19:42:34 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 68F9AE9A055DA273.
Feb 26 19:42:34 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 591120608.
Feb 26 19:42:34 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/280.33.
Feb 26 19:42:34 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "OPTIONS":
Feb 26 19:42:34 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "9"
Feb 26 19:42:34 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "68F9AE9A055DA273"
Feb 26 19:42:34 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "591120608"
Feb 26 19:42:34 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/280.33"
Feb 26 19:42:34 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:34 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "9"
Feb 26 19:42:34 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:34 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Public", content: "ANNOUNCE, SETUP, RECORD, PAUSE, FLUSH, TEARDOWN, OPTIONS, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER"
Feb 26 19:42:36 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 10.
Feb 26 19:42:36 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 68F9AE9A055DA273.
Feb 26 19:42:36 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 591120608.
Feb 26 19:42:36 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/280.33.
Feb 26 19:42:36 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "OPTIONS":
Feb 26 19:42:36 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "10"
Feb 26 19:42:36 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "68F9AE9A055DA273"
Feb 26 19:42:36 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "591120608"
Feb 26 19:42:36 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/280.33"
Feb 26 19:42:36 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:36 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "10"
Feb 26 19:42:36 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:36 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Public", content: "ANNOUNCE, SETUP, RECORD, PAUSE, FLUSH, TEARDOWN, OPTIONS, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER"
Feb 26 19:42:38 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 11.
Feb 26 19:42:38 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 68F9AE9A055DA273.
Feb 26 19:42:38 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 591120608.
Feb 26 19:42:38 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/280.33.
Feb 26 19:42:38 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "OPTIONS":
Feb 26 19:42:38 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "11"
Feb 26 19:42:38 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "68F9AE9A055DA273"
Feb 26 19:42:38 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "591120608"
Feb 26 19:42:38 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/280.33"
Feb 26 19:42:38 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:38 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "11"
Feb 26 19:42:38 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:38 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Public", content: "ANNOUNCE, SETUP, RECORD, PAUSE, FLUSH, TEARDOWN, OPTIONS, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER"
Feb 26 19:42:40 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 12.
Feb 26 19:42:40 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 68F9AE9A055DA273.
Feb 26 19:42:40 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 591120608.
Feb 26 19:42:40 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/280.33.
Feb 26 19:42:40 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "OPTIONS":
Feb 26 19:42:40 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "12"
Feb 26 19:42:40 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "68F9AE9A055DA273"
Feb 26 19:42:40 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "591120608"
Feb 26 19:42:40 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/280.33"
Feb 26 19:42:40 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:40 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "12"
Feb 26 19:42:40 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:40 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Public", content: "ANNOUNCE, SETUP, RECORD, PAUSE, FLUSH, TEARDOWN, OPTIONS, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER"
Feb 26 19:42:42 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 13.
Feb 26 19:42:42 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 68F9AE9A055DA273.
Feb 26 19:42:42 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 591120608.
Feb 26 19:42:42 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/280.33.
Feb 26 19:42:42 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "OPTIONS":
Feb 26 19:42:42 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "13"
Feb 26 19:42:42 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "68F9AE9A055DA273"
Feb 26 19:42:42 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "591120608"
Feb 26 19:42:42 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/280.33"
Feb 26 19:42:42 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:42 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "13"
Feb 26 19:42:42 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:42 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Public", content: "ANNOUNCE, SETUP, RECORD, PAUSE, FLUSH, TEARDOWN, OPTIONS, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER"
Feb 26 19:42:44 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: CSeq: 14.
Feb 26 19:42:44 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: DACP-ID: 68F9AE9A055DA273.
Feb 26 19:42:44 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Active-Remote: 591120608.
Feb 26 19:42:44 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: User-Agent: AirPlay/280.33.
Feb 26 19:42:44 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Packet received of type "TEARDOWN":
Feb 26 19:42:44 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "14"
Feb 26 19:42:44 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "DACP-ID", content: "68F9AE9A055DA273"
Feb 26 19:42:44 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Active-Remote", content: "591120608"
Feb 26 19:42:44 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/280.33"
Feb 26 19:42:44 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP Response:
Feb 26 19:42:44 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "CSeq", content: "14"
Feb 26 19:42:44 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Feb 26 19:42:44 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Type: "Connection", content: "close"
Feb 26 19:42:44 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: RTSP shutdown requested.
Feb 26 19:42:44 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1791]: Closing down RTSP conversation thread...
Feb 26 19:42:44 raspberrypi systemd[1]: shairport-sync.service: main process exited, code=killed, status=11/SEGV
Feb 26 19:42:44 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Unit shairport-sync.service entered failed state.
Feb 26 19:50:23 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1862]: Successful Startup
Feb 26 19:51:18 raspberrypi systemd[1]: shairport-sync.service: main process exited, code=killed, status=11/SEGV
Feb 26 19:51:18 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Unit shairport-sync.service entered failed state.
Feb 26 19:57:55 raspberrypi shairport-sync[1949]: Successful Startup
Feb 26 19:59:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: shairport-sync.service: main process exited, code=killed, status=11/SEGV
Feb 26 19:59:41 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Unit shairport-sync.service entered failed state.
mikebrady commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the report. I'd like to try to replicate it, to see if I can reproduce the crash. Does it happen reliably? If so, would you be kind enough to post details such as machine and OS version?

