mikee47 / ConfigDB

Configuration database for Sming
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 1 forks source link

LmacRxBlk:0 & Watchdog reset #41

Open pljakobs opened 3 days ago

pljakobs commented 3 days ago

(I never know whether to open an issue or a discussion, this seems to be more an issue)

I have fully ported my application to use ConfigDB (which was a lot easier than I anticipated and makes the code super clean!)

However, I have two issues of which I do not know if they're configdb related:

a) I get frequent LmacRxBlk:0 messages - I was not able to figure out where they originate or what they mean (grepping for LmacRxBlk in /opt didn't yield any hit) b) after flashing the app for the first time I can access the UI for a while but then it stack dumps. After the restart, it keeps running into a stack dump over and over again. It's always a Watchdog Reset and the stack trace is, in those cases I checkd, always similar to the following:

0x402a5320: IFS::LittleFS::FileSystem::f_read(lfs_config const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, void*, unsigned int) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Libraries/LittleFS/src/include/LittleFS/FileSystem.h:188
0x402a6e15: lfs_bd_read at /opt/Sming/Sming/Libraries/LittleFS/littlefs/lfs.c:118
0x402a7ed6: lfs_dir_find_match at /opt/Sming/Sming/Libraries/LittleFS/littlefs/lfs.c:1465
0x402a7804: lfs_dir_fetchmatch at /opt/Sming/Sming/Libraries/LittleFS/littlefs/lfs.c:1185
0x402b1930: Storage::SpiFlash::read(unsigned int, void*, unsigned int) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Components/Storage/src/SpiFlash.cpp:45
0x402b1ca2: Storage::Partition::read(unsigned int, void*, unsigned int) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Components/Storage/src/Partition.cpp:227
0x402a5320: IFS::LittleFS::FileSystem::f_read(lfs_config const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, void*, unsigned int) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Libraries/LittleFS/src/include/LittleFS/FileSystem.h:188
0x402a6f4a: lfs_dir_getslice at /opt/Sming/Sming/Libraries/LittleFS/littlefs/lfs.c:758
0x402a7df4: lfs_dir_find at /opt/Sming/Sming/Libraries/LittleFS/littlefs/lfs.c:1553
0x402a7eb0: lfs_dir_find_match at /opt/Sming/Sming/Libraries/LittleFS/littlefs/lfs.c:1455
0x402ab578: lfs_file_getattr_ at /opt/Sming/Sming/Libraries/LittleFS/littlefs/lfs.c:3922
 (inlined by) lfs_file_getattr at /opt/Sming/Sming/Libraries/LittleFS/littlefs/lfs.c:6480
0x402aa895: lfs_file_opencfg_ at /opt/Sming/Sming/Libraries/LittleFS/littlefs/lfs.c:3085
0x402a6fa8: lfs_dir_get at /opt/Sming/Sming/Libraries/LittleFS/littlefs/lfs.c:776
0x401013a2: malloc at ??:?
0x402a68b1: IFS::LittleFS::FileSystem::open(char const*, BitSet<unsigned char, IFS::OpenFlag, 6u>) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Libraries/LittleFS/src/FileSystem.cpp:320 (discriminator 4)
0x402a54a6: IFS::LittleFS::FileSystem::lseek(short, int, SeekOrigin) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Libraries/LittleFS/src/FileSystem.cpp:444
0x402a54a6: IFS::LittleFS::FileSystem::lseek(short, int, SeekOrigin) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Libraries/LittleFS/src/FileSystem.cpp:444
0x402ac1a8: ConfigDB::Json::Format::importFromStream(ConfigDB::Object&, Stream&) const at /opt/Sming/Sming/Components/ConfigDB/src/Json/Format.cpp:66
0x402aa6ee: lfs_file_sync_ at /opt/Sming/Sming/Libraries/LittleFS/littlefs/lfs.c:3441
0x402a54a6: IFS::LittleFS::FileSystem::lseek(short, int, SeekOrigin) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Libraries/LittleFS/src/FileSystem.cpp:444
0x401013bb: free at ??:?
0x4029fc79: IFS::FileSystem::open(String const&, BitSet<unsigned char, IFS::OpenFlag, 6u>) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Components/IFS/src/include/IFS/FileSystem.h:99
 (inlined by) IFS::FileStream::open(String const&, BitSet<unsigned char, IFS::OpenFlag, 6u>) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Core/Data/Stream/IFS/FileStream.cpp:38
0x4010135f: pvPortRealloc at ??:?
0x402ae7bc: ConfigDB::Object::importFromFile(ConfigDB::Format const&, String const&) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Components/ConfigDB/src/Object.cpp:355
0x40101378: pvPortRealloc at ??:?
0x40236ac0: set_pwm_debug_en at ??:?
0x4010135f: pvPortRealloc at ??:?
0x4029d5d4: String::concat(char const*, unsigned int) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Wiring/WString.cpp:361
0x40236ac0: set_pwm_debug_en at ??:?
0x401013eb: realloc at ??:?
0x40217b94: wpa_sm_disassociate at ??:?
0x402903e8: ArduinoJson::V6213PB2::detail::enable_if<ArduinoJson::V6213PB2::detail::IsString<String, void>::value, ArduinoJson::V6213PB2::detail::MemberProxy<ArduinoJson::V6213PB2::JsonDocument&, String> >::type ArduinoJson::V6213PB2::JsonDocument::operator[]<String>(String const&) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Libraries/ArduinoJson6/ArduinoJson/src/ArduinoJson/Document/JsonDocument.hpp:181
