mikeizbicki / 2023spring-FinTechPracticum

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Week 4/3 #10

Open agallagher23 opened 1 year ago

agallagher23 commented 1 year ago

Meeting Notes (04/03) Took a bunch of notes on the google colab within the code

Optimizing LGM:

Optimizing EBM:

Other models:



Best results: small test MSE and small gap

agallagher23 commented 1 year ago

Tasks completed

everettbu commented 1 year ago

Tasks completed

reinabhatkuly commented 1 year ago

Tasks completed:

xybljy0122 commented 1 year ago

4/3 Meeting with Wells Team:

Try to figure out which hypoerparameter more sensitive

Overfit model

Underfit model (model too simple)

Normally, if the gap between train and test become small, model underfits

Project goal:

Add max_bins in EBM

We don’t need to match up the parameters in the two models

max depth in LGBM The depth of decision tree, the deeper, the more complicated and flexible the model

Max_bins in EBM bin - the number of parameters to each variable max_bin=3, too small, not much flexibility max_bin too large, might overfit

Next step

more questions to look into: Overfit underfit, concerns

Ultimate goal: find the lowest test MSE and samllest gap Given the same test MSE, we want the test-gap as small as possible

xybljy0122 commented 1 year ago

Task completed: