mikedmor / OctoPrint_MultiCam

Extends the Control tab of OctoPrint, allowing the ability to switch between multiple webcam feeds.
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remote cams not available remotely #9

Closed bryanhunwardsen closed 4 years ago

bryanhunwardsen commented 5 years ago

I have motioneyeos on a second pi serving several streams to octopi via this excellent plugin, however, they are only viewable on the local network and not remotely(as the primary stream from the octoprint is). Im not sure if this is a setup issue with the motioneye cams address, something required in haproxy not listed with this plugin or some other issue. (So it may not really be a bug)

My remote cams are setup in multicam i.e. It seems the plugin is just forwarding the address and not essentiallially repackaging it for external consumtion via octoprint remote sessions on port 80 etc, if this is a bug, please consider a fix, if it is my config, please suggest remediation, if it is a feature enhancement, please consider.


redxeth commented 5 years ago

I see this as well. Not sure how to access if using second port. Will have to figure out a non-port type solution perhaps so I can leave off the local IP #.

bryanhunwardsen commented 5 years ago

I filed similar on octoprint and Gena responded that remediation would have to happen at haproxy level, so maybe additional haproxy config instructions, or that plus some tweek on the plug-in to support haproxy config.

redxeth commented 5 years ago

I got it working last night with haproxy hack. Posted it on the Facebook Octoprint Users Group.

Here is the rub:


ndupont-net commented 5 years ago

Hi, it also works for me with the same haproxy settings.

But make sure you don't enter any IP-address in the Multicam config.

I.E. : /webcam2/?action=stream and not or any seen on the excellent Chris Basement tutorial on YouTube.

harryherbig commented 5 years ago

That’s not a haproxy ‘hack’, it’s properly added configuration. 😉

hobramycin commented 4 years ago

I corrected this issue for myself by restreaming the existing stream on the pi running octopi using the following script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# you can either make a separate path or port for each stream
# depending on your choice, your streams will be available at
# http://localhost/$BASE_WWW_PATH/?action=stream or
# http://localhost:$OUTPUT_PORT/?action=stream

INPUT_HOST="motioneye.local" # motioneye server address

stopStream() {
    local pids
    pids=$(jobs -pr)
    if [ -n "$pids" ]; then
        kill "$pids" || killall -s2 -e mjpg_streamer
        killall -s2 -e mjpg_streamer
    logger -s "$0: Successfully killed mjpg_streamer process, exiting" && exit 0

startStream() {
    pushd "${MJPGSTREAMER_HOME}" > /dev/null 2>&1 || { logger -s "Failure to pushd to mjpg directory"; exit 1; }
        logger -s "Running \"$( which mjpg_streamer )\" -i \"${INPUT_STRING}\" -o \"${OUTPUT_STRING}\""
        LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. /usr/local/bin/mjpg_streamer -i "${INPUT_STRING}" -o "${OUTPUT_STRING}" &
        sleep 1 &
        wait ${sleep_pid}
    popd > /dev/null 2>&1 || { logger -s "Failure to popd out of mjpg directory"; exit 1; }

trap "stopStream" SIGINT SIGTERM
while true; do
    sleep 1