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CMC's Data Structures and Algorithms Course Materials
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pingff #529

Closed pingff closed 1 year ago

pingff commented 1 year ago

Peter Norvig's Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years

I think Peter does a great job at summarizing the key points for programming success. He explains that success does not come overnight, but rather from continuous effort over a longer period of time. This is application to basically everything since knowledge takes time. I really relate with his point on "learning by doing". Just like many things in life, reading about it is not very useful. Life is about application, which we can only "learn by doing".

Jeff Atwood's How To Become a Better Programmer by Not Programming

I think Jeff's argument that while experience is important in software development, it is not the only factor that determines whether someone is a good programmer. His quote from Bill Gates explains this issue very well and suggests that natural aptitude and personal dedication are also very important factors in becoming a good programmer. To expand on those points, Jeff recommends cultivating a passion for everything that accompanies programming. I think this is very valuable because treating programming as a standalone topic is ignoring many other important aspects that come with it. Therefore, good programmers acquire knowledge about users, the industry, and the business to properly enhance their work.

Paul Graham's [What to study in college](http://www.paulgraham.com/college.html)

Paul claims that to be a good hacker in college, there are two main things to focus on: become very good at programming and learn about specific problems. Additionally, I should take courses that genuinely interests me and pursue it with passion without worrying about external validation or competition. His argument is consistent with what I have read so far, so it really emphasizes the point of doing something I enjoy doing.

ESR's How to become a hacker

I think it is interesting how the term "hacker" is not just applicable to software hacking; it is a attitude. It is about solving problems and finding joy in solving these problems. Once an individual embodies this attitude, they can call themselves a hacker. I think it is also very interesting how the hacker culture is so accepting, and hacker's called other hackers "kindred spirits".