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Caveat Task: Hacker Culture #307

Closed mikeizbicki closed 9 months ago

mikeizbicki commented 1 year ago

Reply to this issue with a summary of what you did for the hacker culture task. See the task instructions for details.

mariagerges commented 1 year ago

If we took classes with you before, do we have to view/read different things or can we rewatch/reread?

mikeizbicki commented 1 year ago

@mariagerges There are no restrictions. I trust you all to select material that will be interesting to you.

KaranGoel1 commented 1 year ago

The Internet’s Own Boy: Aaron Swartz

This documentary was a fascinating insight into an extremely influential, and quite honestly genius figure that was prominent at a time when I wasn’t quite old enough to gain exposure to him. The life of Aaron Swartz was someone constantly driven by curiosity and standing up for what he thought was right. What truly surprised me overall was just the absolutely immense impact he had, all by the time he was 26. Almost no one would be able to achieve even a fraction of the impact he had by the time they are 70! He was truly an astonishing person, both in his moral code, ambition, and clearly raw brain power he had to be able to learn and do so much. The amount of recognition he was getting as a high schooler was extraordinary. I didn’t realize he was a co-founder of the creative commons license at just 14/15 years old! It was quite thrilling to learn about his rise through the startup world, and then through the non-profit, political world as he realized that for-profit was not the way he wanted to live his life. It was also extremely saddening to learn about the case surrounding his download of academic papers, and how the stresses of that case impacted him and those around him, eventually culminating in his suicide.


I remember hearing about Snowden and the NSA leak back when it originally happened, but I never thought about it that deeply, considering I was about 12 years old when it happened. Watching CitizenFour was quite eye-opening, especially seeing how open Snowden was with his identity and how clear he was in what he wanted to accomplish. When he first contacted Laura anonymously, it seemed like he was trying to protect his own identity, but it became clear soon after that he wanted the “target painted squarely on his back” to protect those around him. Initially, when Laura said that she planned to meet him in Hong Kong I had assumed that everything would be kept undercover and secretive, so I was surprised when he was shown on camera almost instantly. Additionally, it was cool to be reminded that it was all uncovered in Hong Kong, since I grew up there, and was there during this unraveling of the NSA. It was also excellent to see human rights lawyers from around the world come together to protect a man who was simply trying to do good for the people of his country.

Mr. Robot Season 1

This TV series seemed to be an interesting look into hacker culture. While of course, many of the dramatic elements such as office politics and his psychological state, are focused on in the plot, it still allowed good insight into hacker culture. One of the more interesting parts of it was the notion that they were doing it for something good, and thus met in secret to conduct their activities. Seeing Elliot’s obsession with hacking, essentially hacking into the digital lives of everyone he meets, was eye-opening, especially considering how much information he was able to gather. It was also refreshing to see that even at the level of hacking Elliot does, there are still many instances where he has to manually acquire information in the real world, or have to interact in the real world for his hacks to work. Also by the end of the season, I had seriously begun to consider: was his AllSafe job part of his plan?

Paul Graham What to do in college essay

Graham brings up some important points, especially with regards to being a hacker. I quite resonate with his points of learning best when implementing things yourself, as I am a big proponent of working on personal projects when trying to learn new algorithms or topics. It also seems that so far, the CS I have been doing does not require much math, so his points regarding the relative unimportance of math in CS seems to be true as of now. I found his points regarding the social sciences being bogus to be quite interesting as that tends to be a significant part of what liberal arts colleges offer, and what students therefore end up majoring in, although I did find his idea of a dropout graph quite interesting, as it allows students to see which majors are the most rewarding in theory.

mariagerges commented 1 year ago

Peter Norvig's [Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (not 21 days)]

I think I really like the overall idea of this article cause I've always wondered if some people can actually learn how to be good at programming from these books. Turns out, the answer is probably not. I also like that he is emphasizing the importance of doing projects outside of academic work, something I've always supported and done for my career.

