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A Game Developer Learns Machine Learning - A Little Deeper #126

Open mikecann opened 1 year ago

mikecann commented 1 year ago

A Game Developer Learns Machine Learning - A Little Deeper


mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'Duncan' @2017-12-18 07:56:26_

Thanks man, this is useful stuff! I'm interested to try, but it's a shame it's not an all-in-unity solution, because then you could use the training during gameplay for a simulated pet style game (maybe including hamsters??? ;) )

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'mikeysee' @2017-12-19 08:26:02_

Haha not a bad idea! :P

Perhaps they will roll it all into unity at some point. For now the industry standard ML tools all have a python interface so I guess thats why they externally communicate with python. I agree tho, if we could just pass those hyper parameters to a pre-defined PPO algo then feed the charts back into unity, that would lower the barrier of entry significantly.

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'suraj' @2018-01-04 05:09:56_

I didn't quite understand the nibbles extension script and what it does.

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'mikeysee' @2018-01-04 05:25:12_

It wasn't really necessary but it makes the code a little neater. It turns something that would look like this:

if ((int)action[0] == MoveLeft){}

into this:

if (action.Is(MoveLeft)){}

which I think is a little easier to read

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'suraj' @2018-01-04 05:32:52_

thanks for the reply, I'm rather new to Machine learning with unity, I am having hard time figuring out what should be put in the CollectState() and AgentStep(). Where can I get more info on these?

I just want to train the agent so it pushes off a sphere from a plane.

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'mikeysee' @2018-01-04 05:37:06_

You are best just to follow the balance ball example: https://github.com/Unity-Te...

it taught me alot

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'suraj' @2018-01-04 05:39:18_

Alright, i'll check it out, thnx

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'Fred Raducki' @2018-02-06 03:00:17_

thanks for taking time to share this experience. expands well on Unity 3D College videos !

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'mikeysee' @2018-02-06 07:22:47_

My pleasure! If only I can find time to do some more.