mikebrady / shairport-sync

AirPlay and AirPlay 2 audio player
7.07k stars 566 forks source link

LAN connected shairplay-sync connection invariably dies from "Network Unreachable" timeout #626

Closed bravecorvus closed 6 years ago

bravecorvus commented 6 years ago

I have a peculiar issue where I am able to start shairport-sync, receive audio (and output the audio) without any issues, but eventually (no matter what), my client (Macbook Pro) switches audio output to something else.

My set-up is as follows:

Client: Macbook Pro Late-2015, latest software, using Swinsian to play audio Server: Raspberry Pi 3 + Hifiberry Digi Pro (the most recent software, and fresh shairport-sync built from source yesterday) Connection: The Pi is connected to two networks (wlan0 and eth0). I interface with it using wlan0, but since I am on an enterprise network, I forced shairplay-sync to use eth0 in the configuration. I am using both built-in hardware to connect to Wi-Fi and ethernet. The fact that I am using an ethernet connection, but getting a Network is unreachable is confusing to me since it should be a pretty stable 100 Mbits/s-ish. While testing shairplay-sync, I am not doing anything else on eth0.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Configuration Files:


# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)

# Please note that this file is written to be used with dhcpcd
# For static IP, consult /etc/dhcpcd.conf and 'man dhcpcd.conf'

# Include files from /etc/network/interfaces.d:
source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d

auto eth0

allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
    wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf


// Sample Configuration File for Shairport Sync
// Commented out settings are generally the defaults, except where noted.

// General Settings
general =
    name = "Prometheus"; // This means "Hostname" -- see below. This is the name the service will advertise to iTunes.
//      The default is "Hostname" -- i.e. the machine's hostname with the first letter capitalised (ASCII only.)
//      You can use the following substitutions:
//              %h for the hostname,
//              %H for the Hostname (i.e. with first letter capitalised (ASCII only)),
//              %v for the version number, e.g. 3.0 and
//              %V for the full version string, e.g. 3.0-OpenSSL-Avahi-ALSA-soxr-metadata-sysconfdir:/etc
//      Overall length can not exceed 50 characters. Example: "Shairport Sync %v on %H".
//  password = "secret"; // leave this commented out if you don't want to require a password
    interpolation = "soxr"; // aka "stuffing". Default is "basic", alternative is "soxr". Use "soxr" only if you have a reasonably fast processor.
    output_backend = "alsa"; // Run "shairport-sync -h" to get a list of all output_backends, e.g. "alsa", "pipe", "stdout". The default is the first one.
//  mdns_backend = "avahi"; // Run "shairport-sync -h" to get a list of all mdns_backends. The default is the first one.
//  port = 5000; // Listen for service requests on this port
//  udp_port_base = 6001; // start allocating UDP ports from this port number when needed
//  udp_port_range = 100; // look for free ports in this number of places, starting at the UDP port base. Allow at least 10, though only three are needed in a steady state.
//  statistics = "no"; // set to "yes" to print statistics in the log
//  drift_tolerance_in_seconds = 0.002; // allow a timing error of this number of seconds of drift away from exact synchronisation before attempting to correct it
//  resync_threshold_in_seconds = 0.050; // a synchronisation error greater than this number of seconds will cause resynchronisation; 0 disables it
//  log_verbosity = 0; // "0" means no debug verbosity, "3" is most verbose.

//  ignore_volume_control = "no"; // set this to "yes" if you want the volume to be at 100% no matter what the source's volume control is set to.
//  volume_range_db = 60 ; // use this advanced setting to set the range, in dB, you want between the maximum volume and the minimum volume. Range is 30 to 150 dB. Leave it commented out to use mixer's native range.
//  volume_max_db = 0.0 ; // use this advanced setting, which must have a decimal point in it, to set the maximum volume, in dB, you wish to use.
//      The setting is for the hardware mixer, if chosen, or the software mixer otherwise. The value must be in the mixer's range (0.0 to -96.2 for the software mixer).
//      Leave it commented out to use mixer's maximum volume.
//  run_this_when_volume_is_set = "/full/path/to/application/and/args"; //  Run the specified application whenever the volume control is set or changed.
//    The desired AirPlay volume is appended to the end of the command line – leave a space if you want it treated as an extra argument.
//    AirPlay volume goes from 0 to -30 and -144 means "mute".

//  regtype = "_raop._tcp"; // Use this advanced setting to set the service type and transport to be advertised by Zeroconf/Bonjour. Default is "_raop._tcp".
//  playback_mode = "stereo"; // This can be "stereo", "mono", "reverse stereo", "both left" or "both right". Default is "stereo".
//  alac_decoder = "hammerton"; // This can be "hammerton" or "apple". This advanced setting allows you to choose
//      the original Shairport decoder by David Hammerton or the Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC) decoder written by Apple.
    interface = "eth0"; // Use this advanced setting to specify the interface on which Shairport Sync should provide its service. Leave it commented out to get the default, which is to select the interface(s) automatically.

//  audio_backend_latency_offset_in_seconds = 0.0; // Set this offset to compensate for a fixed delay in the audio back end. E.g. if the output device delays by 100 ms, set this to -0.1.
//  audio_backend_buffer_desired_length_in_seconds = 0.15; // If set too small, buffer underflow occurs on low-powered machines. Too long and the response time to volume changes becomes annoying. Default is 0.15 seconds in the alsa backend, 0.35 seconds in the pa backend and 1.0 seconds otherwise.
//  audio_backend_silent_lead_in_time = 2.0; // This optional advanced setting, from 0.0 and 4.0 seconds, sets the length of the period of silence that precedes the start of the audio. The default is the latency, usually 2.0 seconds. Values greater than the latency are ignored. Values that are too low will affect initial synchronisation.

dsp =

//  This convolution filter can be used to apply almost any correction to the audio signal, like frequency and phase correction.
//  For example you could measure (with a good microphone and a sweep-sine) the frequency response of your speakers + room,
//  and apply a correction to get a flat response curve.
//  convolution = "yes";                  // Activate the convolution filter.
//  convolution_ir_file = "impulse.wav";  // Impulse Response file to be convolved to the audio stream
//  convolution_gain = -4.0;              // Static gain applied to prevent clipping during the convolution process
//  convolution_max_length = 44100;       // Truncate the input file to this length in order to save CPU.

//  This loudness filter is used to compensate for human ear non linearity.
//  When the volume decreases, our ears loose more sentisitivity in the low range frequencies than in the mid range ones.
//  This filter aims at compensating for this loss, applying a variable gain to low frequencies depending on the volume.
//  More info can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equal-loudness_contour
//  For this filter to work properly, you should disable (or set to a fix value) all other volume control and only let shairport-sync control your volume.
//  The setting "loudness_reference_volume_db" should be set at the volume reported by shairport-sync when listening to music at a normal listening volume.
//  loudness = "yes";                     // Activate the filter
//  loudness_reference_volume_db = -20.0; // Above this level the filter will have no effect anymore. Below this level it will gradually boost the low frequencies.


// How to deal with metadata, including artwork
metadata =
//  enabled = "no"; // set this to yes to get Shairport Sync to solicit metadata from the source and to pass it on via a pipe
//  include_cover_art = "no"; // set to "yes" to get Shairport Sync to solicit cover art from the source and pass it via the pipe. You must also set "enabled" to "yes".
//  pipe_name = "/tmp/shairport-sync-metadata";
//  pipe_timeout = 5000; // wait for this number of milliseconds for a blocked pipe to unblock before giving up
//  socket_address = ""; // if set to a host name or IP address, UDP packets containing metadata will be sent to this address. May be a multicast address. "socket-port" must be non-zero and "enabled" must be set to yes"
//  socket_port = 5555; // if socket_address is set, the port to send UDP packets to
//  socket_msglength = 65000; // the maximum packet size for any UDP metadata. This will be clipped to be between 500 or 65000. The default is 500.

// Advanced parameters for controlling how a Shairport Sync runs
sessioncontrol = 
//  run_this_before_play_begins = "/full/path/to/application and args"; // make sure the application has executable permission. It it's a script, include the #!... stuff on the first line
//  run_this_after_play_ends = "/full/path/to/application and args"; // make sure the application has executable permission. It it's a script, include the #!... stuff on the first line
//  wait_for_completion = "no"; // set to "yes" to get Shairport Sync to wait until the "run_this..." applications have terminated before continuing
//  allow_session_interruption = "no"; // set to "yes" to allow another device to interrupt Shairport Sync while it's playing from an existing audio source
//  session_timeout = 120; // wait for this number of seconds after a source disappears before terminating the session and becoming available again.

// Back End Settings

// These are parameters for the "alsa" audio back end.
alsa =
//  output_device = "hw:0"; // the name of the alsa output device. Use "alsamixer" or "aplay" to find out the names of devices, mixers, etc.
//  mixer_control_name = "Tx Source"; // the name of the mixer to use to adjust output volume. If not specified, volume in adjusted in software.
//  mixer_device = "default"; // the mixer_device default is whatever the output_device is. Normally you wouldn't have to use this.
//  output_rate = 44100; // can be 44100, 88200, 176400 or 352800, but the device must have the capability.
//  output_format = "S16"; // can be "U8", "S8", "S16", "S24", "S24_3LE", "S24_3BE" or "S32", but the device must have the capability. Except where stated using (*LE or *BE), endianness matches that of the processor.
//  disable_synchronization = "no"; // Set to "yes" to disable synchronization. Default is "no".
//  period_size = <number>; // Use this optional advanced setting to set the alsa period size near to this value
//  buffer_size = <number>; // Use this optional advanced setting to set the alsa buffer size near to this value
//  use_mmap_if_available = "yes"; // Use this optional advanced setting to control whether MMAP-based output is used to communicate  with the DAC. Default is "yes"
//  mute_using_playback_switch = "no"; // Use this optional advanced setting to control whether the snd_mixer_selem_set_playback_switch_all call can be used for muting. Default is "no", for compatibility with other audio players.

// Parameters for the "sndio" audio back end. All are optional.
sndio =
//  device = "snd/0"; // optional setting to set the name of the output device. Default is the sndio system default.
//  rate = 44100; // optional setting  which can be 44100, 88200, 176400 or 352800, but the device must have the capability. Default is 44100.
//  format = "S16"; // optional setting  which can be "U8", "S8", "S16", "S24", "S24_3LE", "S24_3BE" or "S32", but the device must have the capability. Except where stated using (*LE or *BE), endianness matches that of the processor.
//  round = <number>; // advanced optional setting to set the period size near to this value
//  bufsz = <number>; // advanced optional setting to set the buffer size near to this value

// Parameters for the "pa" PulseAudio  backend.
pa =
//  application_name = "Shairport Sync"; //Set this to the name that should appear in the Sounds "Applications" tab when Shairport Sync is active.

// Parameters for the "pipe" audio back end, a back end that directs raw CD-style audio output to a pipe. No interpolation is done.
pipe =
//  name = "/path/to/pipe"; // there is no default pipe name for the output

// These are no configuration file parameters for the "stdout" audio back end. No interpolation is done.

// These are no configuration file  parameters for the "ao" audio back end. No interpolation is done.

// Static latency settings are deprecated and the settings have been removed. 