How To Become a Better Programmer by Not Programming

Wow! This article seems like it's describing what product managers do now. I don't think product mangement was as popular in 2007 as it is right now, so maybe that's why the word "product management" isn't explicitly mentioned, but I now understand why these people get paid so much!

Paul Graham's what to study in college.

I have mixed feelings about the content of this article. While I don't like the way other majors and departments are represented, I understand the big point and I agree with it. To be successful, you gotta do what you actually love

How to become a hacker

I really liked how this article highlights the differences between crackers and hackers, and how the media mistakenly use the word "hacker" when they actually mean "cracker." I also liked how it gives straightforward advice (ex. learn this specific language and focus on open source) instead of giving vague advice about how to be a good hacker

ifreer23 commented 1 year ago

RevolutionOS (2001)

It was interesting learning about the power dynamic between Microsoft and the hackers who built GNU/Linux. I would have liked for the documentary to have a better explanation of why Linux might be better than Microsoft Windows.

The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (2014)

This was an incredible movie on the life of an internet legend who I did not know much about. One of my big takeaways from the film was just how much a developer like Aaron or Tim Berners-Lee can accomplish when they are not motivated by monetary profit but rather developing for the sake of advancing society.

CitizenFour (2014)

This documentary provides incredible insight into how the events of Edward Snowden exposing the NSA unfolded. Snowden prepared a very meticulous, well thought-out, plan as he knew how volatile of a situation he would be throwing himself into when releasing all he had planned to involving how much access the NSA had on both Americans and Non-Americans.

Peter Norvig's Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (not 21 days)

I like Peter Norvig's message that anything significant worth learning takes much longer than 24 hours. In fact, a lot of times it takes a lifetime of learning. One of my all-time favorite books, Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell is referenced in Norvig's writing. Gladwell popularized the notion that in order to master anything, one must invest 10,000 hours doing that task, and Norvig does a good job expanding on that notion.

kushpetal commented 1 year ago

Zero Days:

It was really interesting to see the transition of identifying vulnerabilities in software. Before, security researchers would get a credit from the vendor in finding a vulnerability in which they would use to build a reputation and career later translating in getting money this way. This then became replaced with direct compensation for finding these vulnerabilities in three types of exploit markets: white, grey and black. The white market buys vulnerabilities for defensive purposes (vendor or broker). The grey market is more of a mixed use sold as vulnerability information services or read-made exploit kits. The black market is solely for offensive purposes typically paying the highest prices.

The Art of Unix Programming:

As an aspiring programmer, reading about the Rule of Silence was a perspective change as it talked about treating a user’s attention and concentration as a limited resource. The most interesting example I found was regarding command prompts. By constantly asking a user for a confirmation that is basically always “yes” would condition users to blindly confirm without thinking or reading the prompt. This can have later consequences on prompts with more substantial results. The takeaway was mainly that a program should request confirmation only when there is a good reason for the user to select “no”.

How To Become a Better Programmer by Not Programming:

The idea that a programmer’s skills and success is not based on being a programmer, but instead branching out into other skills was interesting. Since each company or project is inherently unique, the way to enhance programming skills is to branch out into other facets such as learning about the user base or learning about the industry the software is in.

How to Become a Hacker:

I was particularly fascinated with the hacker mindset and some seeming unrelated things enhance the “essence” of hacking. Some of the most interesting points the article brought up was the relationship between science fiction conventions and the presence of hackers, martial arts being connected to the mental discipline needed from hackers as well having an analytical ear for music. It was pretty cool to see “hacking” diverge from solely a technical discipline and connected to several other fields.

samchotzen commented 1 year ago


I like this film because it was interesting to learn about the beginning of GNU/Linux. I also liked learning about the relationship between the free software movement and the open-source software movement. It was also entertaining because it felt like an underdog story, where it was the hackers vs. Microsoft and the hackers were doing it all for the community - “One of the few software licenses written from the standpoint of the community rather than protecting a private company.” Microsoft using Linux in their defense that they did not have a monopoly reminds me of some of the recent monopoly cases against big tech companies.

Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (Norvig):

I like this reading because it supports the idea that the only thing that gets work done is work. I also really like the “recipe for programming success,” and I will keep the recipe in mind as I advance in my career. I also like the advice that we should program because it is fun.

Undergraduation (Graham):

I like this reading because it supports the process of figuring out what you like and doing it - “The only way forward is through doing what you love.” I also like all of the honest advice about college, and especially appreciate the piece about math because I can relate to it. I also learned that aside from writing a dissertation, graduate school is the happiest time in many peoples’ lives. I also like the real world advice that “programs often require you to figure out what the problem is before you can solve it.”

How To Become a Better Programmer by Not Programming (Atwood):

I like this reading because it offers many options for becoming a better programmer. I agree that learning about your users, industry, and business are all beneficial skills to complement programming. This comes from the advice that you have to “cultivate passion for everything else that goes on around programming.” I like this message and think it applies to all types of work whether they involve programming or not.

somu-a commented 1 year ago

1 point: The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz

The documentary, The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz, looks into the life and activism of Aaron Swartz, a renowned computer programmer and internet activist. He played a pivotal role in the development of notable digital innovations such as RSS, Creative Commons, and Reddit, and was a vocal proponent of open access to information. One aspect of the documentary that I really liked was the way it highlighted Swartz's belief in technology to create positive change and his dedication to advancing the cause of internet freedom.

1 point: RevolutionOS

RevolutionOS explores the history and ideology of the free and open source software movement, including interviews with its key players such as Richard Stallman, Linus Torvalds, and Eric Raymond. I particularly liked the way it conveyed the passion and vision of the movement's pioneers, as well as the challenges they faced in their quest for software freedom.

1 point: Snowden

Snowden dives into the life of Edward Snowden, a former contractor of the National Security Agency (NSA) who exposed classified information regarding the government's mass surveillance programs. I really liked the movie's portrayal of Snowden's journey from a patriotic and idealistic young man who wished to serve his country to a disillusioned whistleblower who risked everything to reveal the truth.

1 point: How to Become a Better Programmer by Not Programming

The blog called "How to Become a Better Programmer by Not Programming" by Jeff Atwood explains that taking breaks from coding and focusing on other software development activities like reading, learning, and talking with others can help programmers to be better and more efficient. Atwood thinks that programmers should concentrate on learning new things, studying code, having discussions with colleagues, and taking breaks regularly to avoid feeling tired and stay motivated. I think it's important what Atwood says about writing and communication skills because they can help a programmer to succeed even though they are often ignored.

sophiahuangg commented 1 year ago

Snowden: I always find Snowden very intriguing to watch, and it's interesting to see how impactful his actions were and to read about whether people view his decisions as ethical or unethical. I also learned a lot about the whistleblowing incident with the NSA in general.

Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years: I thought the "recipe for success" was written very concisely and easy to follow. I thought it was interesting because this contradicts the article below - this article mentions to program to become a better programmer whereas the article below says to not program to become a better programmer.

How to Become a Better Programmer by Not Programming: I don't think I liked this article that much since it consisted of 60% quotes by someone else and 40% actual writing. The quotes by Bill Gates were interesting though!

Hacker's Manifesto: I thought this was quite easy to digest, and I especially thought the last few lines: "My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like" were very interesting.

jaymaliye commented 1 year ago

Snowden (2016): 'Snowden' is a biographical thriller film which uncovers the story of Edward Snowden, an NSA whistleblower who exposed mass surveillance practices; I appreciated its thought-provoking exploration of privacy and government overreach. Although some may criticize the film's pacing or the dramatization of certain events. I believe that the dramatization had the effect of enhancing the message of the film: the trade-offs between personal privacy and national defense in an increasingly digital world.

Mr. Robot S01 (2015): From Season 1 of 'Mr. Robot', I learned about the inner workings of a hacktivist group, the potential vulnerabilities in our digital systems, and the psychological complexities of characters entangled in the struggle between corporate power and the quest for a more equitable society. I appreciated the intricate plot and compelling portrayal of a cybersecurity expert aiming to dismantle corporate control.

CitizenFour (2014): 'CitizenFour' offers a gripping, firsthand account of Edward Snowden's decision to blow the whistle on mass surveillance, providing valuable insights into his motivations and the implications of his actions. While both 'CitizenFour' and 'Snowden' (2016) center on Edward Snowden's revelations about mass surveillance, CitizenFour offers a more intimate, real-time perspective through actual footage of Snowden, while the movie provides a dramatized, cinematic retelling of the events, allowing for more creative liberties in storytelling.

Zero Days - Security Leaks for Sale (2015): Zero Days - Security Leaks for Sale sheds light on the alarming reality of governments and hackers buying and selling undisclosed software vulnerabilities, exposing the intricate and often secretive world of cyber-espionage. The documentary's exploration of the Stuxnet worm attack on Iran's nuclear program highlights the complexities and potentially catastrophic consequences of modern cyber warfare.

SybelFrancois commented 1 year ago

Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years: The article taught me that programming mastery cannot be achieved in 24 hours, as it demands consistent practice, collaboration, and self-challenge over a prolonged period. It also underscores that real learning stems from hands-on experience, taking approximately ten years to develop expertise through active programming, project collaboration, multi-language proficiency, and comprehension of computer mechanics.

What to Study in College: In this article, the key takeaway is the importance of going beyond classroom learning by engaging in personal projects and contributing to open-source coding. It's essential to understand the preferences of potential employers and align your skills and projects with their requirements. While GPA may not be the primary focus, the author helped me to understand that having practical knowledge and demonstrating my expertise in my chosen field will significantly impact my success.

How To Become a Better Programmer by Not Programming: Reading this blog helps me to see that great programmers should not focus on only programming skills. Expanding interests and understanding users, the industry, and business in general can really improve one's coding abilities, even in ways they would not expect. Exploring diverse aspects surrounding programming will lead to personal and professional growth in the software development workspace.

Hacker's Manifesto: The Hacker's Manifesto offers me a compelling perspective on the challenges faced by those who move away from societal norms, who question conventions, and follow their curiosity. Hackers, often labeled as criminals, are individuals driven by a deep thirst for knowledge and a refusal to blindly obey rules. They “exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias…” but are unjustly branded as criminals, while the true perpetrators of harm often avoid arrest. From this reading, anyone can realize that hackers are not mere criminals, but rather, they represent something far greater and more profound.

nessakiani commented 1 year ago

Mr. Robot Season 1 (2 Points) What I liked about season 1 of Mr. Robot was that the show explored pertinent and relevant themes, such as the impact of technology on society and the widening wealth gap between the rich and the poor. I learned more about the potential dangers and drawbacks of our increasing reliance on technology, ranging from things like the loss of privacy and the risk of cyber attacks to the erosion of human connection and the rapid spreading of misinformation. What I didn't like about the first season was that I thought it was really slow in the beginning; but, by the end of the season it picked up and I really liked the show. I decided to watch the next two seasons too.

Mr. Robot Season 2 (1 Point) What I liked most about season 2 of Mr. Robot was the character development and answering of questions that I had from season 1. This season Angela and Darlene were given more of a backstory and it was finally better explained what their motivations and personalities were like. I thought it was refreshing to see how Elliot and Darlene's activism took such a toll on their mental healths; the effect of fighting an endless battle is very real and taxing and I liked that that was touched on in the show. I think the only thing I didn't like about this season is that a lot of what's happening is very subtle and maybe metaphorical and it makes for a not as entertaining experience as season 1.

Mr. Robot Season 3 (1 Point) My favorite part of season 3 of Mr. Robot was episode 5, which was a 45 minute full take. I know it's not very relevant to hacker culture, but I just thought that the actual filming of the show was great this season. The scene when Trenton's little brother saved Elliot's life was also so good. I also felt though like this season was a little complicated and convoluted. I was left feeling a little confused about some things; for example, why did Angela think her parents were going to come back?

hfmandell commented 1 year ago
  1. Peter Norvig's Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (not 21 days) (1 point) I agree, one can complete language bootcamps and language-learning apps, but it is impossible to fully learn a language without being immersed in the culture. Learning is doing. For example, if one were to live in a Spanish-speaking country, having conversation after conversation, figuring things out as they go, fixing mistakes, and understanding how inflection and dialect impact conversation as much as the verbiage itself -- this would likely yield a better Spanish speaker, even if they got some of the technicalities incorrect. I suppose it also depends if you’re learning programming for the sake of getting a job versus becoming a programmer. For example, a construction worker does not need a PhD in engineering, they simply need to know how to interpret and implement instructions.

  2. Jeff Atwood's How To Become a Better Programmer by Not Programming (1 point) This piece is quite contradictory because from one sentence to the next Atwood claims that “good programmers… [have] spend nearly every waking moment in front of a computer” and that’s why they’re better. Yet, the main idea of this piece is that “the only way to become a better programmer is by not programming”. His claim additionally feels like a catch-22, since the more interested in things you are, the more likely you are to apply them to your coding repertoire, which is ultimately simply programming more. A more accurate bolded summary of Atwood’s advice may suffice as: find programming problems you are interested in solving - not all programming is equally valuable to each individual.

  3. ESR's The Cathedral and the Bazaar: his webpage (2 points)

    • Chapters: The Cathedral and the Bazaar (the intro), The Mail Must Get Through, The Importance of Having Users This piece is interesting because it frames Linux as revolutionary not solely because of the software’s functionality, but because of how it engaged with the community and its users. ESR experienced the beauty of this on his own when venturing into his specific pop3 client needs. Upon finding existing code with most of the needed functionality, ESR thoughtfully “threw away” his own code in favor of this better development system, which I think is a wonderful act against coding hubris. I additionally highly enjoy the idea in the third chapter, that of trusting in and uplifting one’s users as developers themselves. People will help develop what they find important and meaningful, and product developers should support their users in leaning into this.
mhourani23 commented 1 year ago

Snowden In summary, Snowden is a movie about a former agent who sneaks classified information about the NSA and leaks it to the public. Specifically, he leaks information about how the US government spied on its people without their permission or knowledge. I think it's disturbing to see how a leading democratic country such as the US is able to infringe on the privacy rights of its people in the name of “national security”. I think if the government truly only uses this information for security reasons (which is unlikely), then I do not see a problem with them doing it, but the people should be made aware about this. This should not occur behind the people’s backs. While the opinions on Edward Snowden are pretty mixed, I ultimately see him as a national hero who should be celebrated.

Mr. Robot Season 1 I really enjoyed Mr. Robot which is a television show about a coder who has a normal day-job during the day, and is a hacker during the night. At night, the coder is anonymous and is known by the name ‘Mr. Robot’. He works towards bringing down E Corp which represents the largest organization responsible for most of society’s problems. One of the reasons I enjoyed this show is because it explores the tension between how humans relate to large corporations and how often these corporations operate at the expense of the individual.

Zero Days - Security Leaks for Sale This documentary is about the Stuxnet virus that was used to break Iran’s nuclear weapon program. What I liked (and was also scary about the show) was how it showed that modern day warfare could be very different from the kinds of wars that emerged in the 20th century. Whereas those were focused on guns and soldiers, modern day warfare is more about cyber weapons and viruses that can be used in very dangerous and powerful ways. Programming could be come to be seen as a new form of training soldiers which is crazy to think about.

