mikedh / trimesh

Python library for loading and using triangular meshes.
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Looking for more advanced funtion for mesh subdivision #1004

Open Xin-gif opened 4 years ago

Xin-gif commented 4 years ago


I'm now trying to refine and decimate the meshes in order to get them ready for further process. I used mesh.subdivide() function to subdivide the shapes that don't have enough vertices and faces. But this function uses mid-point subdivision. It works well but only if initially shapes have polygons having roughly the same size. Otherwise, some (already) small faces would get extremely finely subdivided. I'm wondering is there any more advanced remeshing functions that i can use to fix this? Also i couldn't find any function to do the decimation, could you please let me know if there's a function for that?

Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you

YuanWenqing commented 2 years ago

Same problem! Mid-point subdivision will produce four new faces for the original one. So a long-narrow face will be subdivided to four more long-narrow faces.

Here is my modified version of original trimesh.remesh. It only subdivides the longest edge of each face and thus produces only two new faces. It works fine in my project.

# coding: utf8
modified from trimesh.remesh, only subdivide the longest edge
import numpy as np
from trimesh import grouping
from trimesh import util

def subdivide(vertices,
    Subdivide a mesh into smaller triangles.

    Note that if `face_index` is passed, only those
    faces will be subdivided and their neighbors won't
    be modified making the mesh no longer "watertight."

    vertices : (n, 3) float
      Vertices in space
    faces : (m, 3) int
      Indexes of vertices which make up triangular faces
    face_index : faces to subdivide.
      if None: all faces of mesh will be subdivided
      if (n,) int array of indices: only specified faces

    new_vertices : (q, 3) float
      Vertices in space
    new_faces : (p, 3) int
      Remeshed faces
    if face_index is None:
        face_index = np.arange(len(faces))
        face_index = np.asanyarray(face_index)

    # the (c, 3) int array of vertex indices
    faces_subset = faces[face_index]  # (F,3)

    # find max edge of each face
    face_edges = faces_subset[:, [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0]].reshape((-1, 3, 2))  # (F,3,2)
    face_edges_length = ((np.diff(vertices[face_edges], axis=2) ** 2).sum(axis=3) ** 0.5).reshape((-1, 3))  # (F,3)
    face_edges_argmax = np.argmax(face_edges_length, axis=1)  # (F,)
    face_max_edge = face_edges[np.arange(len(face_edges_argmax)), face_edges_argmax]  # (F,2)

    # subdivide max_edge
    mid = vertices[face_max_edge].mean(axis=1)
    mid_idx = np.arange(len(mid)) + len(vertices)

    # find another vertex of triangle out of max edge
    vertex_in_edge = np.full_like(faces_subset, fill_value=False)
    for i in range(faces_subset.shape[1]):
        for j in range(face_max_edge.shape[1]):
            vertex_in_edge[:, i] = np.logical_or(vertex_in_edge[:, i], faces_subset[:, i] == face_max_edge[:, j])
    another_vertices = faces_subset[np.logical_not(vertex_in_edge)]

    # the new faces_subset with correct winding
    f = np.column_stack([another_vertices,
                         face_max_edge[:, 0],

                         face_max_edge[:, 1],
                         ]).reshape((-1, 3))
    # add new faces_subset per old face
    new_faces = np.vstack((faces, f[len(face_index):]))
    # replace the old face with a smaller face
    new_faces[face_index] = f[:len(face_index)]

    new_vertices = np.vstack((vertices, mid))

    return new_vertices, new_faces

def subdivide_to_size(vertices,
    Subdivide a mesh until every edge is shorter than a
    specified length.

    Will return a triangle soup, not a nicely structured mesh.

    vertices : (n, 3) float
      Vertices in space
    faces : (m, 3) int
      Indices of vertices which make up triangles
    max_edge : float
      Maximum length of any edge in the result
    max_iter : int
      The maximum number of times to run subdivision
    return_index : bool
      If True, return index of original face for new faces

    vertices : (j, 3) float
      Vertices in space
    faces : (q, 3) int
      Indices of vertices
    index : (q, 3) int
      Only returned if `return_index`, index of
      original face for each new face.
    # store completed
    done_face = []
    done_vert = []
    done_idx = []

    # copy inputs and make sure dtype is correct
    current_faces = np.array(
        faces, dtype=np.int64, copy=True)
    current_vertices = np.array(
        vertices, dtype=np.float64, copy=True)
    current_index = np.arange(len(faces))

    # loop through iteration cap
    for i in range(max_iter + 1):
        # compute the length of every triangle edge
        edge_length = (np.diff(
            current_vertices[current_faces[:, [0, 1, 2, 0]], :3],
            axis=1) ** 2).sum(axis=2) ** 0.5
        # check edge length against maximum
        too_long = (edge_length > max_edge).any(axis=1)
        # faces that are OK
        face_ok = ~too_long

        # clean up the faces a little bit so we don't
        # store a ton of unused vertices
        unique, inverse = grouping.unique_bincount(

        # store vertices and faces meeting criteria
        done_face.append(inverse.reshape((-1, 3)))

        # met our goals so exit
        if not too_long.any():

        current_index = np.tile(current_index[too_long], (2, 1)).T.ravel()
        # run subdivision again
         current_faces) = subdivide(current_vertices,

    if i >= max_iter:
            'subdivide_to_size reached maximum iterations before exit criteria!')

    # stack sequence into nice (n, 3) arrays
    final_vertices, final_faces = util.append_faces(
        done_vert, done_face)
    if len(final_vertices) == 0:
        # max_iter is too small to generate short-enough edges, thus reserve current result
        final_vertices, final_faces = current_vertices, current_faces

    if return_index:
        final_index = np.concatenate(done_idx)
        assert len(final_index) == len(final_faces)
        return final_vertices, final_faces, final_index

    return final_vertices, final_faces

BTW, @mikedh would you like to involve this new subdivision into trimesh? Maybe another remesh, like remesh2? Since trimesh.remesh is used in Trimesh.subdivide_to_size(..), some coding work is still required to integrate this version. I'd like to do this job if you like.