Output of shairport-sync -vvv

Linux raspberrypi 4.9.59-v7+ #1047 SMP Sun Oct 29 12:19:23 GMT 2017 armv7l

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Wed Dec  6 23:14:16 2017 from
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ shairport-sync -vvv
Looking for configuration file at full path "/etc/shairport-sync.conf"
alsa output device name is "default".
The processor is running little-endian.
Version: "3.1.4-OpenSSL-Avahi-ALSA-soxr-sysconfdir:/etc"
statistics_requester status is 0.
daemon status is 0.
deamon pid file is "/var/run/shairport-sync/shairport-sync.pid".
rtsp listening port is 5000.
udp base port is 6001.
udp port range is 100.
player name is "Prometheus".
backend is "alsa".
on-start action is "(null)".
on-stop action is "(null)".
wait-cmd status is 0.
on-start returns output is 0.
mdns backend "(null)".
userSuppliedLatency is 0.
AirPlayLatency is -1.
iTunesLatency is -1.
forkedDaapdLatency is -1.
stuffing option is "1" (0-basic, 1-soxr).
resync time is 0.050000 seconds.
allow a session to be interrupted: 0.
busy timeout time is 120.
drift tolerance is 0.001995 seconds.
password is "(null)".
ignore_volume_control is 0.
volume_max_db is not set
playback_mode is 0 (0-stereo, 1-mono, 1-reverse_stereo, 2-both_left, 3-both_right).
disable_synchronization is 0.
use_mmap_if_available is 1.
output_rate is 44100.
output_format is 3 (0-unknown, 1-S8, 2-U8, 3-S16, 4-S24, 5-S24_3LE, 6-S24_3BE, 7-S32).
audio backend desired buffer length is 0.150000 seconds.
audio backend latency offset is 0.000000 seconds.
audio backend silence lead-in time is -1.000000 seconds. A value -1.0 means use the default.
volume range in dB (zero means use the range specified by the mixer): 0.
zeroconf regtype is "_raop._tcp".
decoders_supported field is 1.
use_apple_decoder is 0.
alsa_use_playback_switch_for_mute is 0.
mdns service interface "eth0" requested.
configuration file name "/etc/shairport-sync.conf" resolves to "/etc/shairport-sync.conf".
loudness is 0.
loudness reference level is -20.000000
Successful Startup
avahi: avahi_register.
avahi: register_service.
avahi: service 'E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus' group is not yet committed.
avahi: request to add "_raop._tcp" service without metadata
avahi: service 'E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus' group is registering.
avahi: service 'E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus' successfully added.
New RTSP connection from [fe80::49f:39ef:badc:29cc]:56685 to self at [fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01]:5000 on conversation thread 0.
Successfully created RTSP receiver thread 0.
    CSeq: 0.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "0"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "0"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 1.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "1"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "1"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    Apple-Challenge: XmuLyMt2nuze8V68Ml/EZw==.
    CSeq: 2.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "Apple-Challenge", content: "XmuLyMt2nuze8V68Ml/EZw=="
  Type: "CSeq", content: "2"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "Apple-Response", content: "fya3OVa6MkftXzlHId17tYEwKgez56xrol0aawGyHTWSEOOBUCFzjXbfrpJuzgGB4n5VDVlYjvGUSm6IFUdTWIw+NuQXjEMcIk5B7RIhMTwzO+KvidSUl1eNt9X+HwHImzCWlMqwuq6mhvFIiayOY/cyijM2AqZUjI36fqoH4+t0Q+AF8qs86OPeTUqyF1AYbXOlrYJACpQag++S526ebnkzp+11a1gPPM1BKMYZudBbrt/TfwB7Epr8WiXxi0jNEOxzazSUOwjLh7HvHYtVZyCzD0h7z+JjAQGOrlbA5LJkfeCSACv1d2i38C/wseW9Y1oysWnLyA6q1+OITt1VoA"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "2"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    Content-Length: 679.
    Content-Type: application/sdp.
    CSeq: 3.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "ANNOUNCE":
  Type: "Content-Length", content: "679"
  Type: "Content-Type", content: "application/sdp"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "3"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: ANNOUNCE
RTSP conversation thread 0 has acquired play lock.
Play connection from user agent "AirPlay/352.16.1" on RTSP conversation thread 0.
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "3"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    Transport: RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;mode=record;timing_port=60586;control_port=60552.
    CSeq: 4.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "SETUP":
  Type: "Transport", content: "RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;mode=record;timing_port=60586;control_port=60552"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "4"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: SETUP
Active-Remote string seen: "3523116650".
User-Agent is AirPlay; selecting the AirPlay latency of -1 frames.
rtp_setup: cport=60552 tport=60586.
Set up play connection from fe80::49f:39ef:badc:29cc to self at fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01 on RTSP conversation thread 0.
listening for audio, control and timing on ports 6001, 6002, 6003.
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "4"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
  Type: "Transport", content: "RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;interleaved=0-1;mode=record;control_port=6002;timing_port=6003;server_port=6001"
  Type: "Session", content: "1"
    CSeq: 5.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
Output frame bytes is 4.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "RECORD":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "5"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: RECORD
Audio receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Control receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Timing receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Output bit depth is 16.
Timing sender thread starting.
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "5"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
  Type: "Audio-Latency", content: "11025"
    Content-Length: 20.
    Content-Type: text/parameters.
    CSeq: 6.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "SET_PARAMETER":
  Type: "Content-Length", content: "20"
  Type: "Content-Type", content: "text/parameters"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "6"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: SET_PARAMETER
AirPlay request to set volume to: -10.460000.
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "6"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    RTP-Info: seq=20072;rtptime=550336973.
    CSeq: 7.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "FLUSH":
  Type: "RTP-Info", content: "seq=20072;rtptime=550336973"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "7"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: FLUSH
Flush requested up to 550336973. It seems as if 0 is special.
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "7"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
syncing to seqno 20072.
Hammerton Decoder used on encrypted audio.
Output written using MMAP
PCM handle name = 'default'
alsa device parameters:
  access type = MMAP_INTERLEAVED
  format = 'S16_LE' (Signed 16 bit Little Endian)
  subformat = 'STD' (Standard)
  number of channels = 2
  number of significant bits = 16
  rate = 44100 frames per second (precisely).
  precise (rational) rate = 0.000 frames per second (i.e. 0/1088784512).
  period_time = 5804 us (>).
  period_size = 256 frames (precisely).
  buffer_time = 2972154 us (>).
  buffer_size = 131072 frames (>).
  periods_per_buffer = 512 (precisely).
    CSeq: 8.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "8"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "8"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 9.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "9"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "9"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 10.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "10"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "10"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 11.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "11"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "11"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 12.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "12"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "12"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 13.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "13"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "13"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 14.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "14"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "14"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 15.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "15"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "15"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 16.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "16"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "16"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Packet reception interval stats: mean, standard deviation and max for the last 2,500 packets in microseconds:     7979.8,    12647.2,    30625.0.
    CSeq: 17.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "17"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "17"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 18.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "18"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "18"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 19.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "19"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "19"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 20.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "20"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "20"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 21.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "21"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "21"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 22.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "22"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "22"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 23.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "23"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "23"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 24.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "24"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "24"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 25.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "25"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "25"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 26.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "26"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "26"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 27.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "27"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "27"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24962.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24994.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24963.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24995.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24964.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24996.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24965.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24997.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24950.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24966.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24998.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24951.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24967.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24999.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24952.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24968.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25000.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24953.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24969.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25001.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24954.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24970.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25002.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24955.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24971.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25003.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24956.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24972.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25004.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24957.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24973.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25005.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24950.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24958.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24974.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25006.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24951.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24959.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24975.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25007.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24952.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24960.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24976.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25008.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24953.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24961.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24977.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25009.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24954.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24962.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24978.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25010.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24955.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24963.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24979.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25011.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24956.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24964.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24980.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25012.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24957.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24965.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24981.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25013.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24958.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24966.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24982.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25014.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24959.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24967.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24983.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25015.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24960.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24968.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24984.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25016.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24961.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24969.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24985.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25017.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24962.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24970.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24986.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25018.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24963.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24971.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24987.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25019.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24964.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24972.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24988.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25020.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24965.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24973.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24989.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25021.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24966.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24974.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24990.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25022.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24967.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24975.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24991.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25023.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24968.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24976.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24992.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25024.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24969.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24977.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24993.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25025.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24970.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24978.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24994.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25026.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24971.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24979.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24995.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25027.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24972.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24980.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24996.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25028.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24973.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24981.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24997.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25029.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24974.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24982.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24998.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25030.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24975.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24983.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24999.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25031.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24976.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24984.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25000.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25032.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24977.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24985.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25001.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25033.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24978.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24986.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25002.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25034.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24979.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24987.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25003.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25035.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24980.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24988.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25004.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25036.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24981.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24989.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25005.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25037.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24982.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24990.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25006.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25038.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24983.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24991.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25007.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25039.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24984.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24992.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25008.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25040.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24985.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24993.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25009.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25041.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24986.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24994.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25010.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25042.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24987.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24995.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25011.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25043.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24988.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24996.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25012.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25044.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24989.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24997.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25013.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25045.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24990.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24998.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25014.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25046.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24991.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24999.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25015.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25047.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24992.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25000.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25016.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25048.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24993.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25001.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25017.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25049.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24994.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25002.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25018.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25050.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24995.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25003.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25019.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25051.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24996.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25004.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25020.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25052.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24997.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25005.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25021.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25053.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24998.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25006.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25022.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25054.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 24999.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25007.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25023.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25055.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25000.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25008.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25024.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25056.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25001.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25009.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25025.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25057.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25002.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25010.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25026.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25058.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25003.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25011.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25027.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25059.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25004.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25012.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25028.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25060.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25005.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25013.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25029.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25061.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25006.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25014.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25030.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25062.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25007.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25015.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25031.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25063.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25008.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25016.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25032.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25064.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25009.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25017.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25033.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25065.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25010.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25018.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25034.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25066.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25011.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25019.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25035.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25067.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25012.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25020.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25036.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25068.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25013.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25021.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25037.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25069.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25014.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25022.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25038.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25070.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25015.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25023.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25039.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25071.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25016.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25024.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25040.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25072.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25017.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25025.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25041.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25073.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25018.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25026.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25042.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25074.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25019.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25027.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25043.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25075.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25020.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25028.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25044.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25076.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25021.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25029.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25045.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25077.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25022.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25030.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25046.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25078.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25023.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25031.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25047.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25079.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25024.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25032.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25048.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25080.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25025.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25033.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25049.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25081.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25026.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25034.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25050.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25082.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25027.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25035.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25051.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25083.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25028.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25036.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25052.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25084.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25029.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25037.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25053.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25085.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25030.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25038.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25054.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25086.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25031.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25039.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25055.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25087.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25032.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25040.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25056.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25088.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25033.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25041.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25057.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25089.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25034.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25042.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25058.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25090.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25035.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25043.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25059.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25091.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25036.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25044.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25060.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25092.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25037.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25045.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25061.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25093.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25038.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25046.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25062.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25094.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25039.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25047.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25063.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25095.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25040.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25048.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25064.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25096.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25041.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25049.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25065.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25097.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25042.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25050.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25066.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25098.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25043.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25051.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25067.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25099.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25044.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25052.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25068.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25100.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25045.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25053.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25069.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25101.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25046.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25054.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25070.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25102.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25047.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25055.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25071.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25103.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25048.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25056.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25072.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25104.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25049.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25057.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25073.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25105.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25050.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25058.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25074.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25106.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25051.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25059.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25075.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25107.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25052.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25060.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25076.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25108.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25053.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25061.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25077.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25109.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25054.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25062.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25078.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25110.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25055.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25063.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25079.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25111.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25056.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25064.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25080.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25112.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25057.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25065.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25081.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25113.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25058.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25066.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25082.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25114.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25059.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25067.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25083.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25115.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25060.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25068.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25084.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25116.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25061.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25069.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25085.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25117.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25062.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25070.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25086.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25118.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25063.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25071.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25087.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25119.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25064.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25072.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25088.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25120.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25065.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25073.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25089.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25121.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25066.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25074.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25090.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25067.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25075.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25091.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25068.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25076.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25092.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25069.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25077.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25093.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25070.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25078.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25094.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25071.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25079.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25095.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25072.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25080.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25096.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25073.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25081.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25097.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25074.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25082.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25098.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25075.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25083.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25099.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25076.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25084.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25100.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25077.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25085.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25101.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25078.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25086.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25102.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25079.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25087.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25103.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25080.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25088.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25104.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25081.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25089.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25105.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25082.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25090.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25106.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25083.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25091.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25107.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25084.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25092.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25108.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25085.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25093.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25109.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25086.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25094.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25110.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25087.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25095.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25111.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25088.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25096.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25112.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25089.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25097.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25113.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25090.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25098.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25114.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25091.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25099.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25115.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25092.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25100.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25116.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25093.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25101.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25117.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25094.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25102.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25118.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25095.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25103.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25119.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25096.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25104.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25120.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25097.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25105.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25121.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25098.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25106.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25122.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25099.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25107.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25123.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25100.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25108.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25124.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25101.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25109.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25125.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25102.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25110.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25126.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25103.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25111.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25127.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25104.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25112.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25128.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25105.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25113.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25129.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25106.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25114.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25130.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25107.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25115.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25131.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25108.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25116.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25132.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25109.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25117.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25133.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25110.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25118.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25134.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25111.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25119.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25135.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25112.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25120.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25136.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25113.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25121.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25137.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25114.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25122.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25138.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25115.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25123.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25139.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25116.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25124.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25140.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25117.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25125.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25141.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25118.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25126.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25142.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25119.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25127.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25143.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25120.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25128.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25144.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25121.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25129.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25145.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25122.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25130.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25146.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25123.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25131.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25147.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25124.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25132.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25148.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25125.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25133.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25149.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25126.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25134.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25150.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25127.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25135.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25151.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25128.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25136.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25152.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25129.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25137.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25153.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25130.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25138.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25154.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25131.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25139.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25155.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25132.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25140.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25156.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25133.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25141.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25134.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25142.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25135.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25143.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25136.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25144.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25137.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25145.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25138.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25146.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25139.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25147.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25140.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25148.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25141.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25149.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25142.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25150.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25143.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25151.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25144.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25152.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25145.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25153.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25146.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25154.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25147.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25155.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25148.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25156.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25149.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25150.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25151.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25152.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25153.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25154.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25155.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 25156.
Packet reception interval stats: mean, standard deviation and max for the last 2,500 packets in microseconds:     8650.7,    35755.9,  1679311.0.