The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz This was another documentary, and it was about the life of Aaron Swartz who was a coder that played an instrumental role in the development of the internet. Swartz was particularly interested in making the internet open access so that it could be used by more people around the world. At times, Swartz infringed on the border between the open access nature of the internet vs. intellectual property rights. I think there is definitely a balance between both principles and we need both of them in the world.

x-ndy commented 1 year ago

Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years: I enjoyed reading this article as it shows some of the transferability of what it takes to become good at something in terms of the commitment and dedication that it takes. I think some of his points of learning by doing and collaborating with others also reflects some of the reasons I wanted to come to CMC.

How To Become A Hacker: The part I found the most intriguing was the amount of emphasis ESR put on the culture of attitude and culture of hacking. He believes in the community of and encourages writing and contributing to open-source software, helping other hackers, and having the appropriate attitude towards it.

Mr. Robot Season 1: I liked the moral ambiguity displayed which is in contrast to most hollywood portrayals of bad hacker vs good hacker. I feel that it also connected to a theme mentioned by ESR of being a "social outcast helps you stay concentrated". While obviously a dramatisation of this, it still speaks to some potential pitfalls of being too far disconnected from society.

nickwilson3 commented 1 year ago

Season 1 of Mr. Robot (2 points): I found season 1 of Mr. Robot to be really entertaining as we followed Elliot's path to trying to take down a large corporation. I particularly found the balance between good and evil of hacking to be interesting and relevant as I'd imagine that is a dilemma that hackers face in every day life.

Zero Days (1 point): The documentary Zero Days sheds light on the world of cyberwarfare and the role of governments and intelligence agencies in developing and deploying powerful malware. The documentary also highlights the potential dangers and consequences of such actions, including the risk of unintended consequences and the difficulty of maintaining control over these cyberweapons.

CitizenFour (1 point): The documentary CitizenFour offers a fascinating look at the actions of whistleblower Edward Snowden and the revelations he brought to light about the NSA's mass surveillance programs. The documentary highlights the importance of free speech and government transparency, and the crucial role that whistleblowers play in exposing abuses of power. Additionally, it raises important questions about the balance between national security and individual privacy, and the need for robust public debate on these issues.

snarayan23 commented 1 year ago

Citizen Four (1 point) Citizen four is a documentary detailing Snowden’s leaking of classified information relating to NSA programs in 2013. I found it really interesting to learn more about the meetings that Snowden was in prior to leaking the footage. It was interesting to hear them talk about some of the implications of the NSA programs such as invasion of privacy and lack of transparency. I think these are concerns we still have today, especially with the rise of AI programs.

Mr. Robot Season 1 (2 points): I thought it was interesting how Season 1 brought in many different elements of Elliot’s personal life such as his mental health issues and relationship with society and those around him. I liked learning more about various influences Elliot had around him and how that impacted his decisions.

The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (1 point): This documentary talked about the life of Aaron Swartz, a programmer who was committed to open access to information. I thought the questions the film raised on the relationship between the internet and the government and at what point the government has a right to step in and prosecute in nonviolent cases related to information access.

How To Become a Better Programmer by Not Programming (1 point) : In this blog, Jeff Atwood gives tips on how to become a better programmer. I definitely agree that it's important to get to know who you're creating a program for and why before diving into it. I thought he made some good points about creating apps and programs with a purpose and with the end user in mind.

emjuliet commented 1 year ago

Mr Robot Season 1 & 2 (3 points):

I actually really enjoyed the show and it was not what I was expecting at all. The show follows Elliot who works at a large tech company but gets recruited to work as a hacker. I really liked that the show also showed the effects of large companies and how capitalism only serves the top percent of society. I was very surprised at the plot twist that Mr. Robot is actually an alter-ego of Elliot (that his father invented) and their 5/9 hack was successful. In the second season, we find out that Elliot was incarcerated, although he didn't reveal this to the audience right away. I was so surprised when Tyrel showed up at the end of the season trying to convince Elliot to join "stage 2" which was another plan to bring down E-corp. Elitot refused however because it involved hurting innocent people but ends up getting shot by him and could not stop him. It was left at a huge cliffhanger and I plan to continue watching after finals!