 (inlined by) ApplicationOTA::loadStatus() at /home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/otaupdate.cpp:491
0x4029d6e1: String::copy(char const*, unsigned int) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Wiring/WString.cpp:244
0x4029d430: String::invalidate() at /opt/Sming/Sming/Wiring/WString.cpp:145
0x402aef92: ConfigDB::Store::importFromFile(ConfigDB::Format const&) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Components/ConfigDB/src/include/ConfigDB/Store.h:147
 (inlined by) ConfigDB::Database::loadStore(ConfigDB::PropertyInfo const&) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Components/ConfigDB/src/Database.cpp:186
0x4023996c: ___fstr__partitionTableData_end at application.cpp:?
0x402af0e0: std::__shared_ptr<ConfigDB::Store, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)0>::reset() at /opt/Sming/Sming/esp-quick-toolchain/xtensa-lx106-elf/xtensa-lx106-elf/include/c++/10.3.0/bits/shared_ptr_base.h:1301
0x4023996c: ___fstr__partitionTableData_end at application.cpp:?
0x402af2d3: std::shared_ptr<ConfigDB::Store>::operator=(std::shared_ptr<ConfigDB::Store>&&) at /opt/Sming/Sming/esp-quick-toolchain/xtensa-lx106-elf/xtensa-lx106-elf/include/c++/10.3.0/bits/shared_ptr.h:384
 (inlined by) ConfigDB::Database::openStore(unsigned int) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Components/ConfigDB/src/Database.cpp:100
0x402a2a1a: RGBWWLed::setOutput(HSVCT&) at /home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/Components/RGBWWLed/RGBWWLed.cpp:123
0x402add48: ConfigDB::Object::openStore(ConfigDB::Database&, unsigned int) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Components/ConfigDB/src/Object.cpp:39
0x40288424: ConfigDB::OuterObjectTemplate<AppConfig::ContainedRoot, AppConfig::RootUpdater, 0u, AppConfig, 0u, 0u>::OuterObjectTemplate(ConfigDB::Database&) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Components/ConfigDB/src/include/ConfigDB/Object.h:342
 (inlined by) ConfigDB::ObjectTemplate<AppConfig::ContainedRoot>::Object(ConfigDB::Object&, ConfigDB::PropertyInfo const&, unsigned short) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Components/ConfigDB/src/include/ConfigDB/Object.h:269
 (inlined by) AppConfig::ContainedRoot::ContainedRoot(ConfigDB::Store&, ConfigDB::PropertyInfo const&, unsigned short) at /home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/out/ConfigDB/app-config.h:318
 (inlined by) ConfigDB::OuterObjectTemplate<AppConfig::ContainedRoot, AppConfig::RootUpdater, 0u, AppConfig, 0u, 0u>::OuterObjectTemplate(ConfigDB::StoreRef) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Components/ConfigDB/src/include/ConfigDB/Object.h:338
 (inlined by) ConfigDB::OuterObjectTemplate<AppConfig::ContainedRoot, AppConfig::RootUpdater, 0u, AppConfig, 0u, 0u>::OuterObjectTemplate(ConfigDB::Database&) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Components/ConfigDB/src/include/ConfigDB/Object.h:342
0x402ac2e8: std::__shared_count<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)0>::~__shared_count() at /opt/Sming/Sming/esp-quick-toolchain/xtensa-lx106-elf/xtensa-lx106-elf/include/c++/10.3.0/bits/shared_ptr_base.h:732
 (inlined by) std::__shared_ptr<ConfigDB::Store, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)0>::~__shared_ptr() at /opt/Sming/Sming/esp-quick-toolchain/xtensa-lx106-elf/xtensa-lx106-elf/include/c++/10.3.0/bits/shared_ptr_base.h:1183
 (inlined by) std::shared_ptr<ConfigDB::Store>::~shared_ptr() at /opt/Sming/Sming/esp-quick-toolchain/xtensa-lx106-elf/xtensa-lx106-elf/include/c++/10.3.0/bits/shared_ptr.h:121
 (inlined by) ConfigDB::StoreRef::~StoreRef() at /opt/Sming/Sming/Components/ConfigDB/src/StoreRef.cpp:25
0x40298f80: AppConfig::ContainedRoot::ContainedEvents::getColorIntervalMs() const at /home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/out/ConfigDB/app-config.h:263
 (inlined by) APPLedCtrl::updateLed() at /home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/ledctrl.cpp:286
0x402399a8: ___fstr__partitionTableData_end at application.cpp:?
0x40219c61: ets_timer_handler_isr at ??:?
0x40219ca6: ets_timer_handler_isr at ??:?
0x402af1ac: ConfigDB::Database::checkStoreRef(ConfigDB::StoreRef const&)::{lambda(void*)#1}::_FUN(void*) at /opt/Sming/Sming/Components/ConfigDB/src/Database.cpp:234
 (inlined by) _FUN at /opt/Sming/Sming/Components/ConfigDB/src/Database.cpp:237
mikee47 commented 3 days ago

Is it possible to run on Host? This sort of thing is much easier to debug there. Can also run sanitisers, etc.

pljakobs commented 3 days ago

I have not cecked what I need to run on host, right now, it won't compile. let me see if it's easy.

