mikecann / mikecann.co.uk

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Bigresource.com IS SPAM #55

Open mikecann opened 1 year ago

mikecann commented 1 year ago

Bigresource.com IS SPAM


mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'Jef' @2009-11-18 01:20:27_

I will fill out the form. That site is absolute shit and only gets in the way!

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'admin' @2009-11-18 05:21:10_

Nice one, it doesnt add any value to the internet, lets get rid of it!

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'Sohail Ahmed' @2009-11-24 08:58:17_

Oh! They are so clever!

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'Nikolai' @2010-02-04 08:28:16_

I hate that site. It has to go.

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'cool' @2010-03-12 01:34:45_

you should ask yourself why it is still there... maybe because Google has adsense on it, some of the makers are friends of friends and such;)

Some sites are more equal than others

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'nerdabilly' @2010-03-26 02:32:59_

If you click the yellow "View Complete Forum Thread With Replies" button, it will take you to the forum (where you will find your answer), except it sticks a hideous BigResource banner on the top frame. i HATE this site. Thank you for posting your frustrations, I 100% agree. They are stealing search results from the good forum sites and using it to get ad views. Sleazy as hell.

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'mikecann' @2010-03-26 02:36:04_

I cant believe its still going TBH it should of been blasted by now!

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'nerdabilly' @2010-03-27 02:05:32_

My guess is that they're flying just below Google's radar. What they're doing is bad, but I think it's probably just barely within the terms-of-use, so there's no violation that would warrant getting removed.

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'Rob' @2010-04-03 09:49:59_

I'm with you Mike.
I've spent all day trying to sort out problems and keep inadvertently clicking on links to this site. 'Oh yeah', I think, 'a solution to my problem' and then, bang, a gigantic popup asking me to fill in some stupid quiz to view the solution. F@#$ing frustrating.
Avoid 'em like the plague.

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'mikecann' @2010-04-23 11:12:32_

Well it would appear that things are changing, I just repeated my original search "php upload The connection was reset" and there was no BigResource link in sight!

So I *hope* that Google has now put this god awful mess to bed :)

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by '@bunnyhero' @2010-04-30 07:41:56_

alas, i'm getting a tonne of bigresource.com results when searching on various flash-related topics. they're still clouding up search results :( i've reported the spam to google.

thanks for blogging about this.

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'k hemm' @2010-10-29 04:08:21_

First off let me say I hate bigresource with a passion. All they do is spam google's index. The fact that google would put them often times in the top 5 suggests that google has no freaking clue how to serve good results so they rely on bigresource to sort it out all for them.

However, let me just say that there is a yellow button "View Complete Forum Thread With Replies" that takes you to the original thread.

The fact that you EVENTUALLY end up where you want to be, sometimes maybe -- still sucks. Because often times you search for a 2 part issue and the question up above has one of the elements you need to know about, and some question down below covers a 2nd element of what you need to know -- and neither one of them fit the solution of what you wanted to know individually, but because bigresource jerkoffs pasted all that junk onto one page, google sends you there.

It is just a trashy site and it needs to die.

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'Phishman' @2010-12-09 02:23:54_

BigResource is the epitomy of a bad site. No content, just spam.

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'Simon' @2011-02-14 08:09:06_

Is it just me or have they finally gotten rid of this spam site from most of their searches? Praise Google!

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'mikecann' @2011-02-14 03:56:22_

Yep looks like they may have done. Theres been alot of pressure on google recently to clean itself up (read techcrunch) may have been something to do with that.

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'Robin' @2011-03-10 06:31:52_

Still piles of Big Resource spam results in Google for me. It's got to be the most annoying site in the world for web developers who rely on blogs, forums and tutorial sites for reference and help in their work. It's forever coming up in the SERPs and wasting my clicks. Google please sort your algorithm out to BANISH BIG RESOURCE!!

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'Roger' @2011-03-18 01:06:06_

Now every use can block this site from their personalized search results.

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'Me' @2011-09-13 06:30:09_

Still come up in searches. Maybe Google own "BugResource" ;-)

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'mikeysee' @2011-09-13 06:31:31_

Yep, noticed it still comes up, and still frustrates the hell out of me