ncp1113 commented 7 years ago

It happens most of the time but not all of the time. Shairport-sync is running on a Raspberry Pi. At first I thought it was just when used with an iPad Mini with iOS 9.3.5 but then it did happen with my MacBook Pro running Sierra version 10.12.3. I would be happy to help with debugging. I am rusty using gdb so I need instructions on how to run the daemon with gdb.

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

Thanks. Let me see if I can get it to happen here. Is the raspberry pi connected over Ethernet or WiFi?

ncp1113 commented 7 years ago

It is running on Wifi.

mikebrady commented 7 years ago


mikebrady commented 7 years ago

One last question, for now, please. What kind of Raspberry Pi is it? (Original, Pi 2, Pi 3?)

ncp1113 commented 7 years ago

Raspberry Pi 3 (RPi3) Model B Quad-Core 1.2 GHz 1 GB RAM

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

Hi there. Trying without too much success to reproduce this. I notice you have soxr interpolation enabled. If you turn it back to basic, can you get the crash to recur? I realise this is a bit of a pain to ask, but the only crashing I can get – in highly unusual circumstances – is a memory allocation bug associated with the soxr decoding (if it's real, I'm sure it's my fault!).

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

Actually, don't trouble yourself. On reflection, it's probably an artefact of a race condition at termination, something going on between some of the threads. I'll keep digging. I was using valgrind, BTW, on an x86 processor.

ncp1113 commented 7 years ago

I used to program in C. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

I will turn off soxr because I am curious. If the crashes stop I’ll let you know.

On Mar 4, 2017, at 3:50 PM, Mike Brady notifications@github.com wrote:

Actually, don't trouble yourself. On reflection, it's probably an artefact of a race condition at termination, between some of the threads. I'll keep digging.

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/mikebrady/shairport-sync/issues/482#issuecomment-284179885, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABl2tSo_-I-UVvEggfwnfWxOKJ1BYgwzks5ric6CgaJpZM4MMgFX.

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

Thanks. Looking through the code, it looks like a new player thread can come into existence at the start of a new play session before the thread associated with old one has gone away, and the code is not fully re-entrant. So, the old thread is deallocating resources that the new thread needs, or something like that... It may take a little while to disentangle this stuff. This is one of the joys of open source!

ncp1113 commented 7 years ago

I turned off soxr and so far it hasn’t crashed. We tried some turning off one device and turning on another and so far so good. I’ll let you know if it crashes again.

Thanks for all of your attention to this. Often with open source developers get bored and move on.


On Mar 5, 2017, at 4:39 AM, Mike Brady notifications@github.com wrote:

Thanks. Looking through the code, it looks like a new player thread can come into existence at the start of a new play session before the thread associated with old one has gone away, and the code is not fully re-entrant. So, the old thread is deallocating resources that the new thread needs, or something like that... It may take a little while to disentangle this stuff. This is one of the joys of open source!

