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Add 2 additional pre-conference events #110

Closed brimorrison closed 12 years ago

brimorrison commented 12 years ago

Please add the following to the preconference event page: (If you want in doc format let me know)

Programming with Alice Workshop (Alice 2.2) Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 9:00am - 5:00pm Cost: $25 This workshop is intended for teachers who have little or no experience in teaching with Alice. The workshop will provide hands-on experience with learning to use Alice 2.2 and in learning to teach with Alice. Alice 2.2 is a powerful program visualization environment where students are engaged in building virtual worlds to create animations and simple games. Instructional materials, software, and a complimentary copy of the 3rd edition of the text, Learning to Program with Alice, will be provided to each participant. Bring your own laptop (PC or Mac) and a mouse. Alice 2.2 does not work well on most netbooks.

For more information, contact: Wanda Dann, Carnegie-Mellon University wpdann@andrew.cmu.edu

Programming with Alice Workshop (Alice 3) Wednesday, Februrary 29, 2011, 9:00am - 5:00pm Cost: $25 This workshop is designed for instructors of CS1/AP who are interested in providing a gentle introduction to programming concepts in Alice 3 integral with mediating the transfer of these concepts into Java. The workshop will introduce Alice 3 and a plugin for transitioning from Alice to Java. Alice 3 builds on Alice 2's powerful program visualization technique, enabling students to "see" objects and work with object-oriented programming. Participants will learn how to use Alice 3 to build virtual worlds and how to use this approach in CS1 courses (introductory programming for majors and non-majors and AP CS). Bring your own laptop (PC or Mac) and a mouse. . Alice 2.2 does not work well on most netbooks.

For more information, contact: Wanda Dann, Carnegie-Mellon University wpdann@andrew.cmu.edu

mikehelmick commented 12 years ago

text format is preferred for things like this, since I have to reformat for HTML anyway