mikehostetler / amplify

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Accessing window.globalStorage throws a warning in Firefox 9 #38

Closed gijsk closed 12 years ago

gijsk commented 12 years ago

This checks if localStorage is available before attempting to use globalStorage.

gijsk commented 12 years ago

So, sorry about the mess - I tried to attach the commit / pull request to an existing issue (based on this stackoverflow thread ). Clearly it failed - not sure what part I misunderstood, but there we are...

scottgonzalez commented 12 years ago

Thanks. You did everything right, there's no mess (other than the fact that GitHub marks issues as fixed even before they're merged).

gijsk commented 12 years ago

In fact I closed the issue I previously created, as this one seemed more useful. If you excuse the newbie question: how come the previous issue doesn't have the 'code attached' thing?

PS, completely off-topic: Seems you were the guy I was in touch with about jQuery UI accessibility about a year and a half ago when I was contracting for TPG? Small world... :-)

scottgonzalez commented 12 years ago

The other issue does have it, if you look at it again it says "gijsk referenced this issue from a commit in gijsk/amplify".

Yeah, that was me; I still have the thread about high contrast mode starred in Gmail (along with a bunch of other a11y threads)... Now that free-aria is alive again, hopefully we'll be able to close out a bunch of these issues.

gijsk commented 12 years ago

Regarding that issue: sure, but it doesn't have the "Code attached" thingy in the list of issues. Ah well.

I just realized, I didn't re-generate the minified version of the library, as I assumed it was automatic. That doesn't seem to be the case though... Should I have?

scottgonzalez commented 12 years ago

We never have minified files in the repo.

gijsk commented 12 years ago

Eh, fair point. Sorry, my brain must have been off when I wrote that...