mikedmor / OctoPrint_MultiCam

Extends the Control tab of OctoPrint, allowing the ability to switch between multiple webcam feeds.
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Octoprint1.3.8 : Webcam don't appear #1

Closed jjtronics closed 6 years ago

jjtronics commented 6 years ago

Hello, Great idea this plugin! I already have two webcams running on my octoprint 1.3.8 and I installed the latest version of MultiCam 0.2.1 But i have no window of visualization and only one webcam appears in control tab : https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ivp45ovb321qsv/Capture%20d%27%C3%A9cran%202018-05-10%2004.36.25.png?dl=0

I have two webcam in multicam parameters : https://www.dropbox.com/s/mc3cczddxt082yq/Capture%20d%27%C3%A9cran%202018-05-10%2004.35.34.png?dl=0

and in my .octoprint/config.yaml , i have : multicam: multicam_profiles:

Another person has the same problem?

Thank you in advance,

mikedmor commented 6 years ago

Looks like for some reason your first webcam did not get the isButtonEnabled settings. If you add that onto the Default webcam everything should start working again for you.

- URL: /webcam1/?action=stream
  isButtonEnabled: true
  name: Default
- URL:
  isButtonEnabled: true
  name: Webcam 2

0.2.1 was suppose to fix the data migration issue, but it still seems to be a problem, ill look into it some more and try to get another update to fix it. Please let me know if that solves your issues.

mikedmor commented 6 years ago

I just pushed 0.2.2. This should have a fix for the data migration issues. However it may reset you settings back to the new defaults. You may be able to avoid the reset if you add _config_version: 1 like the snipplet below before updating:

    _config_version: 1
    - URL: /webcam1/?action=stream
       isButtonEnabled: true
       name: Default
    - URL:
       isButtonEnabled: true
       name: Webcam 2
jjtronics commented 6 years ago


Thank you for your help ! Now the camera menu is displayed correctly but I still do not have a video window : https://www.dropbox.com/s/ff9b0cia9zbwequ/Capture%20d%27%C3%A9cran%202018-05-10%2017.38.19.png?dl=0 I update in 0.2.2 but the result is the same : https://www.dropbox.com/s/vj7yfuhaygdhamp/Capture%20d%27%C3%A9cran%202018-05-10%2017.40.46.png?dl=0

Here are the parameters MultiCam profiles : https://www.dropbox.com/s/9hl425ly57o3y1z/Capture%20d%27%C3%A9cran%202018-05-10%2017.41.16.png?dl=0 I test with the IP and the local path

Thank you in advance ;)

mikedmor commented 6 years ago

Hmm... What plugins do you have installed? I know there is one that moves the webcam to a tab of its own, that or something else may be interfering with my plugin.

jjtronics commented 6 years ago

Yes, i use webcam tab. I just disable it and it works now !! Thank you !!

mikedmor commented 6 years ago

No problem! Glad everything is working now! Ill add a notice about webcam tab to my repo.