mikehelmick / SIGCSE2012-Web-Site

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Add Bing search link #120

Closed ghost closed 12 years ago

ghost commented 12 years ago

From Susan Rodger:

"One other thing that would help to keep microsoft happy, would be on the main SIGCSE 2012 page, if in additional to the google search link you have, you would put up a bing link.

I know in 2010 we had both Google and Bing and it would randomly put one of them first.

Microsoft has been by far the strongest supporter of SIGCSE so I think they would really appreciate you putting this up. "

mikehelmick commented 12 years ago

Big has made it considerably more difficult to add bing search to your site: http://www.bing.com/community/site_blogs/b/webmaster/archive/2011/04/19/bing-com-siteowner-shut-down-options-for-search-results.aspx

I'm working on it.

mikehelmick commented 12 years ago


The server doesn't support the code that I wrote for adding in bing. I'm going to need to pull back the search box until I can figure it out.

mikehelmick commented 12 years ago

ok - I think I found a solution.

the ACM server doesn't support fopen() of URLs, but does support libCurl.

This should be a simple rewrite, but will have to wait until tomorrow.