mikeizbicki / 2023spring-FinTechPracticum

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Week 2/13 #4

Open reinabhatkuly opened 1 year ago

reinabhatkuly commented 1 year ago

Items Completed -Successfully uploaded a dataset of Google stock prices over the past 10 years on PiML on Google Collab (files to be uploaded onto Google Collab must be 10MB or smaller). -Ran the entirety of the low code setup on the dataset to check functionality. -Tried uploading multiple file formats found CSV files to be the only format that could be uploaded onto Google Collab. Still attempting to look for more accepted file formats. -Found kaggle.com to have a useful data repository

everettbu commented 1 year ago

Items Completed

agallagher23 commented 1 year ago

Wells Fargo Meeting Minutes (02/13/23)

Feedback on SOW:

What should we be looking for in the black box models and how should we compare it to the PiML models?

Everrett shared his screen to show confirm with Nengfeng that we got the external black box model successfully registered in PiML

Next Steps

agallagher23 commented 1 year ago

Mike Meeting Minutes (02/14/23)


This week’s deliverables

  1. Send NF new SOW
  2. Interpret the graphs that the library outputs
    • Stick with the housing dataset (hardest to explain will be lat/long)
    • Every person picks one
  3. Midterm presentation
    • Will present to NG, Rosh, other Wells group
    • 80% SOW, 20% new things
    • Go through each section
    • At end some of graphs and explanation
    • Statement about future plans
    • Appropriate text size and white space, no complete sentences

Stretch tasks

  1. Create a files that has both the new dataset and blackbox model
    • Can be either high or low code
  2. Finalized list of datasets
    • Five at the most
    • Have a large diversity between each other
      • Where is a gap in their datasets?
    • Some classification and some regression
xybljy0122 commented 1 year ago

High Code Stage 3 Model Explain and Interpret

textbook: https://christophm.github.io/interpretable-ml-book/index.html

Permutation Feature Importance: 8.5 Everett Partial Dependence Plot Feature Importance: 8.1 Aly Individual Conditional Expectation (ICE): 9.1 Jenny Accumulated Local Effects: 8.2 Reina