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/mikebrady/shairport-sync/issues/482#issuecomment-284216647, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABl2tX6jBx8SH1lokXUUvXRpRVH58liCks5rioLvgaJpZM4MMgFX.

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

Hi there. I've been cleaning up code that I suspect, but can't prove, is possibly causing problems. It's now on the development branch. I'd be obliged if you tried it out, to see it it's any better.

ncp1113 commented 7 years ago

Sure, Mike, I will. Just so you know, I haven’t had a problem since I turned of soxr. But I will be happy to update the software and let you know if I have a problem.


On Mar 11, 2017, at 3:26 PM, Mike Brady notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi there. I've been cleaning up code that I suspect, but can't prove, is possibly causing problems. It's now on the development branch. I'd be obliged if you tried it out, to see it it's any better.

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/mikebrady/shairport-sync/issues/482#issuecomment-285897593, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABl2tZf3hGtZEN_GzRYFkFVEv2DH4M7aks5rkwOLgaJpZM4MMgFX.

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

Thanks – whenever is convenient. I've made the player thread fully (?) reentrant, so it should have tidied up the issues I think I identified. If you wanted to get a little more detail on what's happening, set the log_verbosity to 1 or 2 and some extra stuff will be recorded in the system log, accessible via the journalctl command, e.g. $sudo journalctl -n 100 -f...

ncp1113 commented 7 years ago

Mike, I updated and restarted. Now I am only getting sound out of the left speaker. We are using hdmi. We checked to make sure it is not the receiver. I then recompiled from scratch. Still only one speaker. I rebooted. No luck. I put soxr back on. Still no luck.

I have verbosity set to 3. But the log is not informative. Here is my conf general = { name = "Den"; interpolation = "soxr"; log_verbosity = (3); udp_port_base=0 };

alsa = { output_device = "hw:0,1"; mixer_control_name = "PCM"; mixer_device = "hw:0"; };

sessioncontrol = { run_this_before_play_begins = "/home/pi/turnonreceiver"; run_this_after_play_ends = "/home/pi/turnoffreceiver"; wait_for_completion="yes"; allow_session_interruption="no"; };

I am not familiar with journalctl. Here is the syslog using cat pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat /var/log/syslog | grep "shairport" Mar 12 16:41:35 raspberrypi shairport-sync[31507]: Successful Startup Mar 12 17:12:59 raspberrypi shairport-sync[31644]: Successful Startup Mar 12 17:19:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[31740]: Successful Startup Mar 12 17:24:34 raspberrypi shairport-sync[3661]: Successful Startup Mar 12 17:24:49 raspberrypi shairport-sync[3725]: Successful Startup Mar 12 17:28:16 raspberrypi shairport-sync[782]: Successful Startup

On Mar 12, 2017, at 10:04 AM, Mike Brady notifications@github.com wrote:

sudo journalctl -n 100 -f...

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

Thanks very much for this. I'm really surprised about the left speaker only thing. A couple of small things. The verbosity should not have brackets around it and you probably don't need the udp_port_base. But none of these explain the left speaker only. I'll check as soon as I can.

ncp1113 commented 7 years ago

I tried reverting to two different commits and I am still having the problem with only one speaker. So I am thinking that it has nothing to do with shairport-sync. It might have something to do with the apt-get upgrade that I did before upgrading shairport-sync.

On Mar 12, 2017, at 1:11 PM, Mike Brady notifications@github.com wrote:

Thanks very much for this. I'm really surprised about the left speaker only thing. A couple of small things. The verbosity should not have brackets around it and you probably don't need the udp_port_base. But none of these explain the left speaker only. I'll check as soon as I can.

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/mikebrady/shairport-sync/issues/482#issuecomment-285958731, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABl2tZo0IyRS8edbzjfePaMaoT3nY1f3ks5rlCdGgaJpZM4MMgFX.

