mikehardy / thunderlink

Link to your Thunderbird emails!
Mozilla Public License 2.0
42 stars 14 forks source link

How to add a custom target (markdown)? #38

Closed duckunix closed 5 years ago

duckunix commented 5 years ago

Awesome plugin. Really helping me out.

I think I am missing something. I would like to generate a markdown style to paste into an application, so something like: [subject](thunderlink:.....)

Is this possible?


mikehardy commented 5 years ago

Hi there - glad you like it. I thought it was useful for me that I took over maintaining it recently but I apologize that because of that I don't know all the nooks and crannies yet.

@MarioKusek Maybe you know the answer to this since you played with the templating more than I did? My hunch is that it should be possible if you're careful, for instance with the escaping. Something like


But to be clear I didn't try this. Have you tried building up a little template bit by bit to see what's possible? (like first just seeing if you could do a "thunderlink" that just had a markdown piece, then adding an interpreted part (like <subject>), etc etc?

duckunix commented 5 years ago

@mikehardy thanks for the reply. Can you kindly point me to the templating? I gave it a quick look, and did not see any options for that. I am on TB-60 if that makes a difference (I know lots of things got changed in 60)

mikehardy commented 5 years ago

@duckunix - did you try the preference dialog where you configure the links? The variables you can use are shown right there.

I tried this as the textbox value for a test:


and received this on the clipboard:

[[mikehardy/thunderlink] How to add a custom target (markdown)? (#38)](thunderlink://messageid=mikehardy/thunderlink/issues/38/461238110@github.com)

Which shows me that it works more or less as expected, though as you can see there will be a possible interaction between markdown content and email subject lines (unavoidable unfortunately, the set of legal subject characters includes valid markdown characters). But it works fine. Please try it

duckunix commented 5 years ago

Ah...I found the prefrence menu (tools->Addon Preferences->ThunderLink), and found that the above does work for what I want.

Thanks for the help!