Hello, since I didnt wrote any manual since last issues (MB) for personal code I would like to ask an assitance to see debug code if anything under my code is left of loading (I remember a debug mode that throws the name of file is missing to load), this is my code:
$opciones = array(
'binary' => $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/../private_html/fglobales/wkhtmltox/bin/wkhtmltopdf', // LINUX
'commandOptions' => array(
'useExec' => true,
'header-html' => $headerHtml,
'footer-font-size' => 7,
'footer-left' => utf8_decode( 'Este documento es una representacion de un CFDI version 3.3' ),
'footer-right' => utf8_decode('[page]'),
'margin-top' => "33mm",
'page-size' => "Letter",
'header-spacing' => 3,
'user-style-sheet' => "Body.css",
$pdf = new Pdf( $opciones );
$pdf->addPage( $bodyHtml );
if ( !$pdf->saveAs( $rutaSalida ) ) {
throw new Exception( $pdf->getError() );
Hello, since I didnt wrote any manual since last issues (MB) for personal code I would like to ask an assitance to see debug code if anything under my code is left of loading (I remember a debug mode that throws the name of file is missing to load), this is my code:
I receive command failed