mikeerickson / validatorjs

A data validation library in JavaScript for the browser and Node.js, inspired by Laravel's Validator.
MIT License
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Accessing request object inside register() registerAsync() #450

Open francsiswanto opened 2 years ago

francsiswanto commented 2 years ago

What version of this package are you using? 3.22.1

What problem do you want to solve? In some cases I need to access user model object (authenticated user) which is usually attach to request object and validate it against request payload. Maybe there are solutions for this needed but I can not find it so far in issues tab.

What do you think is the correct solution to this problem? I have some suggestions, but only basic concepts, as follows: My target is to add parameter field (req object) at these function: passes(), fails(), check(), checkAsync(), validate(), and _appy(), and modify the functions body as needed. The functions itself will be like these:

check: function (req)
checkAsync: function (passes, fails, req)
passes: function (passes, req)
fails: function (fails, req)
validate: function (inputValue, ruleValue, attribute, callback, req)
_apply: function (inputValue, ruleValue, attribute, callback, req)

And I can use them as follows:

Validator.register('same_branchcode', function(value, requirement, attribute, req) { 
  if (!req) {
    throw new Error('Invalid Request Object')
  return value === req.user.branchcode;
}, 'You can not view other branches account');

// And for validation inside controller:
const gagal = () => { throw new Error(validation.errors.all()) }
const passes = () => {};
const fails = () => {};

const validator = new Validator(data, rules)
await validator.checkAsync(passes, fails, req)

// OR for sync
if (!validator.check()) gagal()
if (!validator.check(req)) gagal()                       // if need request object or maybe other object which need to be accessed in custom validation

// OR for sync
if (!validator.passes() gagal()
if (!validator.passes(() => {}, req)) gagal()            // if need request object

// OR for sync
validator.fails(gagal, req)                              // if need request object

Implementation maybe dirty but it works for me.

Are you willing to submit a pull request to implement this change? Yes, but maybe not perfect.

AhmadMuj commented 1 year ago

This is really important, we can't write custom validators like similar to required_if