mikee47 commented 3 days ago

grep LmacRxBlk $SMING_HOME/Arch/Esp8266/Components/esp8266/sdk -r it's in the SDK. A web search indicates this has something to do with NAT table but I'd place bets on memory corruption somewhere... hence sanitisers.

pljakobs commented 3 days ago

hmm? I think that might be a red herring, we don't do NAT here I would tend to think it's memory corruption or timing

(compiling for host, let's see how hard it will be - I've been mostly focussed on fixing the Esp8266 base first

okay, this will take a bit longer... I think what I will try is to take all the OTA code out and build then. Just need to do it cleanly.

mikee47 commented 1 day ago

42 might have some bearing on this issue...

pljakobs commented 1 day ago

so I have the code running on Host but am seeing "can't open file" errors from ConfigDB

2002049 mounting host file system
digitalRead: 16, 0
2002070 CLR button low - resetting settings
2002076 AppWIFI::forget_wifi
2002084 SSID '' not found
2002095 AppWIFI::startAp
2002101 Enabling AP
2002106 AppWIFI:: WifiAP enable
2002112 AP enabled
2002118 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'network'
2002129 [CFGDB] Store() network 881446c 1
2002137 [CFGDB] incUpdate() network 881446c 1
2002260 attached file: '' (379 bytes) #0xFFAFED80
2002384 [CFGDB] decUpdate() network 881446c 0
2002400 UDP listen port 53
2002407 application init => checking ConfigDB
2002418 [CFGDB] ~Store() network 881446c 0
2002425 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'general'
2002431 [CFGDB] Store() general 881446c 1
2002442 [CFGDB] incUpdate() general 881446c 1
2002528 attached file: '' (305 bytes) #0xFFAFEEA0
2002589 [CFGDB] decUpdate() general 881446c 0
2002601 ConfigDB already initialized. starting

** Stream **
{2002625 [CFGDB] ~Store() general 881446c 0
2002635 [CFGDB] LoadStore ''
2002642 [CFGDB] Store()  881446c 1
2002648 [CFGDB] incUpdate()  881446c 1
2002667 File 'app-config/_root.json' open error: NotFound
2002678 [CFGDB] decUpdate()  881446c 0
$ls app-config
general.json  network.json

As I am using the pointer to ConfigDB across multiple Classes, I have defined it as

   class Application{
       std::shared_ptr<AppConfig> cfg;

and in the application initialization

       cfg = std::make_shared<AppConfig>(configDB_PATH);

General is the first store I'm accessing, I guess Network is the second.

longer log snippet:

2003347 mounting host file system
digitalRead: 16, 0
2003368 CLR button low - resetting settings
2003375 AppWIFI::forget_wifi
2003384 SSID '' not found
2003396 AppWIFI::startAp
2003402 Enabling AP
2003407 AppWIFI:: WifiAP enable
2003413 AP enabled
2003421 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'network'
2003433 [CFGDB] Store() network 93a646c 1
2003441 [CFGDB] incUpdate() network 93a646c 1
2003578 attached file: '' (379 bytes) #0xFF972F60
2003719 [CFGDB] decUpdate() network 93a646c 0
2003738 UDP listen port 53
2003746 application init => checking ConfigDB
2003760 [CFGDB] ~Store() network 93a646c 0
2003768 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'general'
2003775 [CFGDB] Store() general 93a646c 1
2003787 [CFGDB] incUpdate() general 93a646c 1
2003870 attached file: '' (305 bytes) #0xFF973080
2003935 [CFGDB] decUpdate() general 93a646c 0
2003948 ConfigDB already initialized. starting

** Stream **
{2003975 [CFGDB] ~Store() general 93a646c 0
2003987 [CFGDB] LoadStore ''
2003993 [CFGDB] Store()  93a646c 1
2004001 [CFGDB] incUpdate()  93a646c 1
2004021 File 'app-config/_root.json' open error: NotFound
2004034 [CFGDB] decUpdate()  93a646c 0
"security":{"api_secured":false,"api_password":""},"ota":{"url":""},"events":{"color_interval_ms":500,"color_mininterval_ms":500,"transfin_interval_ms":1000,"server_enabled":true},2004261 [CFGDB] ~Store()  93a646c 0
2004268 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'general'
2004275 [CFGDB] Store() general 93a646c 1
2004286 [CFGDB] incUpdate() general 93a646c 1
2004359 attached file: '' (305 bytes) #0xFF972E30
2004424 [CFGDB] decUpdate() general 93a646c 0
"general":{"channels":[],"supported_color_models":[],"is_initialized":true,"device_name":"mrpj","buttons_debounce_ms":50,"pin_config":"13,12,14,5,4","buttons_config":"","pin_config_url":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pljakobs/esp_rgb_webapp2/devel/public/config/pinconfig.json","current_pin_config_name":"mrpj"},2004679 [CFGDB] ~Store() general 93a646c 0
2004692 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'color'
2004699 [CFGDB] Store() color 93a646c 1
2004706 [CFGDB] incUpdate() color 93a646c 1
2004727 File 'app-config/color.json' open error: NotFound
2004739 [CFGDB] decUpdate() color 93a646c 0
"color":{"brightness":{"red":100,"ww":100,"green":100,"blue":100,"cw":100},"colortemp":{"ww":2700,"cw":6000},"hsv":{"red":0,"magenta":0,"green":0,"blue":0,"yellow":0,"model":0,"cyan":0},"startup_color":"last","outputmode":0},2005152 [CFGDB] ~Store() color 93a646c 0
2005159 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'sync'
2005171 [CFGDB] Store() sync 93a646c 1
2005178 [CFGDB] incUpdate() sync 93a646c 1
2005196 File 'app-config/sync.json' open error: NotFound
2005208 [CFGDB] decUpdate() sync 93a646c 0
"sync":{"cmd_master_enabled":false,"color_slave_enabled":false,"color_slave_topic":"home/led1/command","clock_master_enabled":false,"color_master_interval_ms":0,"clock_slave_enabled":false,"cmd_slave_enabled":false,"clock_master_interval":30,"clock_slave_topic":"home/led1/clock","cmd_slave_topic":"home/led/command","color_master_enabled":false},2005478 [CFGDB] ~Store() sync 93a646c 0
2005485 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'network'
2005491 [CFGDB] Store() network 93a646c 1
2005503 [CFGDB] incUpdate() network 93a646c 1
2005577 attached file: '' (379 bytes) #0xFF972E30
2005796 [CFGDB] decUpdate() network 93a646c 0
"network":{"mqtt":{"server":"mqtt.local","password":"","port":1883,"topic_base":"home/","enabled":false,"username":""},"ntp":{"enabled":false,"server":"pool.ntp.org","interval":3600},"connection":{"netmask":"","ip":"","dhcp":true,"gateway":""},"ap":{"password":"configesp","secured":true,"ssid":"RGBWW3221339823"},"mdns":{"enabled":true,"name":"mrpj"}}}2006290 [CFGDB] ~Store() network 93a646c 0
2006298 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'general'
2006309 [CFGDB] Store() general 93a646c 1
2006316 [CFGDB] incUpdate() general 93a646c 1
2006400 attached file: '' (305 bytes) #0xFF972FE0
2006467 [CFGDB] decUpdate() general 93a646c 0
2006475 AppMqttClient::init: building MQTT ID from device name: 'mrpj'

2006488 APPLedCtrl::init
2006504 APPLedCtrl::setup
2006511 [CFGDB] ~Store() general 93a646c 0
2006518 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'color'
2006529 [CFGDB] Store() color 93a646c 1
2006536 [CFGDB] incUpdate() color 93a646c 1
2006557 File 'app-config/color.json' open error: NotFound
2006568 [CFGDB] decUpdate() color 93a646c 0
2006578 COLORMODE 0
2006584 HSVMODE 0
2006674 attached file: '' (29 bytes) #0xFF972FC0
2006845 H: 0 | s: 0 | v: 0 | ct: 2700
2006861 [CFGDB] ~Store() color 93a646c 0
2006869 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'general'
2006880 [CFGDB] Store() general 93a646c 1
2006887 [CFGDB] incUpdate() general 93a646c 1
2006962 attached file: '' (305 bytes) #0xFF972FC0
2007027 [CFGDB] decUpdate() general 93a646c 0
2007041 [CFGDB] ~Store() general 93a646c 0
2007053 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'network'
2007059 [CFGDB] Store() network 93a646c 1
2007066 [CFGDB] incUpdate() network 93a646c 1
2007142 attached file: '' (379 bytes) #0xFF972F20
2007221 [CFGDB] decUpdate() network 93a646c 0
2007229 AppWIFI::init dhcp
pljakobs commented 1 day ago

(pulled the current ConfigDB develop and rebuilt - same result, the first two stores are created, after that, I get "NotFound" errors)

mikee47 commented 1 day ago

42 merged, try again.

mikee47 commented 1 day ago

The NotFound errors are fine, that just means you'll get the default store values.

mikee47 commented 1 day ago

I note you have some customised LWIP configuration, could that be implicated?

mikee47 commented 1 day ago

Also, you can remove the ARDUINO_LIBRARIES line from component.mk to fix the duplicate build target warnings.

pljakobs commented 1 day ago

The NotFound errors are fine, that just means you'll get the default store values.

understood - but should the file not be crated then?

I note you have some customised LWIP configuration, could that be implicated?

I have removed them now, I had used them when I was troubleshooting what I thought was a faulty tcp fragmentation issue - turned out that looking at the request.bodyStream was what I needed to do (instead of request.body)

Also, you can remove the ARDUINO_LIBRARIES line from component.mk to fix the duplicate build target warnings.

The RGBWWLed library is a required componet, I removed ArduinoJSON and OtaNetwork, I guess they were still unchanged from the original version.

I think the result is still much the same: I see NotFound on all but the first two stores and they are not created on the Host file system.

Am I right thinking that fileSetFileSystem(&IFS::Host::getFileSystem()); is all I need to enable the host filesystem?

2002344 mounting host file system
digitalRead: 16, 0
2002365 CLR button low - resetting settings
2002372 AppWIFI::forget_wifi
2002380 SSID '' not found
2002392 AppWIFI::startAp
2002398 Enabling AP
2002404 AppWIFI:: WifiAP enable
2002410 AP enabled
2002417 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'network'
2002429 [CFGDB] Store() network 93ed3fc 1
2002438 [CFGDB] incUpdate() network 93ed3fc 1
2002566 attached file: '' (379 bytes) #0xFFA9A710
2002711 [CFGDB] decUpdate() network 93ed3fc 0
2002729 UDP listen port 53
2002737 application init => checking ConfigDB
2002748 [CFGDB] ~Store() network 93ed3fc 0
2002756 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'general'
2002763 [CFGDB] Store() general 93ed3fc 1
2002774 [CFGDB] incUpdate() general 93ed3fc 1
2002855 attached file: '' (305 bytes) #0xFFA9A830
2002917 [CFGDB] decUpdate() general 93ed3fc 0
2002930 ConfigDB already initialized. starting

