mikeizbicki / cmc-csci046

CMC's Data Structures and Algorithms Course Materials
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CS046 Grade Tracker Tool #491

Open finnless opened 1 year ago

finnless commented 1 year ago

I heard some people were looking for ways to estimate their current grade in the class, so I thought I'd share a template google sheet I made for that exact purpose. It's not the most elegant solution, but should do the trick. If you'd like to try it, you can make a copy of the sheet to edit it.

You can change each assignment's weight and set it as credit or extra credit. You can also set the due date for the assignment and the sheet won't add it to the overall grade until that date has passed. Note that you have to enter the grade you got on each assignment as an integer representing a percentage.

There is also a script attached to the sheet which automatically inserts a new row every day so you can see how your grade changes over time. You might have to enable the script to get that working, but that's optional.

Hopefully someone finds this helpful. :)