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

I've just been experimenting with an original pi, going via hdmi to a TV, and am not getting the problem with the one speaker. What I have noticed though is that to fully reset the Pi after a problem on the HDMI port, it is necessary to actually power it down and then power it back up. Merely rebooting won't work.

ncp1113 commented 7 years ago

Okay. This is embarrasing. Thanks for all of your help, Mike. It turned out to be a coincidence that I upgraded then there was no right channel. We plugged a device into the receiver and we still weren’t getting the right speaker. There was a wire unplugged.

I am going to bring shairport-sync back up to date and let you know how if we have a crash.

I’m so sorry for sending you down a rabbit hole.


On Mar 12, 2017, at 3:37 PM, Mike Brady notifications@github.com wrote:

I've just been experimenting with an original pi, going via hdmi to a TV, and am not getting the problem with the one speaker. What I have noticed though is that to fully reset the Pi after a problem on the HDMI port, it is necessary to actually power it down and then power it back up. Merely rebooting won't work.

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/mikebrady/shairport-sync/issues/482#issuecomment-285969568, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABl2tX1jqgZBh6cLSO5fC_-TFdY9t-6cks5rlEl-gaJpZM4MMgFX.

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

I'm glad the speaker thing is resolved, Nancy. Please let us know how you do with the update.

ncp1113 commented 7 years ago

I remembered a very old joke. How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb? None. That’s a hardware problem.

Thanks for your understanding.

On Mar 12, 2017, at 4:58 PM, Mike Brady notifications@github.com wrote:

I'm glad the speaker thing is resolved, Nancy. Please let us know how you do with the update.

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/mikebrady/shairport-sync/issues/482#issuecomment-285976015, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABl2tWRqucr_PiCXLYL2ty2IihvJKGytks5rlFyKgaJpZM4MMgFX.

ncp1113 commented 7 years ago

Hi, Mike,

I just want to let you know that we haven’t had a single crash since I took off soxr interpolation. So your first instinct was right.

Thanks so much for all of your help.


On Mar 12, 2017, at 4:58 PM, Mike Brady notifications@github.com wrote:

I'm glad the speaker thing is resolved, Nancy. Please let us know how you do with the update.

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/mikebrady/shairport-sync/issues/482#issuecomment-285976015, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABl2tWRqucr_PiCXLYL2ty2IihvJKGytks5rlFyKgaJpZM4MMgFX.

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

Thanks. Good joke too, by the way! 😊

ncp1113 commented 7 years ago

If you live long enough you get to recycle old jokes.

On Apr 1, 2017, at 3:53 PM, Mike Brady notifications@github.com wrote:

Thanks. Good joke too, by the way! 😊

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/mikebrady/shairport-sync/issues/482#issuecomment-290943209, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABl2tSOvjiH1ace2RZ4_HGAmoZsIXIsrks5rrqsigaJpZM4MMgFX.

uzlonewolf commented 6 years ago

I too am seeing an occasional 11/SEGV. Raspberry Pi 3, installed via "Super Simple Raspberry Pi Audio Receiver Install" https://github.com/BaReinhard/Super-Simple-Raspberry-Pi-Audio-Receiver-Install . I'm not sure what version they're installing, shairport-sync --version reports 3.2RC12-OpenSSL-Avahi-ALSA-stdout-pipe-soxr-metadata-sysconfdir:/etc and interpolation = "soxr" is set in the configuration file. As a workaround for now I have added "Restart=on-failure" to the systemd unit file.

FnasBas commented 6 years ago

I have this issue to. It's 100% reproducible for me by switching between soxr and basic. I'm using a raspberry pi 3 model b+.

I'm on the latest release, 3.2RC13.

The workaround using Restart=on-failure is sub-optimal in my case since I also use scripts to turn off the amplifier, and as this is in a car with finite battery power available, the turnoff-script not being called can be a very bad thing indeed.. ;) I know there's ExecStopPost= in systemd, but my shutdown script also has a delay in it so the amplifier doesn't switch on and off constantly as soon as anything interrupts the audio playback, so it doesn't play well together.

For now I'll use basic instead of soxr, but soxr sure would be nice.