** Stream **
{2002956 [CFGDB] ~Store() general 93ed3fc 0
2002968 [CFGDB] LoadStore ''
2002974 [CFGDB] Store()  93ed3fc 1
2002981 [CFGDB] incUpdate()  93ed3fc 1
2003002 File 'app-config/_root.json' open error: NotFound
2003014 [CFGDB] open 'app-config/_root.json' failed
2003021 [CFGDB] Load defaults
2003033 [CFGDB] decUpdate()  93ed3fc 0
"security":{"api_secured":false,"api_password":null},"ota":{"url":null},"events":{"color_interval_ms":500,"color_mininterval_ms":500,"transfin_interval_ms":1000,"server_enabled":true},2003271 [CFGDB] ~Store()  93ed3fc 0
2003283 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'general'
2003289 [CFGDB] Store() general 93ed3fc 1
2003296 [CFGDB] incUpdate() general 93ed3fc 1
2003376 attached file: '' (305 bytes) #0xFFA9A5E0
2003434 [CFGDB] decUpdate() general 93ed3fc 0
"general":{"channels":[],"supported_color_models":[],"is_initialized":true,"device_name":"mrpj","buttons_debounce_ms":50,"pin_config":"13,12,14,5,4","buttons_config":"","pin_config_url":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pljakobs/esp_rgb_webapp2/devel/public/config/pinconfig.json","current_pin_config_name":"mrpj"},2003673 [CFGDB] ~Store() general 93ed3fc 0
2003680 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'color'
2003687 [CFGDB] Store() color 93ed3fc 1
2003698 [CFGDB] incUpdate() color 93ed3fc 1
2003718 File 'app-config/color.json' open error: NotFound
2003730 [CFGDB] open 'app-config/color.json' failed
2003736 [CFGDB] Load defaults
2003744 [CFGDB] decUpdate() color 93ed3fc 0
"color":{"brightness":{"red":100,"ww":100,"green":100,"blue":100,"cw":100},"colortemp":{"ww":2700,"cw":6000},"hsv":{"red":0,"magenta":0,"green":0,"blue":0,"yellow":0,"model":0,"cyan":0},"startup_color":"last","outputmode":0},2004172 [CFGDB] ~Store() color 93ed3fc 0
2004183 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'sync'
2004190 [CFGDB] Store() sync 93ed3fc 1
2004197 [CFGDB] incUpdate() sync 93ed3fc 1
2004221 File 'app-config/sync.json' open error: NotFound
2004228 [CFGDB] open 'app-config/sync.json' failed
2004234 [CFGDB] Load defaults
2004241 [CFGDB] decUpdate() sync 93ed3fc 0
"sync":{"cmd_master_enabled":false,"color_slave_enabled":false,"color_slave_topic":"home/led1/command","clock_master_enabled":false,"color_master_interval_ms":0,"clock_slave_enabled":false,"cmd_slave_enabled":false,"clock_master_interval":30,"clock_slave_topic":"home/led1/clock","cmd_slave_topic":"home/led/command","color_master_enabled":false},2004508 [CFGDB] ~Store() sync 93ed3fc 0
2004515 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'network'
2004522 [CFGDB] Store() network 93ed3fc 1
2004533 [CFGDB] incUpdate() network 93ed3fc 1
2004609 attached file: '' (379 bytes) #0xFFA9A5E0
2004693 [CFGDB] decUpdate() network 93ed3fc 0
"network":{"mqtt":{"server":"mqtt.local","password":"","port":1883,"topic_base":"home/","enabled":false,"username":""},"ntp":{"enabled":false,"server":"pool.ntp.org","interval":3600},"connection":{"netmask":"","ip":"","dhcp":true,"gateway":""},"ap":{"password":"configesp","secured":true,"ssid":"RGBWW3221339823"},"mdns":{"enabled":true,"name":"mrpj"}}}2005360 [CFGDB] ~Store() network 93ed3fc 0
2005368 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'general'
2005379 [CFGDB] Store() general 93ed3fc 1
2005386 [CFGDB] incUpdate() general 93ed3fc 1
2005476 attached file: '' (305 bytes) #0xFFA9A790
2005545 [CFGDB] decUpdate() general 93ed3fc 0
2005554 AppMqttClient::init: building MQTT ID from device name: 'mrpj'

