mikebrady / shairport-sync

AirPlay and AirPlay 2 audio player
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Airplay 2 Support ? #535

Closed timstans closed 1 year ago

timstans commented 7 years ago

Any Plans?

dennydeutscher commented 7 years ago


That'll be awsome! Looking for to control multiroom audio via io.broker / homekit for a long time.

rockrabbit commented 7 years ago

Really more interested in the specifications. Hopefully it breaks free from the 44.1/16 limit that Airplay currently suffers.

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

I'm afraid I don't know yet whether iOS 11 will do multiroom with existing AirPlay devices or whether the new protocol is needed.

My iOS developer membership has lapsed, so, unless one of you guys has access to the iOS preview and can try it out, we will have to wait, I guess, until the public beta.

It would be great if it was backward compatible!

mynameisdaniel32 commented 7 years ago

I've set up the iOS 11 beta on my iPhone, can confirm it's not allowing multiroom audio playback on two shairport-sync RPis I have running. It basically works the same as it did on iOS 10.

A few minutes of googling on Reddit will get you an iOS developer profile easily enough ;)

rockrabbit commented 7 years ago

Still don't get what they mean by multi room support. Isn't that what shairport-sync already does?

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

Thanks @mynameisdaniel32. That's disappointing, but not unexpected. To answer your question @rockrabbit, Shairport Sync does permit multiroom support, but the client must actually request it. So iTunes can request it, but iOS has never done so, and it looks like Apple are using a new protocol for multiroom capability in iOS 11.

timstans commented 7 years ago

Multiroom has been introduced in Airplay 2 so I guess new protocols?

rockrabbit commented 7 years ago

Explain multi room. Right now I have a pi in my living room and another in my bathroom. Using Shairport-Sync I can play my music to both and independently adjust the volume through iTunes or using the Remote app on my phone.

I can use iTunes on my Mac to play X to the living room and using AirPlay from my phone to play Y to the bathroom.

If this is not multi room, what exactly is Apples definition?

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

Hi @rockrabbit. What you say is true as far as it goes, but at present you can not play music from your phone to, for instance, the living room and bathroom at the same time. iOS 11 will change that.

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

There is an interesting article on it at AppleInsider.

rockrabbit commented 7 years ago

Ha! If that doesn't say we all made the right choice using pi's and like, all using your brilliant software Mike; I'm not sure I'll ever need AirPlay 2 unless it support wireless hi rez audio!

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

Well, let's see what happens. It would be super if Apple allowed iOS multiroom to happen on "legacy" AirPlay.

AndrewC-B commented 7 years ago

My understanding was that iOS never supported multi-room AirPlay because the protocol requires the sending device to send duplicate packets to all receivers, which was perhaps too much load for battery (and once upon a time, CPU and bandwidth) constrained mobile devices.

Apple’s promotional material for HomePod includes this sentence (emphasis mine): “When you add HomePod to multiple rooms, the speakers communicate with each other through AirPlay 2 — so you can play your music all around the house.” My guess is that AirPlay 2 has the receiving devices (speakers) duplicate packets and forward them on to the next receiver, shifting the load from the sending device.

Although, unless AirPlay 2 speakers are creating some sort of peer-to-peer mesh network then the scheme I hypothesised above would surely put much more load on the main Wi-Fi network, by necessitating a bunch of additional round trips to the router. I’d love to know what’s really going on. Maybe someone can use this as justification to grab a couple of HomePods. For science.

maumi commented 7 years ago

@mynameisdaniel32: so in iOS 11 Beta shairport ist still working? So hopefully AirPlay 2 is compatible to AirPlay 1. But I think we need to wait until GM to be Sure.

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

I recently checked on an iOS 11 beta iPad and Shairport Sync continues to work as normal, which is a relief. No multiroom facility in evidence though.

DietShasta commented 7 years ago

@Subject22 Don't forget that current Apple TVs are also going to be Airplay 2 capable. A funny thing I noticed with the Apple TVs is the ability to airplay to it without the iphone/ipad source being on the same wifi network the Apple TV is on. So maybe Airplay 2 will be creating a p2p mesh network using this same tech?

rthigpen commented 7 years ago

It looks like Airplay 2 may be incorporating some HomeKit functionality around the iOS on-screen controls, giving the ability to add devices to a playback group, control volume, etc.

No idea what's going on with the inter-device communications, protocols, etc. Apple is putting some developer info out there, available on the Developer's website, but also through the WWDC iOS app, and via streamable videos (but only in Safari). Here's the Airplay 2 web video page (still awaiting video content): https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2017/509/

Will be interesting to see how much detail is given, and whether they open source the protocol. It does look like it's being implemented by a lot of Apple's hardware partners, with a lot of legacy Airplay hardware able to be updated to Airplay 2 via firmware updates.

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the information. My guess it'll be from a developer's perspective, but we can live in hope!