    CSeq: 28.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "28"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "28"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 29.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "29"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "29"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 30.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "30"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "30"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 31.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "31"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "31"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 32.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "32"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "32"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 33.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "33"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "33"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 34.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 0 received an RTSP Packet of type "TEARDOWN":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "34"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 0: TEARDOWN
TEARDOWN: synchronously terminating the player thread of RTSP conversation thread 0 (2).
Shut down audio, control and timing threads
Audio receiver -- Server RTP thread interrupted. terminating.
Control RTP thread interrupted. terminating.
Timing thread interrupted. terminating.
rtp_timing_sender thread interrupted. terminating.
Wait for timer requester to exit.
Closed and terminated timer requester thread.
Timing RTP thread terminated.
timing thread joined
audio thread joined
control thread joined
Player thread exit on RTSP conversation thread 0.
TEARDOWN: successful termination of playing thread of RTSP conversation thread 0.
RTSP thread 0: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "34"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
  Type: "Connection", content: "close"
RTSP conversation thread 0 -- connection closed.
Synchronously terminate playing thread of RTSP conversation thread 0.
player thread of RTSP conversation 0 is already deleted.
Successful termination of playing thread of RTSP conversation thread 0.
Request termination of RTSP conversation thread 0.
Unlocking play lock on RTSP conversation thread 0.
RTSP conversation thread 0 terminated.
found RTSP connection thread 0 in a non-running state.
RTSP connection thread 0 deleted...
New RTSP connection from [fe80::49f:39ef:badc:29cc]:56699 to self at [fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01]:5000 on conversation thread 1.
Successfully created RTSP receiver thread 1.
    CSeq: 0.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 1 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "0"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 1: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 1: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "0"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    Apple-Challenge: q1HkewJJUnihkAMuU67MtQ==.
    CSeq: 1.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 1 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "Apple-Challenge", content: "q1HkewJJUnihkAMuU67MtQ=="
  Type: "CSeq", content: "1"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 1: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 1: RTSP Response:
  Type: "Apple-Response", content: "FC9zoLIQKDLac6ou1UpJO71bqmRyzq0tpLv5cSS4Rx9M5QvRTtaXsTERM/XsCuDrcSXCi0CXYQchPVzWjZfMAIUwkWdLfn7DXjZCBN4CuqInYqJTWpNG8dxpzxZN1A0fWEziNkdqe8oScwMSgDdRgoY1FebRTMDAPiytTLdlBJaT/ZIT6QBHUeK/vltzC8ENtM11AtCmM2Vfoub11OEcSW/Vke/API0nJ7Gk5xKjWmjKS88I42XqT/hhvs7MBRiLDY1Wo2uab7H9xD8oS3hAkslwzq7/MZLvzVJXIm8e9Nl7w5tPxruWn1/xBYIZ8uNmGezG8ZzSm7YFL64JUz7v7w"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "1"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    Content-Length: 679.
    Content-Type: application/sdp.
    CSeq: 2.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 1 received an RTSP Packet of type "ANNOUNCE":
  Type: "Content-Length", content: "679"
  Type: "Content-Type", content: "application/sdp"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "2"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 1: ANNOUNCE
RTSP conversation thread 1 has acquired play lock.
Play connection from user agent "AirPlay/352.16.1" on RTSP conversation thread 1.
RTSP thread 1: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "2"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    Transport: RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;mode=record;timing_port=50565;control_port=58922.
    CSeq: 3.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 1 received an RTSP Packet of type "SETUP":
  Type: "Transport", content: "RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;mode=record;timing_port=50565;control_port=58922"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "3"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 1: SETUP
Active-Remote string seen: "3523116650".
User-Agent is AirPlay; selecting the AirPlay latency of -1 frames.
rtp_setup: cport=58922 tport=50565.
Set up play connection from fe80::49f:39ef:badc:29cc to self at fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01 on RTSP conversation thread 1.
listening for audio, control and timing on ports 6001, 6002, 6003.
RTSP thread 1: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "3"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
  Type: "Transport", content: "RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;interleaved=0-1;mode=record;control_port=6002;timing_port=6003;server_port=6001"
  Type: "Session", content: "1"
Output frame bytes is 4.
Audio receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Control receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Timing receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Output bit depth is 16.
Timing sender thread starting.
    CSeq: 4.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 1 received an RTSP Packet of type "RECORD":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "4"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 1: RECORD
RTSP thread 1: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "4"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
  Type: "Audio-Latency", content: "11025"
    Content-Length: 20.
    Content-Type: text/parameters.
    CSeq: 5.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 1 received an RTSP Packet of type "SET_PARAMETER":
  Type: "Content-Length", content: "20"
  Type: "Content-Type", content: "text/parameters"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "5"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 1: SET_PARAMETER
AirPlay request to set volume to: -10.460000.
RTSP thread 1: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "5"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    RTP-Info: seq=32888;rtptime=1137744286.
    CSeq: 6.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 1 received an RTSP Packet of type "FLUSH":
  Type: "RTP-Info", content: "seq=32888;rtptime=1137744286"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "6"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 1: FLUSH
Flush requested up to 1137744286. It seems as if 0 is special.
RTSP thread 1: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "6"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
syncing to seqno 32888.
Hammerton Decoder used on encrypted audio.
    CSeq: 7.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 1 received an RTSP Packet of type "TEARDOWN":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "7"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 1: TEARDOWN
TEARDOWN: synchronously terminating the player thread of RTSP conversation thread 1 (2).
Shut down audio, control and timing threads
Control RTP thread interrupted. terminating.
Audio receiver -- Server RTP thread interrupted. terminating.
Timing thread interrupted. terminating.
Wait for timer requester to exit.
rtp_timing_sender thread interrupted. terminating.
Closed and terminated timer requester thread.
Timing RTP thread terminated.
timing thread joined
audio thread joined
control thread joined
Player thread exit on RTSP conversation thread 1.
TEARDOWN: successful termination of playing thread of RTSP conversation thread 1.
RTSP thread 1: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "7"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
  Type: "Connection", content: "close"
RTSP conversation thread 1 -- connection closed.
Synchronously terminate playing thread of RTSP conversation thread 1.
player thread of RTSP conversation 1 is already deleted.
Successful termination of playing thread of RTSP conversation thread 1.
Request termination of RTSP conversation thread 1.
Unlocking play lock on RTSP conversation thread 1.
RTSP conversation thread 1 terminated.
found RTSP connection thread 1 in a non-running state.
RTSP connection thread 1 deleted...
New RTSP connection from [fe80::49f:39ef:badc:29cc]:56700 to self at [fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01]:5000 on conversation thread 2.
Successfully created RTSP receiver thread 2.
    CSeq: 0.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 2 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "0"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 2: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 2: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "0"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    Apple-Challenge: VOkWAjPwE0cvfJq4rwyF3g==.
    CSeq: 1.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 2 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "Apple-Challenge", content: "VOkWAjPwE0cvfJq4rwyF3g=="
  Type: "CSeq", content: "1"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 2: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 2: RTSP Response:
  Type: "Apple-Response", content: "I0WinnHCeAb9a1eIrjaI84iuW8yQB0hA5ROnUi6wGI1jhKBN1hyuMrvckB7TDLLj3zOq6Qs1pXSzt73O+wXTjp955fm7/5ooQnS09y/oAMqSSvd90ndHbviaMKq6NabYhWd7g1l5p/JBgU1mMSUCwmEj7/qu7tta28TnMbKtPj3ba8Lw0o8CqypPTJ9ESVMbANvr6yUV/HAa07vv0zr1TaebHJaHygXnIcQ/VWzLq/PeGfg8jKYqT0UkAEsLrACYEeR1QbRTiPvehU19aHM+OWkymxwwmuP35m3PEUCoKPsCgMq+W0qCIEx/ccLFlDWs7u+vREMvTu4sAEdEfo3awg"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "1"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    Content-Length: 679.
    Content-Type: application/sdp.
    CSeq: 2.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 2 received an RTSP Packet of type "ANNOUNCE":
  Type: "Content-Length", content: "679"
  Type: "Content-Type", content: "application/sdp"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "2"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 2: ANNOUNCE
RTSP conversation thread 2 has acquired play lock.
Play connection from user agent "AirPlay/352.16.1" on RTSP conversation thread 2.
RTSP thread 2: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "2"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    Transport: RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;mode=record;timing_port=63738;control_port=59153.
    CSeq: 3.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 2 received an RTSP Packet of type "SETUP":
  Type: "Transport", content: "RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;mode=record;timing_port=63738;control_port=59153"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "3"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 2: SETUP
Active-Remote string seen: "3523116650".
User-Agent is AirPlay; selecting the AirPlay latency of -1 frames.
rtp_setup: cport=59153 tport=63738.
Set up play connection from fe80::49f:39ef:badc:29cc to self at fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01 on RTSP conversation thread 2.
listening for audio, control and timing on ports 6001, 6002, 6003.
RTSP thread 2: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "3"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
  Type: "Transport", content: "RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;interleaved=0-1;mode=record;control_port=6002;timing_port=6003;server_port=6001"
  Type: "Session", content: "1"
Output frame bytes is 4.
Audio receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Control receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Timing receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Output bit depth is 16.
    CSeq: 4.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 2 received an RTSP Packet of type "RECORD":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "4"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 2: RECORD
Timing sender thread starting.
RTSP thread 2: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "4"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
  Type: "Audio-Latency", content: "11025"
    Content-Length: 20.
    Content-Type: text/parameters.
    CSeq: 5.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 2 received an RTSP Packet of type "SET_PARAMETER":
  Type: "Content-Length", content: "20"
  Type: "Content-Type", content: "text/parameters"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "5"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 2: SET_PARAMETER
AirPlay request to set volume to: -10.460000.
RTSP thread 2: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "5"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    RTP-Info: seq=30615;rtptime=262568505.
    CSeq: 6.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 2 received an RTSP Packet of type "FLUSH":
  Type: "RTP-Info", content: "seq=30615;rtptime=262568505"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "6"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 2: FLUSH
Flush requested up to 262568505. It seems as if 0 is special.
RTSP thread 2: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "6"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
syncing to seqno 30615.
Hammerton Decoder used on encrypted audio.
    CSeq: 7.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 2 received an RTSP Packet of type "TEARDOWN":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "7"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 2: TEARDOWN
TEARDOWN: synchronously terminating the player thread of RTSP conversation thread 2 (2).
Shut down audio, control and timing threads
Control RTP thread interrupted. terminating.
Audio receiver -- Server RTP thread interrupted. terminating.
Timing thread interrupted. terminating.
Wait for timer requester to exit.
rtp_timing_sender thread interrupted. terminating.
Closed and terminated timer requester thread.
Timing RTP thread terminated.
timing thread joined
audio thread joined
control thread joined
Player thread exit on RTSP conversation thread 2.
TEARDOWN: successful termination of playing thread of RTSP conversation thread 2.
RTSP thread 2: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "7"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
  Type: "Connection", content: "close"
RTSP conversation thread 2 -- connection closed.
Synchronously terminate playing thread of RTSP conversation thread 2.
player thread of RTSP conversation 2 is already deleted.
Successful termination of playing thread of RTSP conversation thread 2.
Request termination of RTSP conversation thread 2.
Unlocking play lock on RTSP conversation thread 2.
RTSP conversation thread 2 terminated.
found RTSP connection thread 2 in a non-running state.
RTSP connection thread 2 deleted...
New RTSP connection from [fe80::49f:39ef:badc:29cc]:56701 to self at [fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01]:5000 on conversation thread 3.
Successfully created RTSP receiver thread 3.
    CSeq: 0.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "0"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "0"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    Apple-Challenge: 7MhDBpDuhgzYWOS6m+ndAw==.
    CSeq: 1.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "Apple-Challenge", content: "7MhDBpDuhgzYWOS6m+ndAw=="
  Type: "CSeq", content: "1"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "Apple-Response", content: "Kiml3p+XdV/7gLC1WB5SMDKXlpJKftjso+I2h81TuXbkXN0d5tRq7YNQhY9G+BFT9cBcQdiCIJ7Q5pxIyDEb/qnm0xu5sfuq5szJ3V6wlOdv5hyJc03+teAglw4Tz26b7+fsL8XWc3rRn2Wkg+1Vj26QNWGesf6ep6ndRSDyC1rpc7FbvFLgQBoNjfoNENsjv1/qqeLipXL83EtqqivcgHgJqxI54EIwmz2RGiHhHyB4X51MB1Pj8glk6aWLfZ2WSfvIw4NtiDFM4Rff5ZGJOl1bpCnvAsNNi7q4pckWqI4XOHMkjUhq+iadjnB2ifr/cs+hAjuVLHDPRU4vsiN6mw"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "1"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    Content-Length: 679.
    Content-Type: application/sdp.
    CSeq: 2.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "ANNOUNCE":
  Type: "Content-Length", content: "679"
  Type: "Content-Type", content: "application/sdp"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "2"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: ANNOUNCE
RTSP conversation thread 3 has acquired play lock.
Play connection from user agent "AirPlay/352.16.1" on RTSP conversation thread 3.
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "2"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    Transport: RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;mode=record;timing_port=64803;control_port=55452.
    CSeq: 3.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "SETUP":
  Type: "Transport", content: "RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;mode=record;timing_port=64803;control_port=55452"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "3"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: SETUP
Active-Remote string seen: "3523116650".
User-Agent is AirPlay; selecting the AirPlay latency of -1 frames.
rtp_setup: cport=55452 tport=64803.
Set up play connection from fe80::49f:39ef:badc:29cc to self at fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01 on RTSP conversation thread 3.
listening for audio, control and timing on ports 6001, 6002, 6003.
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "3"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
  Type: "Transport", content: "RTP/AVP/UDP;unicast;interleaved=0-1;mode=record;control_port=6002;timing_port=6003;server_port=6001"
  Type: "Session", content: "1"
    CSeq: 4.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
Output frame bytes is 4.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "RECORD":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "4"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: RECORD
Audio receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Control receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Timing receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Output bit depth is 16.
Timing sender thread starting.
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "4"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
  Type: "Audio-Latency", content: "11025"
    Content-Length: 20.
    Content-Type: text/parameters.
    CSeq: 5.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "SET_PARAMETER":
  Type: "Content-Length", content: "20"
  Type: "Content-Type", content: "text/parameters"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "5"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: SET_PARAMETER
AirPlay request to set volume to: -10.460000.
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "5"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    RTP-Info: seq=4243;rtptime=3951664349.
    CSeq: 6.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "FLUSH":
  Type: "RTP-Info", content: "seq=4243;rtptime=3951664349"
  Type: "CSeq", content: "6"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: FLUSH
Flush requested up to 3951664349. It seems as if 0 is special.
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "6"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
syncing to seqno 4243.
Hammerton Decoder used on encrypted audio.
    CSeq: 7.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "7"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "7"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 8.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "8"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "8"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 9.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "9"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "9"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 10.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "10"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "10"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 11.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "11"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "11"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 12.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "12"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "12"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 13.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "13"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "13"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 14.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "14"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "14"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 15.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "15"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "15"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Packet reception interval stats: mean, standard deviation and max for the last 2,500 packets in microseconds:     7979.4,    12755.2,    30484.0.
    CSeq: 16.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "16"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "16"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 17.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "17"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "17"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 18.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "18"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "18"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 19.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "19"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "19"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 20.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "20"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "20"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7813.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7845.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7814.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7846.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7815.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7847.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7816.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7848.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7817.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7849.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7802.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7818.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7850.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7803.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7819.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7851.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7804.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7820.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7852.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7805.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7821.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7853.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7806.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7822.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7854.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7807.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7823.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7855.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7808.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7824.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7856.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7809.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7825.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7857.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7810.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7826.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7858.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7811.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7827.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7859.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7812.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7828.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7860.
    CSeq: 21.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "21"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "21"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7829.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7861.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7830.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7862.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7831.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7863.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7832.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7864.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7833.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7865.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7834.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7866.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7835.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7867.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7836.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7868.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7837.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7869.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7838.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7870.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7839.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7871.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7840.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7872.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7841.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7873.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7842.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7874.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7843.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7875.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7844.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7876.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7877.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7878.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7879.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7880.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7881.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7882.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7883.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7884.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7885.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7886.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7887.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7888.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7889.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7890.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7891.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7892.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7893.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7894.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7895.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7896.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7897.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7898.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7899.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7900.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7901.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7902.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7903.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7904.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7905.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7906.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7907.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7908.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7909.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7910.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7911.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7912.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7913.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7914.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7915.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7916.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7917.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7918.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7919.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7920.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7921.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7922.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7923.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7924.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7925.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7926.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7927.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7928.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7929.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7930.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7931.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7932.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7933.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7934.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7935.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7936.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7937.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7938.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7939.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7940.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7941.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7942.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7943.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7944.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7945.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7946.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7947.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7948.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7949.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7950.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7951.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7952.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7953.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7954.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7955.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7956.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7957.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7958.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7959.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7960.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7961.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7962.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7963.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7964.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7965.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7966.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7967.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7968.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7969.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7970.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7971.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7972.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7973.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7974.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7975.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7976.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7977.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7978.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7979.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7980.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7981.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7982.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7983.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7984.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7985.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7986.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7987.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7988.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7989.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7990.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7991.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7992.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7993.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7994.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7995.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7996.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7997.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7998.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 7999.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 8000.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 8001.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 8002.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 8003.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 8004.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 8005.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 8006.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 8007.
    CSeq: 22.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "22"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "22"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 23.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "23"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "23"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 24.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "24"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "24"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 25.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "25"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "25"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 26.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "26"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "26"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Packet reception interval stats: mean, standard deviation and max for the last 2,500 packets in microseconds:     8639.4,    35764.5,  1679684.0.
    CSeq: 27.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "27"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "27"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 28.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "28"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "28"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 29.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "29"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "29"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 30.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "30"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "30"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 31.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "31"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "31"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 32.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "32"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "32"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 33.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "33"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "33"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 34.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "34"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "34"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 35.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "35"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "35"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 36.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "36"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "36"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Packet reception interval stats: mean, standard deviation and max for the last 2,500 packets in microseconds:     7979.5,    12691.0,    33533.0.
    CSeq: 37.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "37"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "37"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 38.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "38"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "38"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 39.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "39"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "39"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 40.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "40"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "40"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 41.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "41"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "41"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 42.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "42"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "42"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13447.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13479.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13448.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13480.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13449.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13481.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13450.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13482.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13451.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13483.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13452.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13484.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13453.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13485.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13454.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13486.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13455.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13487.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13440.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13456.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13488.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13441.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13457.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13489.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13442.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13458.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13490.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13443.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13459.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13491.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13444.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13460.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13492.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13445.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13461.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13493.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13446.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13462.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13494.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13463.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13495.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13464.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13496.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13465.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13497.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13466.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13498.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13467.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13499.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13468.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13500.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13469.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13501.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13470.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13502.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13471.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13503.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13472.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13504.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13473.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13505.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13474.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13506.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13475.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13507.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13476.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13508.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13477.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13509.
    CSeq: 43.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "43"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "43"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13478.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13510.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13511.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13512.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13513.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13514.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13515.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13516.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13517.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13518.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13519.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13520.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13521.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13522.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13523.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13524.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13525.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13526.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13527.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13528.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13529.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13530.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13531.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13532.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13533.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13534.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13535.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13536.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13537.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13538.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13539.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13540.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13541.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13542.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13543.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13544.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13545.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13546.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13547.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13548.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13549.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13550.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13551.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13552.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13553.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13554.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13555.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13556.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13557.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13558.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13559.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13560.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13561.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13562.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13563.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13564.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13565.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13566.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13567.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13568.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13569.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13570.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13571.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13572.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13573.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13574.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13575.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13576.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13577.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13578.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13579.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13580.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13581.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13582.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13583.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13584.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13585.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13586.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13587.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13588.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13589.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13590.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13591.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13592.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13593.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13594.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13595.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13596.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13597.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13598.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13599.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13600.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13601.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13602.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13603.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13604.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13605.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13606.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13607.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13608.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13609.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13610.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13611.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13612.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13613.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13614.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13615.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13616.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13617.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13618.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13619.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13620.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13621.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13622.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13623.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13624.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13625.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13626.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13627.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13628.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13629.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13630.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13631.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13632.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13633.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13634.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13635.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13636.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13637.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13638.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13639.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13640.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13641.
requesting resend of 1 packets starting at 13642.
    CSeq: 44.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "44"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "44"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 45.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "45"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "45"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 46.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "46"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "46"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 47.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "47"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "47"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Packet reception interval stats: mean, standard deviation and max for the last 2,500 packets in microseconds:     8627.5,    35175.7,  1648517.0.
    CSeq: 48.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "48"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "48"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 49.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "49"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "49"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 50.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "50"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "50"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 51.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "51"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "51"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 52.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "52"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "52"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 53.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "53"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "53"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 54.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "54"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "54"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 55.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "55"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "55"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 56.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "56"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "56"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 57.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "57"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "57"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Packet reception interval stats: mean, standard deviation and max for the last 2,500 packets in microseconds:     7979.2,    12682.9,    30232.0.
    CSeq: 58.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "58"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "58"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 59.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "59"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "59"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 60.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "60"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "60"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 61.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "61"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "61"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 62.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "62"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "62"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 63.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "63"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "63"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
    CSeq: 64.
    DACP-ID: A3A38D9B90DA0E37.
    Active-Remote: 3523116650.
    User-Agent: AirPlay/352.16.1.
RTSP thread 3 received an RTSP Packet of type "OPTIONS":
  Type: "CSeq", content: "64"
  Type: "DACP-ID", content: "A3A38D9B90DA0E37"
  Type: "Active-Remote", content: "3523116650"
  Type: "User-Agent", content: "AirPlay/352.16.1"
Connection 3: OPTIONS
RTSP thread 3: RTSP Response:
  Type: "CSeq", content: "64"
  Type: "Server", content: "AirTunes/105.1"
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Buffers exhausted.
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable

Thank you!

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

Thanks for that long (!) log. A couple of suggestions. First, use -vv rather than -vvv as it’s almost impossible to see the wood for the trees. Second, use --statistics to get an idea of the amount of synchronisation happening and to get an idea of how many missing packets there might be. Third, the device and mixer stuff is commented out in the alsa section. Fourth, I suggest you turn off soxr interpolation, at least for the present. If a lot of synchronisation activity is needed, the extra work being done in soxr interpolation may overwhelm the Pi. Then, please post a log of the activity again and we can see what’s happening a little more clearly.

bravecorvus commented 6 years ago

Sorry about that. I will try your suggestions and let you know when I can access my Pi tonight. Out of curiosity, will the "basic" setting downgrade the audio?

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

It will hardly be audible in normal material – music and speech. Sometimes you might hear it as a really faint irregular background hiss. But anyway, the thing is, get all the bugs out of the setup first, then reenable it.

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

By the way, I didn't mean to come across as peremptory in my post – apologies if it seemed bad-humoured.

bravecorvus commented 6 years ago

No worries @mikebrady. I totally get that you need systematic structure in issue reports so you can efficiently help everyone. Might I suggest you update your contributing guideline and give explicit details on what to provide in Issue tickets?

When you open a new issue on Github, it automatically asks you to view the contributing guidelines before submitting a request.


It seems your Contributing Guidelines is more for developers rather than the end consumer, as it does not contain information about what commands to use to get the most relevant logs. img2

As a dev with relative Linux fluency, I can guess what information you would need to help (albeit I still did not do it correctly). But maybe people without this background might have an easier time if you made the necessary logging information explicit.

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

Thanks Andrew – that's a great idea, and one I hadn't thought of!

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

Actually, I didn't even know about that! Anyhow, I've updated the page a bit; comments welcome. Thanks again.

bravecorvus commented 6 years ago

I tried with the basic interpolation option rather than soxr, but I am getting the same problem.

Furthermore, I tried the /etc/asound.conf modification listed here with no success.

Contents of my /etc/asound.conf

pcm.!default {
    type plug
    slave.pcm {
        type dmix
        ipc_key 1024
        slave {
            pcm "hw:0"
            period_time 0
            period_size 1920
            buffer_size 19200
ctl.!default {
    type hw card 0

Results of shairport-sync -vv --statistics

Linux raspberrypi 4.9.59-v7+ #1047 SMP Sun Oct 29 12:19:23 GMT 2017 armv7l

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Thu Dec  7 15:40:59 2017 from
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo shairport-sync -vv --statistics
Looking for configuration file at full path "/etc/shairport-sync.conf"
alsa output device name is "default".
The processor is running little-endian.
Version: "3.1.4-OpenSSL-Avahi-ALSA-sysconfdir:/etc"
statistics_requester status is 1.
daemon status is 0.
deamon pid file is "/var/run/shairport-sync/shairport-sync.pid".
rtsp listening port is 5000.
udp base port is 6001.
udp port range is 100.
player name is "Prometheus".
backend is "alsa".
on-start action is "(null)".
on-stop action is "(null)".
wait-cmd status is 0.
on-start returns output is 0.
mdns backend "(null)".
userSuppliedLatency is 0.
AirPlayLatency is -1.
iTunesLatency is -1.
forkedDaapdLatency is -1.
stuffing option is "0" (0-basic, 1-soxr).
resync time is 0.050000 seconds.
allow a session to be interrupted: 0.
busy timeout time is 120.
drift tolerance is 0.001995 seconds.
password is "(null)".
ignore_volume_control is 0.
volume_max_db is not set
playback_mode is 0 (0-stereo, 1-mono, 1-reverse_stereo, 2-both_left, 3-both_right).
disable_synchronization is 0.
use_mmap_if_available is 1.
output_rate is 44100.
output_format is 3 (0-unknown, 1-S8, 2-U8, 3-S16, 4-S24, 5-S24_3LE, 6-S24_3BE, 7-S32).
audio backend desired buffer length is 0.150000 seconds.
audio backend latency offset is 0.000000 seconds.
audio backend silence lead-in time is -1.000000 seconds. A value -1.0 means use the default.
volume range in dB (zero means use the range specified by the mixer): 0.
zeroconf regtype is "_raop._tcp".
decoders_supported field is 1.
use_apple_decoder is 0.
alsa_use_playback_switch_for_mute is 0.
mdns service interface "eth0" requested.
configuration file name "/etc/shairport-sync.conf" resolves to "/etc/shairport-sync.conf".
loudness is 0.
loudness reference level is -20.000000
Successful Startup
avahi: avahi_register.
avahi: register_service.
avahi: service 'E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus' group is not yet committed.
avahi: request to add "_raop._tcp" service without metadata
avahi: service 'E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus' group is registering.
avahi: service 'E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus' successfully added.
New RTSP connection from [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]:49964 to self at [fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01]:5000 on conversation thread 0.
Play connection from user agent "AirPlay/352.16.1" on RTSP conversation thread 0.
Active-Remote string seen: "3764430748".
User-Agent is AirPlay; selecting the AirPlay latency of -1 frames.
rtp_setup: cport=57305 tport=61390.
Set up play connection from fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50 to self at fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01 on RTSP conversation thread 0.
listening for audio, control and timing on ports 6001, 6002, 6003.
Output frame bytes is 4.
Audio receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Control receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.Timing receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Output bit depth is 16.

sync error in milliseconds, net correction in ppm, corrections in ppm, total packets, missing packets, late packets, too late packets, resend requests, min DAC queue size, min buffer occupancy, max buffer occupancy
Timing sender thread starting.
syncing to seqno 7419.
Hammerton Decoder used on encrypted audio.
Output written using MMAP
PCM handle name = 'default'
alsa device parameters:
  access type = MMAP_INTERLEAVED
  format = 'S16_LE' (Signed 16 bit Little Endian)
  subformat = 'STD' (Standard)
  number of channels = 2
  number of significant bits = 16
  rate = 44100 frames per second (precisely).
  precise (rational) rate = 0.000 frames per second (i.e. 0/1088784512).
  period_time = 5804 us (>).
  period_size = 256 frames (precisely).
  buffer_time = 2972154 us (>).
  buffer_size = 131072 frames (>).
  periods_per_buffer = 512 (precisely).
       0.1,       0.0,       0.0,        1003,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6142,  227,  232
       0.3,       0.0,       0.0,        2006,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6154,  227,  232
       0.5,       0.0,       0.0,        3009,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6162,  227,  232
       0.8,       0.0,       0.0,        4012,      0,    159,      0,    159,   5870,   70,  232
       0.9,       0.0,       0.0,        5015,      0,    159,      0,    159,   6182,  227,  232
       1.2,       0.0,       0.0,        6018,      0,    159,      0,    159,   6190,  227,  232
       1.4,       0.0,       0.0,        7021,      0,    159,      0,    159,   6206,  227,  232
       1.7,       0.0,       0.0,        8024,      0,    159,      0,    159,   6214,  227,  232
       1.9,      -8.5,       8.5,        9027,      0,    221,      0,    222,   6218,   70,  232
       2.0,     -28.3,      28.3,       10030,      0,    316,      0,    316,   6227,  227,  232
       2.0,     -34.0,      34.0,       11033,      0,    316,      0,    316,   6227,  227,  232
       1.9,     -17.0,      17.0,       12036,      0,    316,      0,    316,   6226,  227,  232
       1.9,     -25.5,      25.5,       13039,      0,    316,      0,    316,   6226,  227,  232
       1.9,     -36.8,      36.8,       14042,      0,    316,      0,    316,   6228,  227,  232
      10.2,    -314.4,     314.4,       15045,    266,    316,     89,   1192,   5731,    0,  232
      31.9,   -2840.9,    2840.9,       16048,    266,    316,     89,   1192,   7091,  227,  232
       9.7,   -2365.1,    2365.1,       17051,    266,    316,     89,   1192,   6227,  227,  232
       1.9,     -19.8,      19.8,       18054,    266,    316,     89,   1192,   6227,  227,  232
       1.9,     -25.5,      25.5,       19057,    266,    316,     89,   1192,   6227,  227,  232
       1.9,     -36.8,      36.8,       20060,    266,    316,     89,   1192,   6225,  227,  232
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable

Any other suggestions?

