mikeerickson / phpunit-pretty-result-printer

PHPUnit Pretty Result Printer -- make your PHPUnit tests look pretty!
MIT License
1.2k stars 71 forks source link

Library not compatible with PHPUnit 7.1.1 #63

Closed tarlepp closed 6 years ago

tarlepp commented 6 years ago

I noticed that library isn't currently compatible with PHPUnit 7.1

Declaration of Codedungeon\PHPUnitPrettyResultPrinter\_ResultPrinter::writeProgress($progress): void should be compatible with PHPUnit\TextUI\ResultPrinter::writeProgress(string $progress): void
mikeerickson commented 6 years ago

what version do you have installed. The current version is definitely compatible with PHPUnit 7.1

mikeerickson commented 6 years ago

versions 0.11.2 and greater is working with PHPUnit 7.1 (I just ran compatibility testing

tarlepp commented 6 years ago

@mikeerickson If I update to "phpunit/phpunit": "7.1.1" I'm getting that error:

wunder@code-2017-VirtualBox:~/PhpstormProjects/symfony-flex-backend2$ composer update
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Package operations: 0 installs, 1 update, 0 removals
  - Updating phpunit/phpunit (7.0.3 => 7.1.1): Loading from cache
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
ocramius/package-versions:  Generating version class...
ocramius/package-versions: ...done generating version class

What about running composer global require symfony/thanks && composer thanks now?
This will spread some 💖  by sending a ★  to the GitHub repositories of your fellow package maintainers.

Executing script cache:clear --no-warmup [OK]
Executing script cache:warmup [OK]
Executing script assets:install --symlink --relative public [OK]
Executing script requirements-checker [OK]
Executing script security-checker security:check --end-point=http://security.sensiolabs.org/check_lock [OK]

> Companienv\Composer\ScriptHandler::run
wunder@code-2017-VirtualBox:~/PhpstormProjects/symfony-flex-backend2$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit 

In Printer.php line 24:

  Declaration of Codedungeon\PHPUnitPrettyResultPrinter\_ResultPrinter::writeProgress($progress): void should be compatible with PHPUnit\TextUI\ResultPrint  
  er::writeProgress(string $progress): void                                                                                                                  

mikeerickson commented 6 years ago

Ah, wait my error here. You clearly stated PHPUnit 7.1 (I kept reading and referencing PHP 7.1). I have only verified against PHPunit 7.0.3.

I will test against all available versions of PHPUnit shortly.

mikeerickson commented 6 years ago

Can you please test the 0.12.0 version I just posted.

tarlepp commented 6 years ago

@mikeerickson nope, still getting:

wunder@code-2017-VirtualBox:~/PhpstormProjects/symfony-flex-backend2$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit 

In Printer.php line 328:

  Declaration of Codedungeon\PHPUnitPrettyResultPrinter\Printer::writeProgress($progress): void should be compatible wi  
  th PHPUnit\TextUI\ResultPrinter::writeProgress(string $progress): void                                                 

See the PHPUnit source: https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/blob/master/src%2FTextUI%2FResultPrinter.php#L489 and compare that to your https://github.com/mikeerickson/phpunit-pretty-result-printer/blob/master/src/Printer.php#L132

tarlepp commented 6 years ago

Also same error will occur with protected function writeProgressWithColor($color, $buffer): void which should be protected function writeProgressWithColor(string $color, string $buffer): void

And maybe some another methods may have similar methods.

tarlepp commented 6 years ago

Also you can see those warnings (errors on my case - because I use declare(strict_types = 1);) on your TravisCI https://travis-ci.org/mikeerickson/phpunit-pretty-result-printer/jobs/363210307

mikeerickson commented 6 years ago

Yes, I am seeing these now, I committed a "bad" version, working on fixing this issue now. Got messed up with some merge conflicts and selected the "wrong" code.

mikeerickson commented 6 years ago

@tarlepp OK, all should be cleared now, version 0.12.1 posted and tested clean locally. My apologies for the confusion

tarlepp commented 6 years ago

@mikeerickson yeah seems to work like a charm with 0.12.1 - and thanks for quick response about this issue.

mikeerickson commented 6 years ago

@tarlepp No worries, glad I was able to turn it around quickly. I just happened to be working on some other OSS stuff so I was able to jump on this one. Thank you for the report :-)