mikeizbicki / cmc-csci040

Computing for the Web
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Topic 04 Lab #257

Closed mikeizbicki closed 1 year ago

mikeizbicki commented 1 year ago

For Part I of this week's lab, you have to practice using markdown with github issues. This will ensure that you know all of the syntax that you'll have to implement in your homework assignment. You can find the full guide to the syntax at https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/

To complete Part I, reply to this issue with a message that contains all of the markdown syntax.

Your message should contain the following "inline" elements: bold text, italic text, strikethrough text, a link to your favorite webpage, some <code>inline code</code> and an image: the octocat.

And your message should contain the following "block" elements:

An ordered list:

  1. the first item
  2. the second item
  3. the last item

An unordered list:

A code block:

<b>Hello World!</b>
And a little table: Name of family member Role in the family
Homer Dad/Husband
Marge Mom/Wife
Bart Son/Brother
Lisa Daughter/Sister
Maggie Daughter/Sister

Important: Notice that the code blocks contain HTML, but that the HTML inside of a code block is not getting rendered as HTML. You will have to ensure that this happens correctly in your homework, and there is a hint in the compile_code function about how to accomplish this task.

mikeizbicki commented 1 year ago

This is my reply. This is bold. In HTML bold. This is italic.

for i in range(10):

This is how you reference the print function.

buffeinstein commented 1 year ago

My name is Ambika, and the most recent movie I watched was The Dirty Picture Interstellar.

I found this new dating website, and so I made a profile

I sell frog stickers!

Steps to buy:

  1. Venmo Ambika-Tiwari for payment
  2. In the message, type "frog sticker"
  3. See steps 1 and 2

Frog stickers image

Here's a table of my favorite frogs"

Commonly Known Name Scientific Name Why I Like Them
Black Rain Breviceps fuscus They are my favorite color (black) and have a funny frown on their face all the time
Mossy Frog Theloderma corticale They look like moss! All bumpy looking.
    for i in range(10000000000):
        print (":)")

That ^ uses the print function

xutimon commented 1 year ago

My name is Tim. I am 20 years young. I am a ~sophomore~ junior at CMC. Give me a follow on insta (this is my favorite webpage).

My favorite line of code is <b> I love CS </b>.

Saul Goodman

Favorite Shows

Favorite Movies

  1. Inglourious Basterds
  2. Parasite
  3. The Big Short

Code Block

for x in range(5): 
print("hello world")
Stock Name Buy Sell
GME Yes No
AMC Yes No
henrylong612 commented 1 year ago

Hi everybody!

My name is Henry Long and I am a sophomore at Claremont McKenna College. My favorite book is Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky and definitely not The Book of Delights by Ross Gay.

This summer, I completed an Appel Fellowship in Tamil Nadu, India (see cool picture below). If you are interested in learning more about my trip, please visit my website!

My friend Muthu and me riding a bike rickshaw in Varanasi

Classes I am taking this semester:

  1. Computing for the Web
  2. Linear Algebra
  3. Discrete Math
  4. General Physics
  5. Ethical Theory

Fun facts about me

Here is some fun code:

print('How old are you?')
    if int(age)>=100:
        print('You are dead')
        print('you have ',100-int(age),' years left to live')
    print('You did not enter a valid number')

You need to remember to add the int() function for this code to work.

Below is the prisoner's dilemma:

You Them
Deny Confess
Deny 6 months / 6 months 12 months / 3 months
Confess 3 months / 12 months 9 months / 9 months
JustinOngchin commented 1 year ago

My name is Justin and I am a pizza pasta connoisseur.

These guys make scrumptious pasta!

Reading this line of code makes me get up every morning: <h1> pasta </h1>

homecooked creamy penne pasta

My top three pastas are:

  1. Pasta Bake with Sausage (Baked Ziti)
  2. Pesto Penne Pasta
  3. Stovetop Mac and Cheese with White Cheddar

Pasta Bake with Sausage (Baked Ziti) Cooking Instructions:

if n > 5:
      print("cook several servings")
      print("cook fewer servings")
pasta lovers win
and always twin
ben-smith23 commented 1 year ago

My name is Ben.

Here is an image I painted created with Dall-E 2 of a crowd fighting over a giant pizza.

DALL·E 2022-09-29 18 40 22 - an oil painting of a crowd fighting over pizza

Here are the first three Wikipedia articles that come up when I click the random article button.

  1. Karatovo
  2. Pancha Ratna Govinda Temple
  3. El Tunal

These results suggest that most Wikipedia articles are about places on Earth, so here is a list of the first three "non-location" articles that come up with the random article button.