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

Great, thanks. To eliminate the possibility of the digital mixer causing the problem, let me suggest that you address the output device directly – make the output device setting in the Shairport Sync configuration file "hw:0" rather than default so that you bypass all that mixer stuff. (Is it hw:0 or hw:1? Use alsamixer or similar to find out.)

I might also ask you, if you would not mind, to switch over to the development branch, as it adds one extra useful piece of information to the log at verbosity 2. Here is a log from a Raspberry Pi B running the development version:

Dec 07 22:25:58 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]: Output written using MMAP
Dec 07 22:25:58 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]: PCM handle name = 'hw:0'
Dec 07 22:25:58 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]: alsa device parameters:
Dec 07 22:25:58 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:   access type = MMAP_INTERLEAVED
Dec 07 22:25:58 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:   format = 'S16_LE' (Signed 16 bit Little Endian)
Dec 07 22:25:58 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:   subformat = 'STD' (Standard)
Dec 07 22:25:58 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:   number of channels = 2
Dec 07 22:25:58 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:   number of significant bits = 16
Dec 07 22:25:58 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:   rate = 44100 frames per second (precisely).
Dec 07 22:25:58 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:   precise (rational) rate = 0.000 frames per second (i.e. 0/1088784512).
Dec 07 22:25:58 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:   period_time = 5804 us (>).
Dec 07 22:25:58 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:   period_size = 256 frames (precisely).
Dec 07 22:25:58 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:   buffer_time = 743038 us (>).
Dec 07 22:25:58 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:   buffer_size = 32768 frames (>).
Dec 07 22:25:58 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:   periods_per_buffer = 128 (precisely).
Dec 07 22:26:08 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:        0.5,      -5.7,       5.7,        1003,      0,      0,      0,      0,   5985,  261,  264
Dec 07 22:26:16 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:       -0.5,     -25.5,      25.5,        2006,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6133,  260,  264
Dec 07 22:26:18 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]: Packet reception interval stats: mean, standard deviation and max for the last 2,500 packets in microseconds:     7979.1,     1839.7,    42118.0.
Dec 07 22:26:24 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:       -1.3,      70.8,      93.5,        3009,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6134,  263,  264
Dec 07 22:26:32 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:       -1.3,     113.3,     119.0,        4012,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6194,  263,  264
Dec 07 22:26:38 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]: Packet reception interval stats: mean, standard deviation and max for the last 2,500 packets in microseconds:     7982.0,      960.3,    15027.0.
Dec 07 22:26:40 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:       -1.3,      85.0,     124.6,        5015,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6153,  263,  264
Dec 07 22:26:48 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:       -1.5,     116.1,     127.5,        6018,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6135,  263,  264
Dec 07 22:26:56 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:       -1.3,     110.5,     121.8,        7021,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6132,  263,  264
Dec 07 22:26:58 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]: Packet reception interval stats: mean, standard deviation and max for the last 2,500 packets in microseconds:     7982.1,     1179.1,    25806.0.
Dec 07 22:27:04 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:       -1.5,     107.6,     136.0,        8024,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6191,  262,  264
Dec 07 22:27:12 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:       -1.4,      99.1,     150.1,        9027,      0,      0,      0,      0,   5986,  262,  264
Dec 07 22:27:18 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]: Packet reception interval stats: mean, standard deviation and max for the last 2,500 packets in microseconds:     7982.0,     1080.5,    26464.0.
Dec 07 22:27:20 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:       -1.4,     116.1,     127.5,       10030,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6101,  263,  264
Dec 07 22:27:28 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:       -1.4,      99.1,     144.5,       11033,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6097,  262,  264
Dec 07 22:27:36 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:       -1.5,     113.3,     136.0,       12036,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6185,  263,  264
Dec 07 22:27:38 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]: Packet reception interval stats: mean, standard deviation and max for the last 2,500 packets in microseconds:     7981.9,     1115.9,    30235.0.
Dec 07 22:27:44 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:       -1.3,      85.0,     107.6,       13039,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6157,  263,  264
Dec 07 22:27:52 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:       -1.5,     124.6,     147.3,       14042,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6143,  263,  264
Dec 07 22:27:58 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]: Packet reception interval stats: mean, standard deviation and max for the last 2,500 packets in microseconds:     7982.2,     1109.0,    18157.0.
Dec 07 22:28:00 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:       -1.4,      99.1,     110.5,       15045,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6140,  263,  264
Dec 07 22:28:08 raspberrypi shairport-sync[647]:       -1.5,     133.1,     138.8,       16048,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6131,  263,  264

Notice the packet reception interval stuff – this may be useful for troubleshooting the problem. The figures are for a WiFi connection.

So, assuming changing the output device so that it goes to the hardware directly makes no difference, then it looks like a network problem – you are losing packets irretrievably, and having to ask for many retransmissions. This is quite unusual. It might be happening on the WiFi side, or the router might be causing it. Another thing to notice is that, periodically, the minimum number of packets drops to 70, and at one stage, to zero. That indicates a serious interruption in the delivery of these packets, each of which carries 352 audio frames. That points to a network issue.

It might all be cause by something else, e.g. that digital mixer, but I think that this is unlikely, and in any case you'll know when you bypass it. It these symptoms remain, it looks like some kind of network issue.

If your router has a WMM setting, it might be worth changing its setting.

bravecorvus commented 6 years ago

I'm not using any type of router. Just a direct ethernet connection from my client to my server. Furthermore, the bottleneck is not on the client end of things since I am using a thunderbolt to LAN adaptor (which can transmit up to 10 Gbit/sec).

In settings, I tried setting

general =
    interface = "eth0"; // Use this advanced setting to specify the interface on which Shairport Sync should provide its service. Leave it commented out to get the default, which is to select the interface(s) automatically.

Is it still possible that the Pi is attempting to grab the stream from wlan0?

Or could it be the ethernet cable I am using? How much bandwidth do you think shairport-sync is using?

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

The interface setting only affects Avahi – it instructs it to only advertise Shairport Sync services on eth0 in this case. That means that it will appear as an AirPlay destination only on devices connected to the network eth0 is connected to – in this case, your MacBook. If a device connected to the wlan0 side somehow "knew" about the AirPlay service, then it could connect to it.

Here are couple more suggestions of things to check out:

  1. Does the problem persist if you use iTunes as your source on the MacBook rather than Swinsian?
  2. Is the Pi providing any other services, e.g. a server of any kind or acting as a bridge or access point? Does the problem persist if you turn them off?
  3. What happens if you disconnect from the WiFi network completely?

Of course switching a cable is easy, so might be worth trying. Shairport Sync uses a very small amount of bandwidth – roughly half the data rate of a CD stream, thus 16x2x44,100/2 bits per second – about 90 kB per second. The Pi's ethernet port is not gigabit – it's 100 megabits, about 12 megabytes per second.

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

There is definitely something about Swinsian – It is using an AirPlay call that is normally unused ("GET_PARAMETER") and that Shairport Sync doesn't implement.

It will take further investigation to see what is going on and what is needed. Meantime, could you see if the problem is there when you use iTunes as a source please?

bravecorvus commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the wait on this.

Just tried the same steps (without changing any configurations on the Pi side) using iTunes and got a similar issue:

Linux raspberrypi 4.9.59-v7+ #1047 SMP Sun Oct 29 12:19:23 GMT 2017 armv7l

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Fri Dec  8 15:46:17 2017 from
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo shairport -k
sudo: shairport: command not found
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo shairport-sync -k
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo shairport-sync -vv --statistics
Looking for configuration file at full path "/etc/shairport-sync.conf"
alsa output device name is "default".
The processor is running little-endian.
Version: "3.1.4-OpenSSL-Avahi-ALSA-sysconfdir:/etc"
statistics_requester status is 1.
daemon status is 0.
deamon pid file is "/var/run/shairport-sync/shairport-sync.pid".
rtsp listening port is 5000.
udp base port is 6001.
udp port range is 100.
player name is "Prometheus".
backend is "alsa".
on-start action is "(null)".
on-stop action is "(null)".
wait-cmd status is 0.
on-start returns output is 0.
mdns backend "(null)".
userSuppliedLatency is 0.
AirPlayLatency is -1.
iTunesLatency is -1.
forkedDaapdLatency is -1.
stuffing option is "0" (0-basic, 1-soxr).
resync time is 0.050000 seconds.
allow a session to be interrupted: 0.
busy timeout time is 120.
drift tolerance is 0.001995 seconds.
password is "(null)".
ignore_volume_control is 0.
volume_max_db is not set
playback_mode is 0 (0-stereo, 1-mono, 1-reverse_stereo, 2-both_left, 3-both_right).
disable_synchronization is 0.
use_mmap_if_available is 1.
output_rate is 44100.
output_format is 3 (0-unknown, 1-S8, 2-U8, 3-S16, 4-S24, 5-S24_3LE, 6-S24_3BE, 7-S32).
audio backend desired buffer length is 0.150000 seconds.
audio backend latency offset is 0.000000 seconds.
audio backend silence lead-in time is -1.000000 seconds. A value -1.0 means use the default.
volume range in dB (zero means use the range specified by the mixer): 0.
zeroconf regtype is "_raop._tcp".
decoders_supported field is 1.
use_apple_decoder is 0.
alsa_use_playback_switch_for_mute is 0.
mdns service interface "eth0" requested.
configuration file name "/etc/shairport-sync.conf" resolves to "/etc/shairport-sync.conf".
loudness is 0.
loudness reference level is -20.000000
Successful Startup
avahi: avahi_register.
avahi: register_service.
avahi: service 'E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus' group is not yet committed.
avahi: request to add "_raop._tcp" service without metadata
avahi: service 'E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus' group is registering.
avahi: service 'E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus' successfully added.
New RTSP connection from [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]:49267 to self at [fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01]:5000 on conversation thread 0.
Play connection from user agent "AirPlay/352.16.1" on RTSP conversation thread 0.
Active-Remote string seen: "4160521922".
User-Agent is AirPlay; selecting the AirPlay latency of -1 frames.
rtp_setup: cport=59272 tport=57568.
Set up play connection from fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50 to self at fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01 on RTSP conversation thread 0.
listening for audio, control and timing on ports 6001, 6002, 6003.
Output frame bytes is 4.
Audio receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Control receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Timing receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Output bit depth is 16.
sync error in milliseconds, net correction in ppm, corrections in ppm, total packets, missing packets, late packets, too late packets, resend requests, min DAC queue size, min buffer occupancy, max buffer occupancy
Timing sender thread starting.
syncing to seqno 15761.
Hammerton Decoder used on encrypted audio.
Output written using MMAP
PCM handle name = 'default'
alsa device parameters:
  access type = MMAP_INTERLEAVED
  format = 'S16_LE' (Signed 16 bit Little Endian)
  subformat = 'STD' (Standard)
  number of channels = 2
  number of significant bits = 16
  rate = 44100 frames per second (precisely).
  precise (rational) rate = 0.000 frames per second (i.e. 0/1088784512).
  period_time = 5804 us (>).
  period_size = 256 frames (precisely).
  buffer_time = 2972154 us (>).
  buffer_size = 131072 frames (>).
  periods_per_buffer = 512 (precisely).
       0.0,       0.0,       0.0,        1003,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6139,  226,  231
       0.3,       0.0,       0.0,        2006,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6143,  226,  231
       0.5,       0.0,       0.0,        3009,      0,    138,      0,    138,   6159,   89,  231
       0.7,       0.0,       0.0,        4012,      0,    138,      0,    138,   6175,  226,  231
       1.0,       0.0,       0.0,        5015,      0,    138,      0,    138,   6179,  226,  231
       1.2,       0.0,       0.0,        6018,      0,    138,      0,    138,   6183,  226,  231
       1.4,       0.0,       0.0,        7021,      0,    138,      0,    138,   6107,  226,  231
       1.6,       0.0,       0.0,        8024,      0,    138,      0,    138,   6135,  226,  231
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
      21.9,   -1614.5,    1614.5,        9027,      8,    388,      2,    390,   2092,    0,  250
      19.5,   -2840.9,    2840.9,       10030,      8,    388,      2,    390,   6526,  226,  231
       2.8,    -821.4,     821.4,       11033,      8,    388,      2,    390,   6229,  226,  231
       1.9,     -22.7,      22.7,       12036,      8,    388,      2,    390,   6201,  226,  231
       1.9,     -31.2,      31.2,       13039,      8,    388,      2,    390,   6228,  226,  231
       1.9,     -25.5,      25.5,       14042,      8,    388,      2,    390,   6229,   48,  231
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable

On your question about providing services, I am using the Pi as an IoT alarm clock which runs a web server at port :3000. I am fairly sure this port is marked as used for both eth0 and wlan0 (although I only access it using the wlan0 address via a DDNS provider).

bravecorvus commented 6 years ago

I am also using a program to send stings over serial usb to an arduino device. This should not affect anything network related, but might be affecting throughput in the shared controller between ethernet and usb.

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

Thanks again. I believe that progress is being made, really! So, let's summarise:

  1. There is a direct wired connection from the MacBook to the Pi. No router in the way.
  2. Shairport Sync is on a pretty standard and basic configuration – no soxr, no other unusual settings.
  3. The source is iTunes; again, this is completely standard.

We observe some strange phenomena:

  1. Even though it's a direct connection without even a router, packets are being lost, sometimes irretrievably. This is really unusual, especially for a wired connection. The reason is unknown.
  2. When the player is working, every five or six statistics entries show very large disturbances in the minimum number of packets (each contains 352 frames of data) remaining in the queue for playback. Each entry corresponds to 1003 packets, each containing 352 audio frames. Thus, each entry corresponded to approximately 352*1003/44100 seconds, i.e. almost exactly 8 seconds. So it seems that every 48 ± 16 seconds, something destructive happens.