Some more info: root@volvon:~/shairport-sync# apt-cache show libsoxr-dev Package: libsoxr-dev Source: libsoxr Version: 0.1.2-2 Architecture: armhf

My configure-line is: ./configure --with-soxr --with-alsa --sysconfdir=/etc --with-avahi --with-ssl=mbedtls --with-metadata --with-systemd

Mike, this project is great and I thank you sincerely for all the work you put in to it. It's invaluable. I've used a different approach to the one laid out in CAR INSTALL.md, I'd like to offer it, how would I best go about doing it? sorry to go off topic..

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the report. I will investigate further but the bottom line is that the Pi isn’t really powerful enough for soxr interpolation, and unfortunately, that part of the code is single threaded.

If you have a different way of setting up a car installation, perhaps you’d be good enough to post it here, and then we can decide whether to add it as an alternative. Would that work for you?

FnasBas commented 6 years ago

I don't want to go against you on this, but on my pi 3 model b+, shairport uses about 30% of one core with soxr enabled, and as far as I can see there are no hidden kernel tasks or anything else loading the CPU.

Sure I can post my car approach here, just wanted to check first as not to fill this thread up with unrelated stuff.

FnasBas commented 6 years ago

Here's a starting point. I hope it is useful to someone :)

Alternative car setup approach

This is offered in the hopes it will be useful to someone. The background is that, besides all the advantages of wifi/airplay over bluetooth, when travelling my phone is my only internet connection, and I want to be able to share it with other devices. Like an iPad or laptop. I may also want to be able to send audio to the car shairport-sync service from my other devices while simulteneously having internet access on them, via the phone.

So the basic idea is just to turn the table on which device acts as the Access point for the wifi. Which works perfectly well. The prerequisite is that your carrier/contract allows teathering as otherwise you won't be able to have your phone act as a wifi access point. I also think this is a bit simpler to set up as you don't need to set up hostapd and dhcp server on the Pi. The drawback is that you need to do a gesture and tap a button on the phone to make it's network discoverable when entering your car.

Phone configuration

Enable teathering on your iPhone with a secure passphrase.

Raspberry Pi configuration

Set up shairport according to your needs and instructions found elsewhere.


Configure your Raspberry pi with only one wifi network, through experimentation I found that if I was in the vicinity of my home network, the pi would not reliably choose the iPhone's wifi network even though it was prioritized over the home network. And it seems wpa-supplicant in general is a bit difficult to get to roam between different wifi networks once it's decided on one.

Example of /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
    ssid="My unique clever wifi network name"  
    psk="My very secure wifi key"  

Read only root filesystem

By configuring your Pi to have a read only root filesystem, you need not ever worry about an improper shutdown of the OS causing the Pi to fail to boot. You will also be sure that the Pi always boots to a predetermined state. And you will eleminate wear on the SD card completely except for when modifying the system. This will result in a very reliable Airplay service.

These instructions are a bit old but a good starting point: (https://openenergymonitor.org/forum-archive/node/5331.html)

In addition to what's laid out there I've also:

In my case I do not use a car stereo but go straight Pi>Dac>Power amplifier. So I've also set up EQ with alsa, and a relay module to a GPIO pin and some scripts that run on session start/stop that turns the power amplifier on and off accordingly. But this could turn in to "How I set up my car audio" rather than offering an alternative to what's currently suggested for a Car installation. So I stop. ;)

Using it

Make your phone's network discoverable. In iOS 11 there's a shortcut for this, swipe up and hold down on the connectivity section. There's a button to turn on Internet sharing. In my experiments the Pi connects almost instantaneously to this network and a few moments later the airplay service offered by shairport-sync will become visible.

Changing and Maintaining it

Make your phone network discoverable. The Pi connects. Connect your laptop to the same network. The iPhone does not appear to resolve host names from one tethered device to another so you need to ssh to the Pi's IP-address. There's a number of ways to find the Pi's IP-address:

ssh to the pi

change stuff

Further thinking

Other apple devices can wake the wifi access point on the iPhone. My conclusion is that this must be accomplished via bluetooth, but Apple doesn't seem to be open spec on this subject as all I've been able to find is that certain devices, when paired with bluetooth, connected to icloud etc etc will offer this functionality. Being able to reverse engineer what bluetooth communication is actually done in order to turn on the wifi access point on the phone would mitigate the drawback of this method, as the raspberry pi could be constantly looking for the phone via BT and enabling Internet sharing that way.

