mikeconley / myqonly

A tool for Mozillians who want to know how many reviews are in their queue in their browser.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Says I have a patch to review on phabricator but I see no such patch #80

Open Mossop opened 7 months ago

Mossop commented 7 months ago

MyQonly shows 1 review on phabricator but when I look at phabricator the only patch I can see with me listed as a review has already been reviewed.

mikeconley commented 7 months ago

Interesting, okay - thanks for reporting. There's a hidden tool in MyQOnly that can try to create a (sanitized) test case based on your current Phabricator state. That might be useful to see here:

To do so:

  1. Click on the MyQOnly icon in the toolbar
  2. Click on the gear icon to bring up the options page
  3. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page and move your mouse to the bottom right corner. A "debug" link should appear - though it might be kinda small (see screenshot)
  4. In the page that appears, click "Generate Phabricator test case for current user state", and then either paste the returned HTML here, or send it to me privately.

That button is going to download your Phabricator reviews page and attempt to strip out any bug titles and bug links. Maybe give the HTML a quick skim before you post it publicly, if that's what you're going to do. I think I've only used this tool once or twice since I built it, but hopefully it might be helpful here.

Screenshot of debug link:


mikeconley commented 7 months ago

Okay, Mossop sent me the HTML.

What's going on here is that there is an item under "Ready to Review" in his dashboard - this is the one that MyQOnly is claiming that Mossop needs to review. Unfortunately, it doesn't know that Mossop has already reviewed this patch in a prior revision. It's still blocked on another author before it will be marked as "Accepted".

mikeconley commented 7 months ago

It might actually be possible to go back to the Conduit API to get a proper count. Mossop had a similar project here that might be a good reference: https://github.com/Mossop/allthethings/blob/main/modules/services/phabricator/server/implementations.ts#L329