One plausible reason for this is that periodically, something temporarily stops network packets being received. If the usb–arduino program does something periodically, say on the order of every 50 seconds, it might indeed be the problem. Can you (temporarily) disable it so see if the phenomenon continues or goes away?

bravecorvus commented 6 years ago

Disabling my program (which means nothing running on port 3000 and no information getting transmitted over USB did not work improve the performance of shairport-sync -vv --statistics

Linux raspberrypi 4.9.59-v7+ #1047 SMP Sun Oct 29 12:19:23 GMT 2017 armv7l

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Mon Dec 11 13:28:11 2017 from
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo shairport-sync -vv --statistics
Looking for configuration file at full path "/etc/shairport-sync.conf"
alsa output device name is "default".
The processor is running little-endian.
Version: "3.1.4-OpenSSL-Avahi-ALSA-sysconfdir:/etc"
statistics_requester status is 1.
daemon status is 0.
deamon pid file is "/var/run/shairport-sync/shairport-sync.pid".
rtsp listening port is 5000.
udp base port is 6001.
udp port range is 100.
player name is "Prometheus".
backend is "alsa".
on-start action is "(null)".
on-stop action is "(null)".
wait-cmd status is 0.
on-start returns output is 0.
mdns backend "(null)".
userSuppliedLatency is 0.
AirPlayLatency is -1.
iTunesLatency is -1.
forkedDaapdLatency is -1.
stuffing option is "0" (0-basic, 1-soxr).
resync time is 0.050000 seconds.
allow a session to be interrupted: 0.
busy timeout time is 120.
drift tolerance is 0.001995 seconds.
password is "(null)".
ignore_volume_control is 0.
volume_max_db is not set
playback_mode is 0 (0-stereo, 1-mono, 1-reverse_stereo, 2-both_left, 3-both_right).
disable_synchronization is 0.
use_mmap_if_available is 1.
output_rate is 44100.
output_format is 3 (0-unknown, 1-S8, 2-U8, 3-S16, 4-S24, 5-S24_3LE, 6-S24_3BE, 7-S32).
audio backend desired buffer length is 0.150000 seconds.
audio backend latency offset is 0.000000 seconds.
audio backend silence lead-in time is -1.000000 seconds. A value -1.0 means use the default.
volume range in dB (zero means use the range specified by the mixer): 0.
zeroconf regtype is "_raop._tcp".
decoders_supported field is 1.
use_apple_decoder is 0.
alsa_use_playback_switch_for_mute is 0.
mdns service interface "eth0" requested.
configuration file name "/etc/shairport-sync.conf" resolves to "/etc/shairport-sync.conf".
loudness is 0.
loudness reference level is -20.000000
Successful Startup
avahi: avahi_register.
avahi: register_service.
avahi: service 'E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus' group is not yet committed.
avahi: request to add "_raop._tcp" service without metadata
avahi: service 'E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus' group is registering.
avahi: service 'E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus' successfully added.
New RTSP connection from [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]:49378 to self at [fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01]:5000 on conversation thread 0.
Play connection from user agent "AirPlay/352.16.1" on RTSP conversation thread 0.
Active-Remote string seen: "2021117358".
User-Agent is AirPlay; selecting the AirPlay latency of -1 frames.
rtp_setup: cport=49889 tport=57865.
Set up play connection from fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50 to self at fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01 on RTSP conversation thread 0.
listening for audio, control and timing on ports 6001, 6002, 6003.
Output frame bytes is 4.
Audio receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Control receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Timing receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Output bit depth is 16.
sync error in milliseconds, net correction in ppm, corrections in ppm, total packets, missing packets, late packets, too late packets, resend requests, min DAC queue size, min buffer occupancy, max buffer occupancy
Timing sender thread starting.
syncing to seqno 56369.
Hammerton Decoder used on encrypted audio.
Output written using MMAP
PCM handle name = 'default'
alsa device parameters:
  access type = MMAP_INTERLEAVED
  format = 'S16_LE' (Signed 16 bit Little Endian)
  subformat = 'STD' (Standard)
  number of channels = 2
  number of significant bits = 16
  rate = 44100 frames per second (precisely).
  precise (rational) rate = 0.000 frames per second (i.e. 0/1088784512).
  period_time = 5804 us (>).
  period_size = 256 frames (precisely).
  buffer_time = 2972154 us (>).
  buffer_size = 131072 frames (>).
  periods_per_buffer = 512 (precisely).
       0.1,       0.0,       0.0,        1003,      0,      0,      0,      0,   5913,  226,  231
       0.3,       0.0,       0.0,        2006,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6149,  226,  231
       0.5,       0.0,       0.0,        3009,      0,      0,      0,      0,   5625,  226,  233
       0.8,       0.0,       0.0,        4012,      2,      1,      0,      8,   6141,    0,  231
       1.0,       0.0,       0.0,        5015,      8,    229,      0,    229,   5517,  226,  231
       1.2,       0.0,       0.0,        6018,      8,    229,      0,    229,   6197,  226,  231
       1.5,       0.0,       0.0,        7021,      8,    229,      0,    229,   6205,  226,  231
       1.7,       0.0,       0.0,        8024,      8,    229,      0,    229,   6209,  226,  231
       1.9,      -5.7,       5.7,        9027,      8,    229,      0,    229,   6221,  226,  231
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
As Yeats almost said, "Too long a silence / can make a stone of the heart" from RTSP conversation 0.
Playback Stopped. Total playing time 00:03:18.
Shut down audio, control and timing threads
Player thread exit on RTSP conversation thread 0.
RTSP conversation thread 0 terminated.

Furthermore, to investigate whether it could be an issue with the ethernet cable, I tried a much smaller cable (1 feet exactly). This time, I noticed shairport-sync was able to recover from some amount of delay, but eventually errored out with Network unreachable

Linux raspberrypi 4.9.59-v7+ #1047 SMP Sun Oct 29 12:19:23 GMT 2017 armv7l

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Mon Dec 11 13:38:30 2017
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo shairport-sync -vv --statistics
Looking for configuration file at full path "/etc/shairport-sync.conf"
alsa output device name is "default".
The processor is running little-endian.
Version: "3.1.4-OpenSSL-Avahi-ALSA-sysconfdir:/etc"
statistics_requester status is 1.
daemon status is 0.
deamon pid file is "/var/run/shairport-sync/shairport-sync.pid".
rtsp listening port is 5000.
udp base port is 6001.
udp port range is 100.
player name is "Prometheus".
backend is "alsa".
on-start action is "(null)".
on-stop action is "(null)".
wait-cmd status is 0.
on-start returns output is 0.
mdns backend "(null)".
userSuppliedLatency is 0.
AirPlayLatency is -1.
iTunesLatency is -1.
forkedDaapdLatency is -1.
stuffing option is "0" (0-basic, 1-soxr).
resync time is 0.050000 seconds.
allow a session to be interrupted: 0.
busy timeout time is 120.
drift tolerance is 0.001995 seconds.
password is "(null)".
ignore_volume_control is 0.
volume_max_db is not set
playback_mode is 0 (0-stereo, 1-mono, 1-reverse_stereo, 2-both_left, 3-both_right).
disable_synchronization is 0.
use_mmap_if_available is 1.
output_rate is 44100.
output_format is 3 (0-unknown, 1-S8, 2-U8, 3-S16, 4-S24, 5-S24_3LE, 6-S24_3BE, 7-S32).
audio backend desired buffer length is 0.150000 seconds.
audio backend latency offset is 0.000000 seconds.
audio backend silence lead-in time is -1.000000 seconds. A value -1.0 means use the default.
volume range in dB (zero means use the range specified by the mixer): 0.
zeroconf regtype is "_raop._tcp".
decoders_supported field is 1.
use_apple_decoder is 0.
alsa_use_playback_switch_for_mute is 0.
mdns service interface "eth0" requested.
configuration file name "/etc/shairport-sync.conf" resolves to "/etc/shairport-sync.conf".
loudness is 0.
loudness reference level is -20.000000
Successful Startup
avahi: avahi_register.
avahi: register_service.
avahi: service 'E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus' group is not yet committed.
avahi: request to add "_raop._tcp" service without metadata
avahi: service 'E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus' group is registering.
avahi: service 'E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus' successfully added.
New RTSP connection from [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]:50431 to self at [fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01]:5000 on conversation thread 0.
Play connection from user agent "AirPlay/352.16.1" on RTSP conversation thread 0.
Active-Remote string seen: "764538779".
User-Agent is AirPlay; selecting the AirPlay latency of -1 frames.
rtp_setup: cport=49635 tport=62053.
Set up play connection from fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50 to self at fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01 on RTSP conversation thread 0.
listening for audio, control and timing on ports 6001, 6002, 6003.
Output frame bytes is 4.
Audio receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Control receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Output bit depth is 16.Timing receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.

sync error in milliseconds, net correction in ppm, corrections in ppm, total packets, missing packets, late packets, too late packets, resend requests, min DAC queue size, min buffer occupancy, max buffer occupancy
Timing sender thread starting.
syncing to seqno 19040.
Hammerton Decoder used on encrypted audio.
Output written using MMAP
PCM handle name = 'default'
alsa device parameters:
  access type = MMAP_INTERLEAVED
  format = 'S16_LE' (Signed 16 bit Little Endian)
  subformat = 'STD' (Standard)
  number of channels = 2
  number of significant bits = 16
  rate = 44100 frames per second (precisely).
  precise (rational) rate = 0.000 frames per second (i.e. 0/1088784512).
  period_time = 5804 us (>).
  period_size = 256 frames (precisely).
  buffer_time = 2972154 us (>).
  buffer_size = 131072 frames (>).
  periods_per_buffer = 512 (precisely).
       0.1,       0.0,       0.0,        1003,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6142,  227,  232
       0.3,       0.0,       0.0,        2006,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6154,  227,  232
       0.5,       0.0,       0.0,        3009,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6162,  227,  232
       0.7,       0.0,       0.0,        4012,      0,      0,      0,      0,   6170,  190,  232
       1.0,       0.0,       0.0,        5015,    225,      0,     93,    708,   6178,    3,  232
       1.2,       0.0,       0.0,        6018,    225,      0,     93,    708,   5458,  227,  233
       1.5,       0.0,       0.0,        7021,    225,      0,     93,    708,   6098,  227,  232
       1.7,       0.0,       0.0,        8024,    225,      0,     93,    708,   6214,  227,  232
       1.9,      -5.7,       5.7,        9027,    225,      0,     93,    708,   6218,  227,  232
       1.9,     -19.8,      19.8,       10030,    372,      0,    186,   1296,   6229,   80,  232
       1.9,     -39.7,      39.7,       11033,    372,      0,    186,   1296,   6229,  227,  232
       1.9,      -2.8,       2.8,       12036,    372,      0,    186,   1296,   6199,  226,  232
       1.9,     -53.8,      53.8,       13039,    372,      0,    186,   1296,   6170,  227,  232
       1.9,     -22.7,      22.7,       14042,    372,      0,    186,   1296,   5888,  227,  233
       1.9,     -31.2,      31.2,       15045,    372,      0,    186,   1296,   6231,  227,  232
      14.2,    -903.5,     903.5,       16048,    625,      0,    275,   2103,   6217,    0,  232
      26.2,   -2840.9,    2840.9,       17051,    625,      0,    275,   2103,   6836,  227,  232
       5.7,   -1654.1,    1654.1,       18054,    625,      0,    275,   2103,   6221,  227,  232
       1.9,     -25.5,      25.5,       19057,    625,      0,    275,   2103,   6182,  227,  232
       1.9,     -22.7,      22.7,       20060,    625,      0,    275,   2103,   6226,  227,  232
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
       1.9,     -31.2,      31.2,       21063,    625,      0,    275,   2103,   6226,   55,  232
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable
Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable

Hence, I don't think its a problem with my program or the physical ethernet connection.

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

Thanks. It's a real mystery to me at this point, and I must admit I'm a bit stumped. At this stage, I'd be creating a fresh SD Card with Raspbian on it and installing just Shairport Sync, configured as here, on it. If the problem persists... wow. I don't support it would be a power supply issue, weird and all as that sounds?

bravecorvus commented 6 years ago

I did do a fresh install less than a month ago. However, I vaguely remember having a similar issue with my previous installation of Raspbian. Hence, I'll just assume its a defect in the Raspberry Pi itself. Anyways, thanks for all your help.

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

No problem. I hope you get to the bottom of that problem. It's a doozy!

bravecorvus commented 6 years ago

Sorry for reopening, but i'm trying something new and I'm getting some different issues.

So in the past, I had just been setting the default system output to go to shairport-sync through the Sound option in System Settings.

Hence, today, I tried something different. I updated shairport-sync from the master branch and did a fresh build.