2005566 APPLedCtrl::init
2005583 APPLedCtrl::setup
2005589 [CFGDB] ~Store() general 93ed3fc 0
2005597 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'color'
2005608 [CFGDB] Store() color 93ed3fc 1
2005615 [CFGDB] incUpdate() color 93ed3fc 1
2005635 File 'app-config/color.json' open error: NotFound
2005647 [CFGDB] open 'app-config/color.json' failed
2005653 [CFGDB] Load defaults
2005660 [CFGDB] decUpdate() color 93ed3fc 0
2005674 COLORMODE 0
2005680 HSVMODE 0
2005756 attached file: '' (29 bytes) #0xFFA9A760
2005917 H: 0 | s: 0 | v: 0 | ct: 2700
2005937 [CFGDB] ~Store() color 93ed3fc 0
2005944 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'general'
2005950 [CFGDB] Store() general 93ed3fc 1
2005962 [CFGDB] incUpdate() general 93ed3fc 1
2006032 attached file: '' (305 bytes) #0xFFA9A770
2006098 [CFGDB] decUpdate() general 93ed3fc 0
2006116 [CFGDB] ~Store() general 93ed3fc 0
2006123 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'network'
2006129 [CFGDB] Store() network 93ed3fc 1
2006158 [CFGDB] incUpdate() network 93ed3fc 1
2006232 attached file: '' (379 bytes) #0xFFA9A6D0
2006315 [CFGDB] decUpdate() network 93ed3fc 0
2006323 AppWIFI::init dhcp
2006330 '*' registered
2006339 '/' registered
2006353 '/webapp' registered
2006361 '/config' registered
2006368 '/info' registered
2006375 '/color' registered
2006383 '/networks' registered
2006397 '/scan_networks' registered
2006405 '/system' registered
2006413 '/update' registered
2006422 '/connect' registered
2006435 '/ping' registered
2006443 '/hosts' registered
2006451 '/object' registered
2006459 '/stop' registered
2006472 '/skip' registered
2006480 '/pause' registered
2006489 '/continue' registered
2006497 '/blink' registered
2006510 '/toggle' registered
IF_UP, AP: Host WiFi
2006539 AppWIFI::_STAConnected SSID - Host WiFi
2006546 [CFGDB] ~Store() network 93ed3fc 0
2006554 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'general'
2006560 [CFGDB] Store() general 93ed3fc 1
2006567 [CFGDB] incUpdate() general 93ed3fc 1
2006641 attached file: '' (305 bytes) #0xFFA9A6D0
2006716 [CFGDB] decUpdate() general 93ed3fc 0
2006724 AppWIFI::connect setting hostname to mrpj
2006736 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'network'
2006743 [CFGDB] Store() network 93eedec 2
2006750 [CFGDB] incUpdate() network 93eedec 1
2006828 attached file: '' (379 bytes) #0xFFA9A6A0
2007014 [CFGDB] decUpdate() network 93eedec 0
2007035 [CFGDB] lockStore() app-config 93ed32c
2007048 [CFGDB] incUpdate() network 93eedec 1
2007055 [CFGDB] incUpdate() network 93eedec 2
2007067 [CFGDB] decUpdate() network 93eedec 1
2007075 [CFGDB] decUpdate() network 93eedec 0
2007082 [CFGDB] Save 'network'
2007320 attached file: '' (0 bytes) #0xFFA9A498
2007509 [CFGDB] Object saved to 'app-config/network.json'
2007556 [CFGDB] ~Store() general 93ed3fc 1
IP_CHANGE, ip:, netmask:, gateway:
2007581 AppWIFI::_STAGotIP
2007587 [CFGDB] LoadStore 'general'
2007594 [CFGDB] Store() general 93ed3fc 2
2007606 [CFGDB] incUpdate() general 93ed3fc 1
2007772 attached file: '' (305 bytes) #0xFFA9A730
2007896 [CFGDB] decUpdate() general 93ed3fc 0
2007917 AppWIFI::_STAGotIP - device_name mrpj mdnshostname mrpj
2007924 AppWIFI::_STAGotIP - setting mdns hostname to mrpj
2007936 [CFGDB] ~Store() general 93ed3fc 1
2008007 UDP listen port 5353
2008015 MDNS initialised for 'mrpj'
2008029 [MDNS] addService 'esprgbwwAPI._http._tcp.local'
2008038 [MDNS] addService 'esprgbwwWebApp._http._tcp.local'
2008046 [MDNS] addService 'esprgbwwWS._http._tcp.local'
2008060 setting searchName to esprgbwwAPI._http._tcp.local
2008105 Application::wsBroadcast
2008117 === Websocket Broadcast ===
2008159 ===>nr of tcpConnections: 0
2008165 =========================================
2008172 ===>nr of websockets: 0
2008229 rpc: root ={"station":{"connected":true,"ssid":"Host WiFi","dhcp":true,"ip":"","netmask":"","gateway":"","mac":"52854b8022b0"},"ap":{"enabled":false,"ssid":"","ip":""}}
2008265 rpc: msg ={"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"wifi_status","params":{"station":{"connected":true,"ssid":"Host WiFi","dhcp":true,"ip":"","netmask":"","gateway":"","mac":"52854b8022b0"},"ap":{"enabled":false,"ssid":"","i
pljakobs commented 1 day ago

actually, and I may have missed that - do you only create the storage file once it's first written to and otherwise it's just a read from defaults? Thinking about it, that would be sensible

pljakobs commented 1 day ago

now I'm wondering if I broke something with my re-factor to be able to build for Host (and Esp32 at the same time) as I am now getting the open {filename} failed errors on Esp8266, too

