mikecann / mikecann.co.uk

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Ludum Dare – Hour 17 #68

Open mikecann opened 1 year ago

mikecann commented 1 year ago

Ludum Dare – Hour 17


mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'xot' @2010-08-22 02:34:18_

Wow! This eerily similar to an unseen, unreleased Game Maker game I was working on for the first YoYo Games contest.

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'mikecann' @2010-08-22 04:31:27_

Hehehe I didnt copy honest! :D I love this sort of side on destructible terrain game, I have dabbled in the concept before in XNA but never released anything.

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'Limerock' @2010-08-23 01:08:05_

xot: Mike was working on a liero style digging game(with a wheel for player) several years back, info here: http://mikecann.co.uk/lieroxna/lieroxna-digging-u...

so it seems to me that his inspiration was more from that old project, than anything else :)