Then I attached to the shairport-sync server **from iTunes Output Menu***

The result of shairport-sync -vv is as follows:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo shairport-sync -vv
Looking for configuration file at full path "/etc/shairport-sync.conf"
alsa output device name is "default".
The processor is running little-endian.
Version: "3.1.5-OpenSSL-Avahi-ALSA-soxr-sysconfdir:/etc"
statistics_requester status is 0.
daemon status is 0.
deamon pid file is "/var/run/shairport-sync/shairport-sync.pid".
rtsp listening port is 5000.
udp base port is 6001.
udp port range is 100.
player name is "Prometheus".
backend is "alsa".
on-start action is "(null)".
on-stop action is "(null)".
wait-cmd status is 0.
on-start returns output is 0.
mdns backend "(null)".
userSuppliedLatency is 0.
AirPlayLatency is -1.
iTunesLatency is -1.
forkedDaapdLatency is -1.
stuffing option is "0" (0-basic, 1-soxr).
resync time is 0.050000 seconds.
allow a session to be interrupted: 0.
busy timeout time is 120.
drift tolerance is 0.001995 seconds.
password is "(null)".
ignore_volume_control is 0.
volume_max_db is not set
playback_mode is 0 (0-stereo, 1-mono, 1-reverse_stereo, 2-both_left, 3-both_right).
disable_synchronization is 0.
use_mmap_if_available is 1.
output_rate is 44100.
output_format is 3 (0-unknown, 1-S8, 2-U8, 3-S16, 4-S24, 5-S24_3LE, 6-S24_3BE, 7-S32).
audio backend desired buffer length is 0.150000 seconds.
audio backend latency offset is 0.000000 seconds.
audio backend silence lead-in time is -1.000000 seconds. A value -1.0 means use the default.
volume range in dB (zero means use the range specified by the mixer): 0.
zeroconf regtype is "_raop._tcp".
decoders_supported field is 1.
use_apple_decoder is 0.
alsa_use_playback_switch_for_mute is 0.
mdns service interface "eth0" requested.
configuration file name "/etc/shairport-sync.conf" resolves to "/etc/shairport-sync.conf".
loudness is 0.
loudness reference level is -20.000000
Successful Startup
avahi: avahi_register.
avahi: register_service.
avahi: service 'E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus' group is not yet committed.
avahi: request to add "_raop._tcp" service without metadata
avahi: service 'E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus' group is registering.
avahi: service 'E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus' successfully added.
New RTSP connection from [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]:50811 to self at [fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01]:5000 on conversation thread 0.
RTSP conversation thread 0 terminated.
New RTSP connection from [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]:50830 to self at [fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01]:5000 on conversation thread 1.
Play connection from user agent "iTunes/12.7.2 (Macintosh; OS X 10.13.1) (dt:1)" on RTSP conversation thread 1.
Active-Remote string seen: "99505768".
DACP-ID string seen: "E6EE0376BB7B3CC9".
User-Agent is iTunes 10 or better, (actual version is 12); selecting the iTunes latency of -1 frames.
rtp_setup: cport=6001 tport=6002.
Set up play connection from fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50 to self at fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01 on RTSP conversation thread 1.
listening for audio, control and timing on ports 6001, 6002, 6003.
Output frame bytes is 4.
Audio receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Control receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Timing receiver -- Server RTP thread starting.
Output bit depth is 16.
Dithering will be enabled because the output volume is being altered in software
Timing sender thread starting.
Set initial volume to -18.000000.
Using negotiated latency of 88200 frames and a static latency correction of 11025
syncing to seqno 56708.
Hammerton Decoder used on encrypted audio.
Output written using MMAP
PCM handle name = 'default'
alsa device parameters:
  access type = MMAP_INTERLEAVED
  format = 'S16_LE' (Signed 16 bit Little Endian)
  subformat = 'STD' (Standard)
  number of channels = 2
  number of significant bits = 16
  rate = 44100 frames per second (precisely).
  precise (rational) rate = 0.000 frames per second (i.e. 0/1088784512).
  period_time = 5804 us (>).
  period_size = 256 frames (precisely).
  buffer_time = 2972154 us (>).
  buffer_size = 131072 frames (>).
  periods_per_buffer = 512 (precisely).
Using negotiated latency of 88553 frames and a static latency correction of 11025
Client's DACP status withdrawn.
Segmentation fault

This time around, instead of erroring out due to network, it just crashes due to a seg fault.

Furthermore, I ran avahi-browse -ar to see if anything was going on, but I don't really know what I am looking for.