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

Very useful, thanks. I'll get to it in a few days.

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

Hi there. I've just posted a new file in the development branch. Let me know what you think.

FnasBas commented 6 years ago

If it's good enough for you, it's good enough for me :) I'm happy to have contributed in some some way to this project.

It's written very much from my point of view, and if one would want, it could be reworked to look a bit more like proper documentation, but I guess this is such a fringe use case that it's good enough. If anyone is thinking of using shairport-sync i their cars, both car install files together should provide a good starting point.

On the line "Example of /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf" there're backslashes in front of the , I'm not that experienced in markdown, bu I think I had to but a \ in front of the to escape them. So maybe double escapes snuck in there.

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

I've just fixed a bug that might be causing the segmentation error -- see #722. I'd be grateful if you would put the latest development version (3.2d67 or later) through its paces and let me know how it goes, please.

FnasBas commented 6 years ago

Great! I am on the road though so maybe a bit daring to go development? I'll give it a shot ;)

I found a huge disadvantage btw with my car setup approach. Something that never occurred to me. That is that if you're without cell phone coverage, the phone wont properly act as a WiFi access point.

But I still need that Internet sharing when I have it. So maybe some hybrid set up would be ideal. Need to figure out if and how one would do e.g. provide both a network from the Pi and have it probe for the phones network and whenever found, jump to that rather than being an AP.

If it's possible to get stable enough, maybe we should consider merging the two car install documents. Totally understand if this is no priority to you. I'll let you know how it goes.

Perhaps there should be a separate thread for Car setups.. if there's enough interest for it.

FnasBas commented 6 years ago

Ok, built and installed development. Turned on soxr. Tried connecting, disconnecting 4-5 times. Can see that my disconnect-script gets run. No errors reported!

Maybe you fixed it? Knock on wood, etc.. :)

Edit, add version info:

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

Great, thanks for trying it out. I've been trying to break it here without success, so I think it's a real fix. Let me think a bit more about the car installation thing -- I like the idea about a car setup thread.

FnasBas commented 6 years ago

It seems to still work fine! I think you fixed it!

Since there's no car thread, I continue to misuse this one.

However my problem with no cell reception became a real problem. It's nice to be forcibly disconnected from everything, but not without my music! I'm in a part of the country where basically only one carrier has coverage. So I had to fix it. And the only way of working on the pi was removing the sd-card, editing config files on my lap-top, re-inserting it and hoping for the best. So not the best of circumstances. Either a local console or an ethernet connection would have helped greatly. (thanks Apple for removing ethernet from the macbook pro..)

Anyways, the way it's set up now is: At boot, look for the iphones network If not available, start up hostapd and dnsmasq as dhcp-server. ta-da. It boots so quick and I have the power switch very handy so it's completely acceptable for the moment.

The limitation is obviously that it only happens at boot, and that it's a hack. But I needed to have music on my trip :) I'll probably work on getting it more stable when I get home.

The point of my alternate car approach was of course to have booth teathering and airplay available. And only audio when there's no coverage. Which never happens at home.. So the setup I'm going to gp for is to primarily use the Phone as an AP whenever possible and then with some degree of automation falling back to the pi providing it's own network.

It's getting complex, but fun as well :)

By the way. My phone (6S iOS 11.4) doesn't behave as you claim in the CAR SETUP.md file. Maybe I've missed something, but my dhcp server is not pushing any gateways or routes. Just assigns an IP on a /24 network. When the phone is connected to this wifi and has cell coverage, I can't get internet access. I've probably missed something. Don't care for the moment. Have music, Happy traveling. :)

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

Thanks. I've created a Car Installation Discussion Thread -- maybe you could move car installation discussions to there.

Might it now be possible to close this issue?

FnasBas commented 6 years ago

Sorry if you where waiting for confirmation. Yes as far as I can tell, this can be closed.

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

Great. Thanks for your help!