mikedailly / Lemmings

ZX Spectrum Next Lemmings
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Build instructions #1

Open danboid opened 3 months ago

danboid commented 3 months ago

How do we build Lemmings Next Mike?

I don't see a Makefile or any build instructions in this repo. It would make a nice addition to the README.

I have sjasmplus installed and ready to OH NO!


danboid commented 3 months ago

I asked about how to build Lemmings on the spectrumcomputing forum and one forum user kindly provided these almost complete build instructions:


I haven't managed to build it, but it looks like the process is:

The actual assemble command (as found in a.bat) is:

snasm -map _LemmingsNext.asm _LemmingsNext.dat

or under Linux

mono snasm.exe -map _LemmingsNext.asm _LemmingsNext.dat


Could you kindly add a build of LemConv.exe to your Lemmings repo to spare us having to install VisualStudio just to build LemConv?


danboid commented 3 months ago

I have successfully used LemConv under Windows 10 to generate the Lemmings Next data files. I copied the contents of the lemdat folder into the lemdat subdir of the Lemmings source but this is the error I get when I try to build it:

~/src/Lemmings$ mono snasm.exe -map _LemmingsNext.asm _LemmingsNext.dat
SNasm V3.2.3.0 (c) Copyright 1999-2023 Mike Dailly
             All rights reserved.
Pass 1
/home/dan/src/Lemmings/irq.asm(13) error Symbol MUST be defined before using - MIXERSAMPLESPERFRAME  included from file /home/dan/src/Lemmings/_LemmingsNext.asm at line 45
/home/dan/src/Lemmings/irq.asm(15) error Symbol MUST be defined before using - MIXERSAMPLESPERFRAME  included from file /home/dan/src/Lemmings/_LemmingsNext.asm at line 45