mikebrady / shairport-sync

AirPlay and AirPlay 2 audio player
7.29k stars 574 forks source link

No sound on Raspberry Pi, using the builtin headphones jack. #600

Closed sookcha closed 7 years ago

sookcha commented 7 years ago

Here's my log.

root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# shairport-sync -v
alsa output device name is "hw:0".
Lowest dB value is a mute -- try minimum volume +1
Hardware mixer has dB volume from -102.380000 to 4.000000.
Version: "3.1.3-OpenSSL-Avahi-ALSA-pa-soxr-metadata-sysconfdir:/etc"
statistics_requester status is 0.
daemon status is 0.
deamon pid file is "/var/run/shairport-sync/shairport-sync.pid".
rtsp listening port is 5000.
udp base port is 6001.
udp port range is 100.
player name is "[CENSORED]".
backend is "alsa".
on-start action is "(null)".
on-stop action is "(null)".
wait-cmd status is 0.
on-start returns output is 0.
mdns backend "(null)".
stuffing option is "0" (0-basic, 1-soxr).
resync time is 0.050000 seconds.
allow a session to be interrupted: 0.
busy timeout time is 120.
drift tolerance is 0.010000 seconds.
password is "(null)".
ignore_volume_control is 0.
volume_max_db is not set
playback_mode is 0 (0-stereo, 1-mono, 1-reverse_stereo, 2-both_left, 3-both_right).
disable_synchronization is 0.
use_mmap_if_available is 1.
output_rate is 44100.
output_format is 3 (0-unknown, 1-S8, 2-U8, 3-S16, 4-S24, 5-S24_3LE, 6-S24_3BE, 7-S32).
audio backend desired buffer length is 0.150000 seconds.
audio backend latency offset is 0.000000 seconds.
audio backend silence lead-in time is -1.000000 seconds. A value -1.0 means use the default.
volume range in dB (zero means use the range specified by the mixer): 0.
zeroconf regtype is "_raop._tcp".
decoders_supported field is 1.
use_apple_decoder is 0.
alsa_use_playback_switch_for_mute is 0.
no special mdns service interface was requested.
configuration file name "/etc/shairport-sync.conf" resolves to "/etc/shairport-sync.conf".
metadata enabled is 0.
metadata pipename is "(null)".
metadata socket address is "(null)" port 0.
metadata socket packet size is "500".
get-coverart is 0.
loudness is 0.
loudness reference level is -20.000000
Successful Startup
avahi: avahi_register.
avahi: register_service.
avahi: request to add "_raop._tcp" service without metadata
avahi: service '[CENSORED]' successfully added.
New RTSP connection from [CENSORED] to self at [CENSORED]:5000 on conversation thread 0.
New RTSP connection from [CENSORED]:53759 to self at [CENSORED]:5000 on conversation thread 1.
RTSP conversation thread 0 terminated.
Play connection from user agent "AirPlay/352.16.1" on RTSP conversation thread 1.
Active-Remote string seen: "[CENSORED]".
DACP-ID string seen: "[CENSORED]".
Set up play connection from [CENSORED] to self at [CENSORED] on RTSP conversation thread 1.
Output frame bytes is 4.
Output bit depth is 16.
Hammerton Decoder used on encrypted audio.
Aliasing of buffer index -- reset.
Aliasing of buffer index -- reset.
Aliasing of buffer index -- reset.
Aliasing of buffer index -- reset.

I've run for speaker-test, aplay, it plays well for sound file.

What's wrong with my Raspberry Pi and shairport-sync? I have no idea.

mikebrady commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the post. It looks a bit like that the audio data from your Airplay device isn't getting through properly, giving rise to those Aliasing of buffer index – reset messages. What kind of a device / software is the source? It would be worth checking the TROUBLESHOOTING.md page for a few hints.

sookcha commented 7 years ago

@mikebrady Ahh, I've solved by allowing some ports described on TROUBLESHOOTING.md Thank you so much!! Such an awesome repo. You rock!

mikebrady commented 7 years ago
