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Attendees -> Fees #82

Closed AdrienneAndLester closed 12 years ago

AdrienneAndLester commented 12 years ago

On URL: http://www.sigcse.org/sigcse2012/attendees/fees.php

CHANGE: The special one-day K12 rate includes access to all Friday technical sessions, the exhibition hall (and coffee breaks), and one copy of proceedings on CD.

TO: The special one-day K12 rate includes access to all Friday technical sessions, the exhibition hall (and coffee breaks), and one copy of proceedings on CD. The special two-day K12 rate includes access to all Friday and Saturday technical sessions, the exhibition hall (and coffee breaks), the Saturday luncheon, and one copy of proceedings on CD. Workshops are not included in these rates. These rates are available to K-12 teachers only.