AndrewC-B commented 7 years ago

@DietShasta That’s pretty interesting. I hadn’t noticed that before, but it explains a few things, now that I think about it. That’s a great feature for lots of reasons. It’ll be advertising and setting up the ad-hoc connections via Bluetooth, much like AirDrop.

noelhibbard commented 7 years ago

@Subject22 I'm kind of thinking the same way you are. It must offload the heavy work to the individual devices or maybe now it does some sort of multicast stream and use HomeKit as a way to tell the individual speakers to subscribe to the multicast stream. When I first saw them talking about AirPlay 2 I figured they would leverage the ATV4 as a proxy/hub to handle the heavy work. Similar to how the ATV4 is used as a HomeKit hub for remote access. I just loaded iOS11 and was relieved that it still connects to shairport-sync. I wish Apple would just opensource AirPlay1/2.

ghost commented 7 years ago

The current iOS11 beta does not support multi-room audio, it will be enabled in a later Beta

Would be nice if it was backwards compatible to Airplay1, but can't see it.

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the information!

noelhibbard commented 7 years ago

New info is available now: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2017/509/

Click the resources tab.

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the heads up. Two things emerge from it:

  1. AirPlay and AirPlay 2 are both supported.
  2. Multiroom isn’t enabled yet – it will be in a later beta as @adamcollier1 mentioned above.

So, Apple hasn’t closed the door on multiroom audio with regular AirPlay yet.

hopkapi commented 7 years ago

Be aware that if you want to test Airplay 2 in the current betas, you need to enable your device for development, then go to Settings, Developer, in order to actually enable it.

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

Thanks. I didn't realise this, but then I haven't been in a position to try the most recent betas. I'll be able to try them in about two weeks. Is there anything interesting to report?

hopkapi commented 7 years ago

Not sure to be frank, though you can get the beta via Apple's public beta program, though I'm also not sure if you can get the version of Xcode needed to then enable development etc.

AndrewC-B commented 7 years ago

I’m not sure, but I think it’s probably against some NDA or other to discuss the details of this stuff publicly. I don’t expect anyone to enforce that, but better to be safe than sorry.

I was able to download the latest beta of Xcode 9 from Apple’s developer portal using my free dev account, provision my iPad (which is running the iOS 11 beta) for development, and enable AirPlay 2. So if anyone wants to try it out, I can verify that it’s possible to do so. I wouldn’t drop what I was doing to rush to try it out though.

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

Many thanks @Subject22. I think it is right to honour the NDA, TBH, and thanks for the suggestion that it's not necessary to rush...

hopkapi commented 7 years ago

Indeed, though the WWDC video linked doesn't seem to require a login to watch, so I'm not sure if it's under NDA.

rockrabbit commented 7 years ago

Any news on Airplay 2 support?

My iPad is on iOS 11 Beta 8 and still can only select one instance at a time. Not the end of the world for me as I use my Mac + Remote App and have multiple room support there!

ghost commented 7 years ago

@rockrabbit have you enabled Airplay 2 in developer settings?

rockrabbit commented 7 years ago

@adamcollier1 Running the Public Beta. Evidently I need to download Xcode 9 Beta and go from there... no big rush seeing as we are a few weeks away from iOS 11 GM!

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

I don't remember seeing anything about AirPlay 2 in the Keynote or announcements yesterday. Did anyone pick up any information?

echamberlain commented 6 years ago

The event was focused on the new hardware. There was no mention of AirPlay.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Yeah so nothing was mentioned in the event but I have recently had chance to test Airplay 2 on iOS 11 Developer Beta and can confirm airplay to shairport just works the same as before.

Airplay 2 works a bit differently where the speakers communicate to each other instead of the device to each individual speaker.

So hopefully some genius will be able to make a raspberry pi Airplay 2 compatible! ;)

EricWVGG commented 6 years ago

Most of the coverage of Airplay 2 is concerning the multiroom stuff, which I guess is fine if you have rooms :)

I'm more interested in the increased audio buffer size and "real time" playing. I'd love to use Airplay to stream from my computer to my speakers while watching movies, and the lag on normal Airplay is about a second long. Is this on the agenda for Shairport?

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

Just to clarify — AirPlay negotiates a delay at present of two seconds, or a little more with iTunes. If you are playing a video on a Mac using iTunes or QuickTime player or Safari, then the video will be delayed by two seconds so that it will be in sync with the audio delivered by AirPlay.

I don’t know anything about AirPlay 2, e.g. whether it offers zero latency playback.

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

Just saw this at AppleInsider: https://forums.appleinsider.com/discussion/201903/.

jdtsmith commented 6 years ago

Has anyone done a network packet analysis of Airplay 2? Any information on how amenable it will be to reverse engineering de novo? I understand for Airplay 1 this took digging out the private device encryption key.

AndrewC-B commented 6 years ago

Looks like multiroom audio is coming in iOS 11.2


Oggymator commented 6 years ago

someone has any news about airplay 2?

echamberlain commented 6 years ago

Apple removed it from iOS 11.2 with beta 5. There won’t be much more public details on it, until we get closer to the HomePod release in 2018.

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the update, Eric.

jeremybdk commented 6 years ago

It’s now available again in iOS 11.2.5 beta

alexey-zhukov commented 6 years ago

Just updated to 11.2.5 beta 2 - It's not available

iNorD commented 6 years ago

How about iOS 11.2.5 beta 5? Anybody tried it?

alecs2287 commented 6 years ago

IOS 11.2.5 beta 6 still not available.

iNorD commented 6 years ago

Oh, news are saying that airplay2 support is in 11.2.5 release version(build 15D60) ! https://www.macrumors.com/2018/01/23/apple-releases-new-beta-software-for-homepod/ Anybody tried this?

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

Not me, I'm afraid. But Shairport Sync works as well as ever with the updated mac OS, iOS and iTunes.