mikedbjones / longtrends

Package to download long-term Google Trends
MIT License
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Weekly, monthly, and yearly data #3

Closed asdsadsaasd12312132 closed 11 months ago

asdsadsaasd12312132 commented 11 months ago

Can you add an argument to allow plotting weekly, monthly, and yearly data from Gtrends? This data can be retrieved by specifying a delta longer than 269.

mikedbjones commented 11 months ago

The purpose of this package is to provide long term, daily trends. For weekly or otherwise, you can use Google Trends as you say. But with the latter, you cannot download daily trends over a long time period.

asdsadsaasd12312132 commented 11 months ago

Weekly data has the same limitation as daily. There's a limit of 1889 days/270 weeks before it defaults to monthly data. I assume the monthly data would also default to yearly data once it hits 270 months, but that's 22.5 years later. The main problem is with weekly data, which can cause problems since the limit is only 5.2 years.