mikeizbicki / cmc-csci046

CMC's Data Structures and Algorithms Course Materials
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Will CSCI145 / CSCI166 (Intro to Data Mining) be offered in the fall? #280

Closed dustin-lind closed 3 years ago

dustin-lind commented 3 years ago

Hi Mike,

I was looking through the course catalog for next semester and noticed that Intro to Data Mining wasn't listed. I was wondering if not all the data science classes are up on the catalog yet or if you are not teaching that class next semester.



mikeizbicki commented 3 years ago

I'm on paternity leave in the fall, so won't be teaching data mining. The tentative plan for upper division data science courses over the next few semesters is:

term course offerings
2021fall nothing
2021spring CSCI143: Big Data
2022fall CSCI145/MATH166: Data Mining
2022spring CSCI143: Big Data

Each of these courses would be taught be me, as we currently don't have other faculty at CMC who teach these courses. It's possible that I could teach data mining in 2021spring alongside big data, but that would require some administrative shuffling of other things as well.

If you are in a situation where not having data mining taught in 2021fall will impact your ability to complete a data science major/sequence or a computer science sequence, please let me know. I'll try to find an alternative course plan that could work for you, or if there's a large number of students in this situation I'll try to get data mining offered in the spring.

Michaelhess17 commented 3 years ago

Hi Mike, I'm graduating this year, but I would like to continue learning more about CS after I graduate. Do you have any suggestions for intermediate/advanced textbooks, online courses, or resources that would be most useful for learning concepts that might be taught in courses like Data Mining or Graph Algorithms?

mikeizbicki commented 3 years ago

For algorithms, I personally think that http://algorithmics.lsi.upc.edu/docs/Dasgupta-Papadimitriou-Vazirani.pdf is by far the best book available. A typical course would cover everything through chapter 6, and basically all SWE interview questions come from chapters 3-6.

For Data Mining, there's at least a dozen books that I think are okay, but none are as good as DPV's algorithms book. Bishop's Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning is what I typically use to teach the data mining course though. You can download it for free at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/people/cmbishop/prml-book/