Here is some R code I used to track the paths of hurricanes.

ggplot(data=storms) + coord_quickmap() + geom_path(aes(x=long, y=lat, color=name)) + facet_wrap(~year) + scale_color_discrete(guide="none")

And some other code that does something else.

ac, bc, cc, dc = map(np.array, (a, b, c, d)) # copy arrays
    for it in xrange(1, nf):
        mc = ac[it-1]/bc[it-1]
        bc[it] = bc[it] - mc*cc[it-1] 
        dc[it] = dc[it] - mc*dc[it-1]

Here is a table (sorta) from a YouTube video I watched yesterday.

Benefits Others
Helpless Intelligent
Harms Self Benefits Self
Stupid Bandit
Harms Others
Kevinl0378 commented 1 year ago

Hello everybody!

My name is Kevin. I am 18 years old 19 years old. This is my favorite computer game. My favorite Python function is print().

Dumplings are my favorite food: Dumplings

Classes that I am taking right now:

  1. Computer Science
  2. Accounting
  3. Statistics
  4. Government
  5. Math

TV shows that I want to watch:

name = 'Kevin'
if name == 'Kevin':
       print('That is my name')
       print('That is not my name')
Grand Slams Total Titles Weeks at No.1
Roger Federer 20 103 310
Rafael Nadal 22 92 209
Novak Djokovic 21 88 373
fjennison22 commented 1 year ago

Freya's Homework Response

In case you were curious, I'm pretty good mediocre at coding.

However, I'm not too upset about it right now because my niece told me she'll love me regardless .... she didn't say that exactly but I bet if she could talk that's what she'd say:


Anyway, this is the site I hangout on in my free time.

Here is a snippet of code that will flatten a list of lists!

flat_list = []
    for i in range(len(xss)):
    return flat_list

When I'm not busy COdiNg, I like to: -Write poetry -Exercise -Buy candles

but I also like

  1. Drinking water
  2. Online shopping
  3. Listening to music

Since this response has no theme whatsoever here is a table with the names of some of my siblings!

Name Relation
Kate Sister
James Brother
Ben Brother
Baz Brother
Elliott Brother
Atticus Brother

When in doubt, always remember return "Hello World"

jacksonaldrich commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone!

My name is Jackson Aldrich and I am studying for an Econ major and a Data Science sequence. I wan planning on potentially doing a leadership sequence, but I wanted to ensure that I knew compsci (hence why I am taking your course)!

One of my favorite foods is a green chili burger, as seen below: Picture of a green chili burger

One of the first things we learned in this class was how to print out text, such as print('hello world') using HTML.

When I get bored, I like to watch videos on YouTube

Here are the classes I am taking this semester:

Here are a few fun facts:

  1. It’s impossible to hum while holding your nose.
  2. There is not one letter “q” in any US state name, the only letter in the alphabet to be missing. "J" and "z" are only represented once each, in New Jersey and Arizona.
  3. It takes 570 gallons to paint the exterior of the White House.
  4. Sweden has 267,570 islands, the most of any country in the world.
  5. There’s enough gold inside Earth to coat the planet: Enough to coat the entire surface of the Earth in 1.5 feet of gold.

This code returns a list with all the odd elements removed:

def filter_odd(xs):
     accumulator = []
     for x in xs:
             if x % 2 == 0:
    return accumulator
State City Population
NY New York City 8,622,357
CA Los Angeles 4,085,014
IL Chicago 2,670,406
TX Houston 2,378,146
AZ Phoenix 1,743,469
JackPotter7 commented 1 year ago

Hi my name is Jack and I ~don't~ like frogs.. You should use this if == nice to check if you are cool.

this is a photo of a frog

Some things that I think are cool about frogs

Here are some cool things about Davo

  1. He used to ride the bus to school (long ride)
  2. He has some serious drip now
  3. He is not actually from Seattle (Issaquah)
if frog == cool:
   davo = 'valid'
Name color favorite pet
steve red dog
jonny lavender fish
johnathan Food frog
Raymond6688 commented 1 year ago

Raymond's comment

My name is Raymond and I major in math. I live in Claremont. This is an image

This is a link to python Python tutor.


aaa ccc eee
1 2 3
<b>This is Raymond!</b>
jadersaunders commented 1 year ago


My name is Jade Saunders and I am double majoring in Science Management and Chinese. I am from Hong Kong Canada.

Here is a link to the website I made for our first project

I love skiing, and here is a picture of my favorite mountain to ski on: skiing in whistler

Here is an ordered list:

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3

Here is an unordered list:

A code block for sum of digits:

    sum = 0 
    while (n!=0):
        sum = sum + (n%10)
        n = n//10
    return sum 

<code>if n%2==0: return False else: return True</code>

A little table:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Row 1 Row 1 Row 1
Row 2 Row 2 Row 2
Row 3 Row 3 Row 3

Sorry for the lack of creativity I am very nervous for my Chem midterm.

