mikeizbicki / cmc-csci046

CMC's Data Structures and Algorithms Course Materials
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Error Message - Disk quota exceeded #475

Open StefanoFormicola opened 1 year ago

StefanoFormicola commented 1 year ago

Hello Mike, whenever I try running $ git clone $link or $ cd cmc-csci046 my computer returns: -bash: cannot create temp file for here-document: Disk quota exceeded Is this a problem with my computer or the lambda server?

mikeizbicki commented 1 year ago

Disk quota exceeded means that you've used up all your space on the lambda server. (You have 100MB allocated to you, an intentionally small amount to force you to be aware of all of the things you're creating.)

You'll need to delete some files to free up space. You can find which files/directories are using the most space by running the du command (which stands for disk usage). A particularly useful incantation is running

$ du -hd1 $HOME

to get a summary of how much disk space each of the folders in your home folder is using. Once you've identified which folders are taking up the space, you can use the rm -rf command to delete them.

PS. In the future, you should use the code blocks (triple backticks) for terminal commands and their output, and not inline code (single backticks).

StefanoFormicola commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the help!

I've deleted several files and believe to have less than 20MB in my disk but still can't create any directory...What can I do?