** Stream **
{[Components/ConfigDB/src/Object.cpp:447] [CFGDB] open 'app-config/_root.json' failed
"security":{"api_secured":false,"api_password":null},"ota":{"url":null},"events":{"color_interval_ms":500,"color_mininterval_ms":500,"transfin_interval_ms":1000,"server_enabled":true},"general":{"channels":[],"supported_color_models":["RGB","RGBW","RGBWW","RAW"],"is_initialized":true,"device_name":"mrpj","buttons_debounce_ms":50,"pin_config":"13,12,14,5,4","buttons_config":null,"pin_config_url":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pljakobs/esp_rgb_webapp2/devel/public/config/pinconfig.json","current_pin_config_name":"mrpj"},[Components/ConfigDB/src/Object.cpp:447] [CFGDB] open 'app-config/color.json' failed
"color":{"brightness":{"red":100,"ww":100,"green":100,"blue":100,"cw":100},"colortemp":{"ww":2700,"cw":6000},"hsv":{"red":0,"magenta":0,"green":0,"blue":0,"yellow":0,"model":0,"cyan":0},"startup_color":"last","outputmode":0},[Components/ConfigDB/src/Object.cpp:447] [CFGDB] open 'app-config/sync.json' failed
"sync":{"cmd_master_enabled":false,"color_slave_enabled":false,"color_slave_topic":"home/led1/command","clock_master_enabled":false,"color_master_interval_ms":0,"clock_slave_enabled":false,"cmd_slave_enabled":false,"clock_master_interval":30,"clock_slave_topic":"home/led1/clock","cmd_slave_topic":"home/led/command","color_master_enabled":false},"network":{"mqtt":{"server":"mqtt.local","password":null,"port":1883,"topic_base":"home/","enabled":false,"username":null},"ntp":{"enabled":false,"server":"pool.ntp.org","interval":3600},"connection":{"netmask":"","ip":"","dhcp":true,"gateway":""},"ap":{"password":"configesp","secured":true,"ssid":"RGBWW2237526"},"mdns":{"enabled":true,"name":"RGBWW2237526"}}}[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/mqtt.cpp:93] AppMqttClient::init: building MQTT ID from device name: 'mrpj'

[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/ledctrl.cpp:106] APPLedCtrl::init
[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/ledctrl.cpp:164] APPLedCtrl::setup
[Components/ConfigDB/src/Object.cpp:447] [CFGDB] open 'app-config/color.json' failed
[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/ledctrl.cpp:142] H: 0 | s: 0 | v: 0 | ct: 2700
sleep disable
[Components/Network/Arch/Esp8266/Platform/StationImpl.cpp:239] SSID: ''
[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/networking.cpp:157] AppWIFI::init no AP to connect to - start own AP
[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/networking.cpp:375] AppWIFI::startAp
[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/networking.cpp:376] Enabling AP
[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/networking.cpp:378] AppWIFI:: WifiAP enable
[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/networking.cpp:380] AP enabled
[Components/Network/Arch/Esp8266/Platform/AccessPointImpl.cpp:88] AP configuration loaded
[Components/Network/Arch/Esp8266/Platform/StationImpl.cpp:239] SSID: ''
[Components/Network/Arch/Esp8266/Platform/AccessPointImpl.cpp:166] SSID: RGBWW2237526
[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/networking.cpp:432] rpc: root ={"message":"AP started","station":{"connected":false,"ssid":"","dhcp":true,"ip":"","netmask":"","gateway":"","mac":"84f3eb222456"},"ap":{"enabled":true,"ssid":[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/networking.cpp:433] rpc: msg ={"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"wifi_status","params":{"message":"AP started","station":{"connected":false,"ssid":"","dhcp":true,"ip":"","netmask":"","gateway":"","m[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/application.cpp:554] Application::wsBroadcast
[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/webserver.cpp:137] === Websocket Broadcast ===
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"wifi_status","params":{"message":"AP started","station":{"connected":false,"ssid":"","dhcp":true,"ip":"","netmask":"","gate[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/webserver.cpp:138] ===>nr of tcpConnections: 0
[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/webserver.cpp:143] =========================================
[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/webserver.cpp:144] ===>nr of websockets: 0
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '*' registered
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '/' registered
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '/webapp' registered
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '/config' registered
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '/info' registered
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '/color' registered
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '/networks' registered
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '/scan_networks' registered
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '/system' registered
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '/update' registered
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '/connect' registered
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '/ping' registered
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '/hosts' registered
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '/object' registered
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '/stop' registered
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '/skip' registered
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '/pause' registered
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '/continue' registered
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '/blink' registered
[Components/Network/src/Network/Http/HttpResourceTree.cpp:50] '/toggle' registered
mode : sta(84:f3:eb:22:24:56) + softAP(86:f3:eb:22:24:56)
add if0
add if1
dhcp server start:(ip:,mask:,gw:
bcn 100
[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/application.cpp:162] Free heap: 25624
[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/application.cpp:359] Application::startServices
[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/ledctrl.cpp:406] APPLedCtrl::start
[Components/ConfigDB/src/Object.cpp:447] [CFGDB] open 'app-config/_root.json' failed
[/home/pjakobs/devel/esp_rgbww_firmware/app/eventserver.cpp:25] Starting event server with webserver referal

[Components/ConfigDB/src/Object.cpp:447] [CFGDB] open 'app-config/sync.json' failed
[Components/ConfigDB/src/Object.cpp:447] [CFGDB] open 'app-config/_root.json' failed
[Components/ConfigDB/src/Object.cpp:447] [CFGDB] open 'app-config/sync.json' failed
[Components/ConfigDB/src/Object.cpp:447] [CFGDB] open 'app-config/color.json' failed
[Components/ConfigDB/src/Object.cpp:447] [CFGDB] open 'app-config/_root.json' failed
[Components/ConfigDB/src/Object.cpp:447] [CFGDB] open 'app-config/sync.json' failed
mikee47 commented 1 day ago

The NotFound errors are fine, that just means you'll get the default store values.

understood - but should the file not be crated then?

Only on commit.

Also, you can remove the ARDUINO_LIBRARIES line from component.mk to fix the duplicate build target warnings.

The RGBWWLed library is a required componet, I removed ArduinoJSON and OtaNetwork, I guess they were still unchanged from the original version.

Libraries should be given in either COMPONENT_DEPENDS or ARDUINO_LIBARIES, not both: these two lists get merged by the build system.

I think the result is still much the same: I see NotFound on all but the first two stores and they are not created on the Host file system.

2007082 [CFGDB] Save 'network'
2007320 attached file: '' (0 bytes) #0xFFA9A498
2007509 [CFGDB] Object saved to 'app-config/network.json'

Are you sure?

Am I right thinking that fileSetFileSystem(&IFS::Host::getFileSystem()); is all I need to enable the host filesystem?

Yes. Directories get created automatically (in Object::exportToFile).

mikee47 commented 1 day ago

I made a change in #37 to Object::importFromFile which returns all file errors, including 'not found', so the caller could make a better decision about loading defaults, etc. Previously this silently succeeded, but the message is, while perhaps a little confusing, useful for debugging, and the 'not found' can be considered a warning or notification rather than an actual error.

pljakobs commented 1 day ago

ok, I understand now, just wonder why I didn't see those messages before.

mikee47 commented 23 hours ago


pljakobs commented 5 hours ago

okay, that was user error - in a way.

I had, as a first pass, just mindlessly replaced every access to the app.cfg struct with an access to the corresponding CofigDB, not really thinking about call frequency much. Turns out that in the LED control loop, a set of seven properties located in three different stores are read ever 20ms.

I believe this is not a good use for ConfigDB at any rate, so I have created local variales that are read from ConfigDB upon initialization, not every 20ms.

Problem solved.

This does again make a case for a hook on updates to a specific property (or maybe a list of properties) as I would now need to call the AppLedCtrl::reconfigure() function when one of those values was changed

void APPLedCtrl::reconfigure() {
        AppConfig::Sync sync(*app.cfg);
        clockMaster         = sync.getColorMasterEnabled();
        clockMasterInterval = sync.getColorMasterIntervalMs();
        colorMaster         = sync.getColorMasterEnabled();
        colorMasterInterval = sync.getColorMasterIntervalMs();

    } // end AppConfig::Sync context
        AppConfig::Root config(*app.cfg);
        transFinInterval = config.events.getTransFinIntervalMs();
        colorMinInterval = config.events.getColorMinIntervalMs();
    } //close configdb root context
        AppConfig::Color color(*app.cfg);
        startupColorLast=(color.getStartupColor() == "last");
    } //close configdb context for color

From a performance point of view: would it make sense to keep a map of existing ConfigDB stores in RAM? It feels a bit wasteful to check if the file exists only to then return the default if it does not. A bitmap for the defined stores would in most cases only take a byte, maybe two. That would not really fix my bad code here, as if the parameter was changed from default, it would have to be read from storage if it was not cached and since I was opening different stores, it would probably have been evicted quite often.

mikee47 commented 4 hours ago

I had, as a first pass, just mindlessly replaced every access to the app.cfg struct with an access to the corresponding CofigDB, not really thinking about call frequency much. Turns out that in the LED control loop, a set of seven properties located in three different stores are read ever 20ms. I believe this is not a good use for ConfigDB at any rate, so I have created local variales that are read from ConfigDB upon initialization, not every 20ms.

On the one hand yes, caching those variables locally makes sense, but on the other hand the application has to take additional steps to keep them in sync with the database.

If this data was all in the same store, and if ConfigDB could satisfy the request from cache, then that may well be good enough.

So if the database could be improved so that frequent accesses do not incur such a large hit then IMHO that would be useful.

From a performance point of view: would it make sense to keep a map of existing ConfigDB stores in RAM? It feels a bit wasteful to check if the file exists only to then return the default if it does not. A bitmap for the defined stores would in most cases only take a byte, maybe two. That would not really fix my bad code here, as if the parameter was changed from default, it would have to be read from storage if it was not cached and since I was opening different stores, it would probably have been evicted quite often.

Yes, a fairly simple optimisation to implement but as you point out the benefit of this would disappear once the configuration is customised... which I would expect in most cases.

So some revisions to read caching might be beneficial, such as:

  1. Allow more than one store to be cached. Whenever an update is committed, the write cache essentially becomes the new read cache which can satisfy further requests without going to storage.
  2. Retire caches using a timer to support frequently-accessed data. Clearly this can lead to excessive RAM consumption if a store remains cached indefinitely, but it might be what the developer wants.
  3. Set a limit on cache RAM consumption and retire caches only when necessary
  4. Assigning store priorities so those with lower priority get retired first

Let's consider how much RAM does it requires to load your entire database into RAM?

root 18 general 19 color 64 sync 20 network 35

Total 156 bytes

This doesn't include the string data, or the general.channels and general.supportedColorModels arrays.

Still, we're not looking at massive amounts of RAM usage so keeping stores around for longer is probably not going to be an issue.

pljakobs commented 4 hours ago

I think it would be great to have a setting to allows to configure how many stores are kept in RAM at any given time or evenn to pin stores in RAM, if so desired

pljakobs commented 4 hours ago

also, I've managed to run the code on Host now (thank you for pushing me to finally do this, Esp32 should now also work) - and I believe there is a memory leak, given that the free heap goes down over time. Now I need to learn to interpret the valgrind output. Most of the errors it shows right now seem to be destructors upon terminating the application - which I don't care much about - if I terminate the application, I restart the chip. But I will need to troubleshoot this another day.