PArellano02 commented 1 year ago

Hello! This is Pedro an really I am just trying to see how this whole read the instructions and think this is easy now.

See I created a paragraoh so im basically pro. if you search me up on the internet

That is what you see if you look me up and the name of my high school.

This is a list of plushies on my bed in the order of my emotional attachment to them

  1. Kirby
  2. Mango
  3. Octavio

This is a list of people I enjoy hanging out with

This is a piece of code from last lab that I thought was kinda slay.

    valuelist = list(d.values())
    keylist = list(d.keys())
    htenkeylist = []
    for i in range(len(valuelist)):
        if valuelist[i] > 89:
    return htenkeylist
Color my thoughts on it
Yellow Very happy color
green Makes me feel adventurous
Blue Thinking in nature vibes
Red Kinda violent but in a good way
Pink Silly positive vibes

Now I will go on with the rest of the lab. Oh wait I need a website youtube

AjaiKBan commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone. My name is Ajai Banaiah and I am a junior at Pomona Pitzer College.

This is an image

I also love <h1>movies</h1>. This website contains more information.

This is a numbered list.

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three

This isn't.

Also lets add some code.

<p> This is code. </p>

Let's add a table too because why not.

College Colors
CMC Maroon and Black
HMC Gold and Black
Pitzer Orange and White
Pomona Blue and White
Scripps Green and White
adamzterenyi commented 1 year ago

Hello! My name is Adam Terenyi, and I'm a sophomore here at Scripps CMC. Fun fact: my favorite website is CMC's very own.

Not only do I love CMC and its website, but I love the Massoud, too! The Massoud

Ahhhh... The Massoud is great.

Top CMC buildings:

  1. The Massoud
  2. The Kravis Center
  3. The Massoud, again

CMC Buildings:

Buildings Whether they are any good
The Massoud Very good.
Bauer Center Horrible.


total = 0
for i in range(3)
     total += i
print('total=', total)
Stephanie-Espinoza commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone!

My name is Stephanie. I am a sophomore at Claremont McKenna College. if mood == bored I usually walk around campus, get food, or watch a movie at the village. You can find showtimes here. One of my favorite books is Sabrina & Corina. I have ~1~ 3 siblings.

This is a picture of Claremont McKenna College.

Favorite hobbies:

Classes this semester:

  1. Computing for the Web
  2. Introduction to Psychology
  3. Introduction to International Politics
  4. Mexican Government and Politics

Notes code we walked through today:

    accumulator = ''
    inside_html_tag = False 
    # will be true after a < and False after > 
    # will be true when we're in the html tag; and false when outside
    for c in text:
        if c == '<':
            inside_html_tag = True 
        if c == '>':
            inside_html_tag = False
        # if we re inside of an HTML tag:
        # if c!= '>' and inside_html_tag == False:
        if c!= '>' and inside_html_tag == False:
            accumulator += c
        # do something with c 
    return accumulator 
Assignment Status
Part 1 lab Pending
Part 2 lab Pending
Project Pending
dwalker25 commented 1 year ago


My name is Slim Shady David Walker and I'm a fellow hacker. This is literally what I look like when I code: cool image of hacker This is code I swear that I will never use again: list.remove()

Here are my favorite TV shows:

These are my steps to walking out of a class you don't want to be in:

  1. Right foot
  2. Left foot
  3. Right foot again
  4. Left foot again
  5. Just keep doing this until you're out of the door.

A function to check if a number is prime:

if n == 1:
        return False
    for i in range(2,n):
        if n%i == 0:
            return False
    return True
Names Ages
Kanye West 45
David Walker 19
Hiram Chodosh 60
Sue Bird 41
the Queen N/A
Kal2025 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I am Kal and I am a sophomore at CMC studying Mathematics Data Science. Here is a link to a cool webpage. Some cool code that uses the print() function:

kilometers = float(input("Enter value in kilometers: "))
conv_fac = 0.621371
miles = kilometers * conv_fac
print('%0.2f kilometers is equal to %0.2f miles' %(kilometers,miles))

A random image: random image

A list of countries with the largest population size:

  1. China (1,425,887,337)
  2. India (1,417,173,173)
  3. United States (338,289,857)

A list of different planets:

Table of Billionaires and their Net worth:

Billionaires Net worth
Elon Musk $253.3 B
Bernard Arnault & family $143.1 B
Jeff Bezos $139.2 B
cyrusg645 commented 1 year ago

Hello, my ~name~ is <h1>Cyrus</h1>.

Here's a list of things that I appreciate.

  1. sandwiches
  2. beanbag chairs
  3. smoothies

Here's a list of things I appreciate, but not in order (I couldn't think of anything else).