I will go ahead and paste that here:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ avahi-browse -ar
+   eth0 IPv6 E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus                       AirTunes Remote Audio local
=   eth0 IPv6 E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus                       AirTunes Remote Audio local
   hostname = [raspberrypi.local]
   address = [fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01]
   port = [5000]
   txt = ["pw=false" "txtvers=1" "ch=2" "cn=0,1" "ek=1" "et=0,1" "sv=false" "da=true" "sr=44100" "ss=16" "vn=65537" "tp=TCP,UDP" "vs=105.1" "am=ShairportSync" "fv=76400.10" "sf=0x4"]
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SSH Remote Terminal  local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SFTP File Transfer   local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        Network File System  local
+   eth0 IPv6 011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57@Andrews MacBook Pro _1password4._tcp     local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _alfredrs._tcp       local
+   eth0 IPv6 azLogAE6Z30 kbxX-B4T9Gz sync                  _omnistate._tcp      local
+   eth0 IPv6 1017279:45512:andrewlee@Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local _OZOmniFocus2._udp   local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _atc._tcp            local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        Apple Home Sharing   local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _bttremote._tcp      local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        iTunes Audio Access  local
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SSH Remote Terminal  local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [22]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SFTP File Transfer   local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [22]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        Network File System  local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [2049]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57@Andrews MacBook Pro _1password4._tcp     local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [52757]
   txt = ["build=684001" "name=Andrews MacBook Pro" "updated=534819993.150742" "uuid=011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _alfredrs._tcp       local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [54446]
   txt = ["type=MacBook Pro" "uid=2978BB43-9C0C-4809-9E92-E41AB2161118" "version=1"]
=   eth0 IPv6 azLogAE6Z30 kbxX-B4T9Gz sync                  _omnistate._tcp      local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [62166]
   txt = ["m=s:ha9lxTGMxq7" "v=s:pE52gyWpKHk" "s=s:BK9L17PRJ.=&3u" "g=s:azLogAE6Z30"]
=   eth0 IPv6 1017279:45512:andrewlee@Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local _OZOmniFocus2._udp   local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [9]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _atc._tcp            local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [60101]
   txt = ["libid=D25A89AC247114A8"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        Apple Home Sharing   local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [3689]
   txt = ["hC=d9e79df4-b6ce-4c51-a34a-db5d8b84b343" "Machine ID=0E328E570721" "Database ID=614D42795A6D127" "hG=00000000-77cf-e26b-b904-d38f292f4cae" "iCSV=65540" "OSsi=0x1F5" "Machine Name=Andrew Lee’s Library" "DvTy=iTunes" "DvSv=3186" "iTSh Version=196622" "Version=196621" "MID=0xF8979975D49AB562" "hQ=1260" "dmv=131085" "txtvers=1"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _bttremote._tcp      local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [49480]
   txt = ["BTTLicensed=YES" "pwd=NO" "BTTVersion=2.318" "BTTIdentifierX=57DFDB7B-6965-4252-B7FC-046C77AD586B"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        iTunes Audio Access  local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [3689]
   txt = ["Machine Name=Andrew Lee’s Library" "Password=0" "iTSh Version=196622" "Media Kinds Shared=1069" "OSsi=0x1F5" "dmv=131085" "Machine ID=0E328E570721" "Database ID=614D42795A6D127" "MID=0xF8979975D49AB562" "Version=196621" "txtvers=1"]
+   eth0 IPv6 iTunes_Ctrl_E6EE0376BB7B3CC9                  iTunes Remote Control local
=   eth0 IPv6 iTunes_Ctrl_E6EE0376BB7B3CC9                  iTunes Remote Control local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [3689]
   txt = ["OSsi=0x1F5" "DbId=614D42795A6D127" "Ver=131077" "txtvers=1"]
-   eth0 IPv6 iTunes_Ctrl_E6EE0376BB7B3CC9                  iTunes Remote Control local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        iTunes Audio Access  local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _bttremote._tcp      local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        Apple Home Sharing   local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _atc._tcp            local
-   eth0 IPv6 1017279:45512:andrewlee@Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local _OZOmniFocus2._udp   local
-   eth0 IPv6 azLogAE6Z30 kbxX-B4T9Gz sync                  _omnistate._tcp      local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _alfredrs._tcp       local
-   eth0 IPv6 011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57@Andrews MacBook Pro _1password4._tcp     local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        Network File System  local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SFTP File Transfer   local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SSH Remote Terminal  local
-   eth0 IPv6 E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus                       AirTunes Remote Audio local
+   eth0 IPv6 E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus                       AirTunes Remote Audio local
=   eth0 IPv6 E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus                       AirTunes Remote Audio local
   hostname = [raspberrypi.local]
   address = [fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01]
   port = [5000]
   txt = ["pw=false" "txtvers=1" "ch=2" "cn=0,1" "ek=1" "et=0,1" "sv=false" "da=true" "sr=44100" "ss=16" "vn=65537" "tp=TCP,UDP" "vs=105.1" "am=ShairportSync" "fv=76400.10" "sf=0x4"]
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SSH Remote Terminal  local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SFTP File Transfer   local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        Network File System  local
+   eth0 IPv6 011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57@Andrews MacBook Pro _1password4._tcp     local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _alfredrs._tcp       local
+   eth0 IPv6 azLogAE6Z30 kbxX-B4T9Gz sync                  _omnistate._tcp      local
+   eth0 IPv6 1017279:45512:andrewlee@Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local _OZOmniFocus2._udp   local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _atc._tcp            local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        Apple Home Sharing   local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _bttremote._tcp      local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        iTunes Audio Access  local
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SSH Remote Terminal  local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [22]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SFTP File Transfer   local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [22]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        Network File System  local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [2049]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57@Andrews MacBook Pro _1password4._tcp     local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [52757]
   txt = ["build=684001" "name=Andrews MacBook Pro" "updated=534819993.150742" "uuid=011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _alfredrs._tcp       local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [54446]
   txt = ["type=MacBook Pro" "uid=2978BB43-9C0C-4809-9E92-E41AB2161118" "version=1"]
=   eth0 IPv6 azLogAE6Z30 kbxX-B4T9Gz sync                  _omnistate._tcp      local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [62166]
   txt = ["m=s:ha9lxTGMxq7" "v=s:pE52gyWpKHk" "s=s:BK9L17PRJ.=&3u" "g=s:azLogAE6Z30"]
=   eth0 IPv6 1017279:45512:andrewlee@Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local _OZOmniFocus2._udp   local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [9]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _atc._tcp            local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [60101]
   txt = ["libid=D25A89AC247114A8"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        Apple Home Sharing   local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [3689]
   txt = ["hC=d9e79df4-b6ce-4c51-a34a-db5d8b84b343" "Machine ID=0E328E570721" "Database ID=614D42795A6D127" "hG=00000000-77cf-e26b-b904-d38f292f4cae" "iCSV=65540" "OSsi=0x1F5" "Machine Name=Andrew Lee’s Library" "DvTy=iTunes" "DvSv=3186" "iTSh Version=196622" "Version=196621" "MID=0xF8979975D49AB562" "hQ=1260" "dmv=131085" "txtvers=1"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _bttremote._tcp      local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [49480]
   txt = ["BTTLicensed=YES" "pwd=NO" "BTTVersion=2.318" "BTTIdentifierX=57DFDB7B-6965-4252-B7FC-046C77AD586B"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        iTunes Audio Access  local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [3689]
   txt = ["Machine Name=Andrew Lee’s Library" "Password=0" "iTSh Version=196622" "Media Kinds Shared=1069" "OSsi=0x1F5" "dmv=131085" "Machine ID=0E328E570721" "Database ID=614D42795A6D127" "MID=0xF8979975D49AB562" "Version=196621" "txtvers=1"]
+   eth0 IPv6 iTunes_Ctrl_E6EE0376BB7B3CC9                  iTunes Remote Control local
=   eth0 IPv6 iTunes_Ctrl_E6EE0376BB7B3CC9                  iTunes Remote Control local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [3689]
   txt = ["OSsi=0x1F5" "DbId=614D42795A6D127" "Ver=131077" "txtvers=1"]
-   eth0 IPv6 iTunes_Ctrl_E6EE0376BB7B3CC9                  iTunes Remote Control local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        iTunes Audio Access  local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _bttremote._tcp      local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        Apple Home Sharing   local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _atc._tcp            local
-   eth0 IPv6 1017279:45512:andrewlee@Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local _OZOmniFocus2._udp   local
-   eth0 IPv6 azLogAE6Z30 kbxX-B4T9Gz sync                  _omnistate._tcp      local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _alfredrs._tcp       local
-   eth0 IPv6 011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57@Andrews MacBook Pro _1password4._tcp     local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        Network File System  local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SFTP File Transfer   local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SSH Remote Terminal  local
-   eth0 IPv6 E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus                       AirTunes Remote Audio local
+   eth0 IPv6 E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus                       AirTunes Remote Audio local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SSH Remote Terminal  local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SFTP File Transfer   local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        Network File System  local
+   eth0 IPv6 011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57@Andrews MacBook Pro _1password4._tcp     local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _alfredrs._tcp       local
+   eth0 IPv6 azLogAE6Z30 kbxX-B4T9Gz sync                  _omnistate._tcp      local
+   eth0 IPv6 1017279:45512:andrewlee@Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local _OZOmniFocus2._udp   local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _atc._tcp            local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        Apple Home Sharing   local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _bttremote._tcp      local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        iTunes Audio Access  local
+   eth0 IPv6 iTunes_Ctrl_E6EE0376BB7B3CC9                  iTunes Remote Control local
=   eth0 IPv6 1017279:45512:andrewlee@Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local _OZOmniFocus2._udp   local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [9]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 azLogAE6Z30 kbxX-B4T9Gz sync                  _omnistate._tcp      local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [62166]
   txt = ["m=s:ha9lxTGMxq7" "v=s:pE52gyWpKHk" "s=s:BK9L17PRJ.=&3u" "g=s:azLogAE6Z30"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _alfredrs._tcp       local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [54446]
   txt = ["type=MacBook Pro" "uid=2978BB43-9C0C-4809-9E92-E41AB2161118" "version=1"]
=   eth0 IPv6 011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57@Andrews MacBook Pro _1password4._tcp     local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [52757]
   txt = ["build=684001" "name=Andrews MacBook Pro" "updated=534819993.150742" "uuid=011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        Network File System  local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [2049]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SFTP File Transfer   local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [22]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SSH Remote Terminal  local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [22]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _atc._tcp            local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = []
   port = [60101]
   txt = ["libid=D25A89AC247114A8"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        Apple Home Sharing   local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = []
   port = [3689]
   txt = ["hC=d9e79df4-b6ce-4c51-a34a-db5d8b84b343" "Machine ID=0E328E570721" "Database ID=614D42795A6D127" "hG=00000000-77cf-e26b-b904-d38f292f4cae" "iCSV=65540" "OSsi=0x1F5" "Machine Name=Andrew Lee’s Library" "DvTy=iTunes" "DvSv=3186" "iTSh Version=196622" "Version=196621" "MID=0xF8979975D49AB562" "hQ=1260" "dmv=131085" "txtvers=1"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _bttremote._tcp      local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = []
   port = [49480]
   txt = ["BTTLicensed=YES" "pwd=NO" "BTTVersion=2.318" "BTTIdentifierX=57DFDB7B-6965-4252-B7FC-046C77AD586B"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        iTunes Audio Access  local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = []
   port = [3689]
   txt = ["Machine Name=Andrew Lee’s Library" "Password=0" "iTSh Version=196622" "Media Kinds Shared=1069" "OSsi=0x1F5" "dmv=131085" "Machine ID=0E328E570721" "Database ID=614D42795A6D127" "MID=0xF8979975D49AB562" "Version=196621" "txtvers=1"]
=   eth0 IPv6 iTunes_Ctrl_E6EE0376BB7B3CC9                  iTunes Remote Control local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = []
   port = [3689]
   txt = ["OSsi=0x1F5" "DbId=614D42795A6D127" "Ver=131077" "txtvers=1"]
=   eth0 IPv6 E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus                       AirTunes Remote Audio local
   hostname = [raspberrypi.local]
   address = [fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01]
   port = [5000]
   txt = ["pw=false" "txtvers=1" "ch=2" "cn=0,1" "ek=1" "et=0,1" "sv=false" "da=true" "sr=44100" "ss=16" "vn=65537" "tp=TCP,UDP" "vs=105.1" "am=ShairportSync" "fv=76400.10" "sf=0x4"]
-   eth0 IPv6 iTunes_Ctrl_E6EE0376BB7B3CC9                  iTunes Remote Control local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        iTunes Audio Access  local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _bttremote._tcp      local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        Apple Home Sharing   local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _atc._tcp            local
-   eth0 IPv6 1017279:45512:andrewlee@Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local _OZOmniFocus2._udp   local
-   eth0 IPv6 azLogAE6Z30 kbxX-B4T9Gz sync                  _omnistate._tcp      local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _alfredrs._tcp       local
-   eth0 IPv6 011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57@Andrews MacBook Pro _1password4._tcp     local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        Network File System  local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SFTP File Transfer   local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SSH Remote Terminal  local
-   eth0 IPv6 E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus                       AirTunes Remote Audio local
+   eth0 IPv6 E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus                       AirTunes Remote Audio local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SSH Remote Terminal  local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SFTP File Transfer   local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        Network File System  local
+   eth0 IPv6 011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57@Andrews MacBook Pro _1password4._tcp     local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _alfredrs._tcp       local
+   eth0 IPv6 azLogAE6Z30 kbxX-B4T9Gz sync                  _omnistate._tcp      local
+   eth0 IPv6 1017279:45512:andrewlee@Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local _OZOmniFocus2._udp   local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _atc._tcp            local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        Apple Home Sharing   local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _bttremote._tcp      local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        iTunes Audio Access  local
+   eth0 IPv6 iTunes_Ctrl_E6EE0376BB7B3CC9                  iTunes Remote Control local
=   eth0 IPv6 1017279:45512:andrewlee@Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local _OZOmniFocus2._udp   local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [9]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 azLogAE6Z30 kbxX-B4T9Gz sync                  _omnistate._tcp      local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [62166]
   txt = ["m=s:ha9lxTGMxq7" "v=s:pE52gyWpKHk" "s=s:BK9L17PRJ.=&3u" "g=s:azLogAE6Z30"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _alfredrs._tcp       local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [54446]
   txt = ["type=MacBook Pro" "uid=2978BB43-9C0C-4809-9E92-E41AB2161118" "version=1"]
=   eth0 IPv6 011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57@Andrews MacBook Pro _1password4._tcp     local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [52757]
   txt = ["build=684001" "name=Andrews MacBook Pro" "updated=534819993.150742" "uuid=011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        Network File System  local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [2049]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SFTP File Transfer   local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [22]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SSH Remote Terminal  local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [22]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _atc._tcp            local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = []
   port = [60101]
   txt = ["libid=D25A89AC247114A8"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        Apple Home Sharing   local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = []
   port = [3689]
   txt = ["hC=d9e79df4-b6ce-4c51-a34a-db5d8b84b343" "Machine ID=0E328E570721" "Database ID=614D42795A6D127" "hG=00000000-77cf-e26b-b904-d38f292f4cae" "iCSV=65540" "OSsi=0x1F5" "Machine Name=Andrew Lee’s Library" "DvTy=iTunes" "DvSv=3186" "iTSh Version=196622" "Version=196621" "MID=0xF8979975D49AB562" "hQ=1260" "dmv=131085" "txtvers=1"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _bttremote._tcp      local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = []
   port = [49480]
   txt = ["BTTLicensed=YES" "pwd=NO" "BTTVersion=2.318" "BTTIdentifierX=57DFDB7B-6965-4252-B7FC-046C77AD586B"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        iTunes Audio Access  local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = []
   port = [3689]
   txt = ["Machine Name=Andrew Lee’s Library" "Password=0" "iTSh Version=196622" "Media Kinds Shared=1069" "OSsi=0x1F5" "dmv=131085" "Machine ID=0E328E570721" "Database ID=614D42795A6D127" "MID=0xF8979975D49AB562" "Version=196621" "txtvers=1"]
=   eth0 IPv6 iTunes_Ctrl_E6EE0376BB7B3CC9                  iTunes Remote Control local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = []
   port = [3689]
   txt = ["OSsi=0x1F5" "DbId=614D42795A6D127" "Ver=131077" "txtvers=1"]
=   eth0 IPv6 E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus                       AirTunes Remote Audio local
   hostname = [raspberrypi.local]
   address = [fe80::145d:2322:2b58:6b01]
   port = [5000]
   txt = ["pw=false" "txtvers=1" "ch=2" "cn=0,1" "ek=1" "et=0,1" "sv=false" "da=true" "sr=44100" "ss=16" "vn=65537" "tp=TCP,UDP" "vs=105.1" "am=ShairportSync" "fv=76400.10" "sf=0x4"]
-   eth0 IPv6 iTunes_Ctrl_E6EE0376BB7B3CC9                  iTunes Remote Control local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        iTunes Audio Access  local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _bttremote._tcp      local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        Apple Home Sharing   local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _atc._tcp            local
-   eth0 IPv6 1017279:45512:andrewlee@Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local _OZOmniFocus2._udp   local
-   eth0 IPv6 azLogAE6Z30 kbxX-B4T9Gz sync                  _omnistate._tcp      local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _alfredrs._tcp       local
-   eth0 IPv6 011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57@Andrews MacBook Pro _1password4._tcp     local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        Network File System  local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SFTP File Transfer   local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SSH Remote Terminal  local
-   eth0 IPv6 E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus                       AirTunes Remote Audio local
+   eth0 IPv6 E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus                       AirTunes Remote Audio local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SSH Remote Terminal  local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SFTP File Transfer   local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        Network File System  local
+   eth0 IPv6 011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57@Andrews MacBook Pro _1password4._tcp     local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _alfredrs._tcp       local
+   eth0 IPv6 azLogAE6Z30 kbxX-B4T9Gz sync                  _omnistate._tcp      local
+   eth0 IPv6 1017279:45512:andrewlee@Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local _OZOmniFocus2._udp   local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _atc._tcp            local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        Apple Home Sharing   local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _bttremote._tcp      local
+   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        iTunes Audio Access  local
+   eth0 IPv6 iTunes_Ctrl_E6EE0376BB7B3CC9                  iTunes Remote Control local
=   eth0 IPv6 1017279:45512:andrewlee@Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local _OZOmniFocus2._udp   local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [9]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 azLogAE6Z30 kbxX-B4T9Gz sync                  _omnistate._tcp      local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [62166]
   txt = ["m=s:ha9lxTGMxq7" "v=s:pE52gyWpKHk" "s=s:BK9L17PRJ.=&3u" "g=s:azLogAE6Z30"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _alfredrs._tcp       local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [54446]
   txt = ["type=MacBook Pro" "uid=2978BB43-9C0C-4809-9E92-E41AB2161118" "version=1"]
=   eth0 IPv6 011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57@Andrews MacBook Pro _1password4._tcp     local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [52757]
   txt = ["build=684001" "name=Andrews MacBook Pro" "updated=534819993.150742" "uuid=011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        Network File System  local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [2049]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SFTP File Transfer   local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [22]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SSH Remote Terminal  local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = [fe80::1c7d:6692:f36b:7c50]
   port = [22]
   txt = []
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _atc._tcp            local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = []
   port = [60101]
   txt = ["libid=D25A89AC247114A8"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        Apple Home Sharing   local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = []
   port = [3689]
   txt = ["hC=d9e79df4-b6ce-4c51-a34a-db5d8b84b343" "Machine ID=0E328E570721" "Database ID=614D42795A6D127" "hG=00000000-77cf-e26b-b904-d38f292f4cae" "iCSV=65540" "OSsi=0x1F5" "Machine Name=Andrew Lee’s Library" "DvTy=iTunes" "DvSv=3186" "iTSh Version=196622" "Version=196621" "MID=0xF8979975D49AB562" "hQ=1260" "dmv=131085" "txtvers=1"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _bttremote._tcp      local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = []
   port = [49480]
   txt = ["BTTLicensed=YES" "pwd=NO" "BTTVersion=2.318" "BTTIdentifierX=57DFDB7B-6965-4252-B7FC-046C77AD586B"]
=   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        iTunes Audio Access  local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = []
   port = [3689]
   txt = ["Machine Name=Andrew Lee’s Library" "Password=0" "iTSh Version=196622" "Media Kinds Shared=1069" "OSsi=0x1F5" "dmv=131085" "Machine ID=0E328E570721" "Database ID=614D42795A6D127" "MID=0xF8979975D49AB562" "Version=196621" "txtvers=1"]
=   eth0 IPv6 iTunes_Ctrl_E6EE0376BB7B3CC9                  iTunes Remote Control local
   hostname = [Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local]
   address = []
   port = [3689]
   txt = ["OSsi=0x1F5" "DbId=614D42795A6D127" "Ver=131077" "txtvers=1"]
-   eth0 IPv6 E1723A08AFD7@Prometheus                       AirTunes Remote Audio local
-   eth0 IPv6 iTunes_Ctrl_E6EE0376BB7B3CC9                  iTunes Remote Control local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        iTunes Audio Access  local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _bttremote._tcp      local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew Lee___s Library                        Apple Home Sharing   local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _atc._tcp            local
-   eth0 IPv6 1017279:45512:andrewlee@Andrews-MacBook-Pro-3.local _OZOmniFocus2._udp   local
-   eth0 IPv6 azLogAE6Z30 kbxX-B4T9Gz sync                  _omnistate._tcp      local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        _alfredrs._tcp       local
-   eth0 IPv6 011DC2AD-8B27-485A-A0CF-D5FB9615CC57@Andrews MacBook Pro _1password4._tcp     local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        Network File System  local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SFTP File Transfer   local
-   eth0 IPv6 Andrew___s MacBook Pro                        SSH Remote Terminal  local

Any idea why it might be getting a seg fault?

Also, what is the difference between setting the output on just iTunes rather than the entire system output?

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

Thanks for this report. This looks like a real bug in Shairport Sync, which I will investigate in the next few days. I have not observed a client's DACP status begin withdrawn on my network, so the logic in Shairport Sync may be faulty. I don't believe it has anything to do with your previous situation – it's a newish piece of code.

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

Okay, I found a bug which I've fixed and pushed it to the master and the development branches. I'd be grateful if you'd test it. Apologies for the inconvenience.

bravecorvus commented 6 years ago

will do

bravecorvus commented 6 years ago

So you seemed to have solved the problem with DACP disconnecting causing a seg fault.

But the underlying problem of the eventual Error sendto-ing to timing socket: Network is unreachable is still unresolved.

Anyways, thanks for the quick fix.

Here's a video of me running the process:

I'm not sure if this is relevant, but i noticed that mii-tool eth0 and ethtool eth0 give different base speeds (from what I can tell).

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo mii-tool eth0
eth0: negotiated 1000baseT-HD flow-control, link ok
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo ethtool eth0
Settings for eth0:
        Supported ports: [ TP MII ]
        Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
                                100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
        Supported pause frame use: No
        Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
        Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
                                100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
        Advertised pause frame use: Symmetric Receive-only
        Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
        Link partner advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
                                             100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
        Link partner advertised pause frame use: Symmetric Receive-only
        Link partner advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
        Speed: 100Mb/s
        Duplex: Full
        Port: MII
        PHYAD: 1
        Transceiver: internal
        Auto-negotiation: on
        Supports Wake-on: pumbag
        Wake-on: d
        Current message level: 0x00000007 (7)
                               drv probe link
        Link detected: yes

They say that mii-tool is depreciated, and can only handle up to 100mbps. So its extra weird that it is showing up as 1000baseT-HD rather than 100baseT full duplex (as in ethtool)

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

Thanks again for identifying that bug. And, BTW, the development version has Swinsian support now as well, though for all this troubleshooting, IIWY I would stay with well-known stuff for the present.

The diagnostics are interesting all right. One could imagine that something like speed and mode negotiation is happening every minute or so, and is causing packets to be dropped while it's happening. I've no idea if it's a real possibility, but it represents a stone that has not yet been turned, as it were.

I do not have a 10Gb adapter, but I do have a 1Gb Thunderbolt adapter for a 2013 MacBook Pro, so I might try using that to see if I can cause the problem. On the Mac end, have you tried setting the speed and mode manually? I wonder if it would make a difference.

mikebrady commented 6 years ago

I tried the direct connection from a 1Gb Thunderbolt adapter to a Pi3 and it worked fine, I’m afraid...