mikeharris100 / deck.js-transition-cube

A rotating cube transition for deck.js
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Nested slides #1

Closed gimler closed 12 years ago

gimler commented 13 years ago

not working with nested slides ;(

mikeharris100 commented 13 years ago

No, that is not yet implemented. I don't know what the transition should look like in that case. I don't really like the idea of rotating the whole cube again for each nested slide, and I think having sub-cube dealyos would look weird. Any suggestions are welcome!

Bengt commented 12 years ago

I agree that rotating the whole cube for each nested slide should be avoided. The movement of the whole slide would take away the attention from the nested slide.

As long as the ".slide .slide"-sub-cubes have full width of a slide one could rotate them in like the layers of a rubik's cube. Like this:

AAA            AAA            AAA            AAA            AAA
        =>        b:.   =>      Bb:   =>      BBb    =>     BBB
CCC            CCC            CCC            CCC            CCC

The introduction of deck.js uses class="slide" (aside from section) on <li>, only. So at least that would work using this solution.

Having seen the introduction's extensions-slide with horizontal slide, this behavior would also be expected, I thnk.

mikeharris100 commented 12 years ago

This sorta does the job. Still seems a bit clunky though.

Bengt commented 12 years ago

Thanks a lot for fixing this. Your commit came just in time for my presentation last friday. If you're interested, see: https://github.com/bigben87/Git-in-der-Praxis

I think, it already looks very good and at least it nested slides are now usable. When a nested slide does not have the full width (eg. if using columns) the animation does not pivot around the axis of our hypothetical Rubik's cube.