This is an image

Column 1 Column 2
Item 1 Item 1.2
Item 5 Item 4.3
Item m35 Item 8
Item 9 Item 76
Item 8 Item 98
x = 2 // 3
y = x + 4
z = y + 5
print('z=', z)
taylordaetz commented 1 year ago

Hi I'm Taylor and I'm a Freshman Sophomore

Where I listen to music

Songs I like right now:

Places I want to visit:

  1. Barcelona, Spain
  2. Tokyo, Japan
  3. Melbourne, Australia

This is an image

Below is code to get the last element of a list

def last_element(xs):
    if xs == []:
        return None
    return xs[-1]
A table: Column 1 Column 2
Color Red
Color Blue
Color Green
xristinazogopoulou commented 1 year ago

Helloo everyone My name is Christina Xristina and I am from Greece! This is my hooometown :) This is an image

These are the different places I have lived in:

These are the classes I am taking this semester:

  1. Intro to B/W Darkroom Photography
  2. Computing for the Web
  3. Digital Photography
  4. Organizational Psychology

This is a code from last lab:

accumulator = []   
    for x in xs:
        if x>10:
    return len(accumulator)

Let's add a table about my friends

Friends Country
Lisa Russia
Marco Bolivia

Ohhhh and don't forget to check out my website:

chasekeir commented 1 year ago

Hi, my name is Chase Keir. I am a Junior at Pitzer CMC. I am a big golf fan.

This is Rory Mcllroy

Some of my favorite golfers are -Rory Mcclory -Bryson Dechambeau -Tiger Woods

The top ranked golfers in the world are

  1. Scottie Scheffler
  2. Rory Mcllroy
  3. Cameron Smith
print ('z=',z)

I am a big fan of the return() python function.

Golfers Country
Scottie Scheffler USA
Rory Mcllroy Ireland
Cameron Smith Ireland
salvadorleon123 commented 1 year ago

My name is Salvador, and I love playing soccer. This is the first ~computer science~ course I take. I am excited for this year's world cup.

Image of the cube: thecube.

Favorite Foods:

U.S States:

  1. Colorado
  2. Texas
  3. Oregon

Code block example:

<b>Hello World</b>
Country Capital
Spain Madrid
England London
Portugal Lisbon
rpassi commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone! My name is Ria and I am a sophomore Junior at CMC. I love listening to music. Here is a link to my favorite music streaming platform Spotify

Some of my favorite artists include:

Here is a picture of one of Lana Del Rey's albums: image

Here are some of my favorite songs by Lana:

  1. How to Disappear
  2. Happiness is a butterfly
  3. Dark Paradise

Here is some code to flatten a list :

for sublist in xss:
    for elem in sublist:

return flatten_list

Places I've Travelled to:

Country City
Spain Madrid
France Paris
davidhlee625 commented 1 year ago


My name is David Lee, a junior at Claremont McKenna College, majoring in Finance Economics.

I really love the work of Bryan Cranston. image

Here's a few of his most notable roles.

Two Truths and a Lie about me.

  1. I had a goldfish
  2. I have an older sister
  3. I have a twin brother

Here's some interesting code. Result should be 5.

result = 0
for x in range(5):
     result += 1
Actor Role
Bryan Cranston Walter White
Aaron Paul Jesse Pinkman
Anna Gunn Skyler White
Dean Norris Hank Schrader
Bob Odenkirk Saul Goodman
justin-is-away commented 1 year ago

I'm Justin, a sophomore at Pitzer. I'll shamelessly plug my blog here. this is an image

A couple things about me:

  1. I enjoy writing
  2. I like playing basketball
  3. I listen to the same few songs on loop until I'm sick of them


Here are some blogs I like

Name URL
LessWrong URL
Wait But Why URL

Here's some code:


for i in range(5):
chlol3912 commented 1 year ago

I'm Chloe Liu and I am a ~sophomore~ junior at CMC studying Economics and Psychology with a Leadership sequence.

I love McDonald's Chicken nuggets: McDonald's Chicken Nuggets

Reason why chicken is the best: There are so many ways to make chicken

Other places with good chicken (not in any particular order):

  1. Popeye's
  2. Jollibee
  3. Cane's

Here's some python code to print chicken a bunch of times:

for x in range(100):
Honorable mention: Kentucky Fried Chicken
Finger Lickin' Good
kpark1226 commented 1 year ago

My name is Kristina, and I like love food.

Sushi has to be one of my favorite foods Image of Sushi

Here is a simple code that uses the print() function:

for i in range(10):

My top 3 cuisines:

  1. Italian
  2. Japanese
  3. Korean

My favorite dishes from each cuisine:

These are the places I've had the best Italian, Japanese, and Korea food at: Cuisine Place
Italian Italy
Japanese Japan
Korean Korea