What to study in college? (1 point):

This article gave advice to students on what to do with their time in college. I liked his advice to take time to do your own projects outside of course projects as they can be very beneficial in building personal skills. I also thought that his opinions on philosophy classes were very funny, specifically "You can learn more about this from a wise grandmother or E. B. White than from an academic philosopher".

livrenfro commented 1 year ago

(1 / 4) Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (+1)

My favorite part of the article is the realization that programming skills are developed incrementally through consistent practice which motivates me to continue learning (maybe even in graduate school). As the article says, "Learning to code is not a race, but a journey that requires consistent effort and commitment." Maybe in one year, I won’t check stack overflow every 5 lines…

(2 / 4) How To Become a Better Programmer by Not Programming (+1)

Although I agree that cultivating interests beyond programming can aid in the development of soft and creative skills, I disagree with the idea that someone's potential as a programmer is determined after just a few years. “ Teaching Yourself Programming in Ten Years” claimed that mastering a skill could take up to ten years, and programming is no exception. While exploring other passions can be beneficial, one should not feel discouraged or believe that they are not suited for programming. Sometimes taking time to process and digest information, or stumbling upon a specific subfield within programming that one is passionate about and talented in, can make a significant difference.

(3 / 4) Mr. Robot: Season 1 (+2)

I have watched Mr.Robot in the past but went back to rewatch it as part of this task. This show is phenomenal for so many reasons including the technical accuracy, hacking culture, social commentary, and all-around great cinematography. The 6th episode in the first season, eps1.5_br4ve-trave1er.asf, could be my favorite episode as it incorporates the themes above, really focusing on social economic justice. Elliot also has to question his purpose in hacking and whether fsociety’s plans and motives align with his through the debt erasure plan.

(4 / 4) Hackers Manifesto (+1)

I chose this piece of literature from Phrack because I have never read it and it appears to be widely cited and referenced within the programming community. My first thought was that it seemed a little ominous and doomsday— almost silly. But after reading a bit more about the background and context, I came to appreciate the undertones. I liked the idea that hacking can be seen as modern-day Robinhood, given the ways technology has been withheld and sold. This piece of text seems very impassioned and it is fun to see how programming can incorporate personal beliefs and sentiments.

koffqq commented 1 year ago

How To Become a Better Programmer by Not Programming: This blog taught me that technical skills are just one side of the whole equation. Atwood's suggestion to broaden your knowledge of other areas of software development, and understanding the user base, helped me realize the value of having a holistic approach and diverse perspectives in any field. This blog resonates with the Data science course design, as we are required to learn about coding, maths, as well as ethical theory. Hacker's Manifesto: This article illustrates hackers as someone who is driven by curiosity and a desire to learn and explore computer systems. From this article, I think that hackers and other scientists share a common trait in their insatiable curiosity to uncover the unknown, which may have been ignored or taken for granted. Hackers are motivated by the pursuit of new knowledge, the identification of hidden knowledge gap, and the desire to challenge existing assumptions and conventions. Hacking can be a positive force for change, especially when it is used to expose flaws in existing systems and promote greater transparency and accountability. Mr. Robot Season 1: As someone who wanted to pursue a career in the tech industry but eventually gave up halfway, I found Elliot's journey of navigating between his personal and corporate life to be very intriguing. The show's storytelling approach and character development, particularly in building up Elliot's complex personality, was impressive. It made me think about the challenges that people in the tech industry face, both professionally and personally, and how they deal with them. Overall, I found the show to be a thought-provoking and enjoyable experience that shed light on the intricacies of the tech and everyday life.

kanaluM commented 1 year ago

Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (not 21 days) [Peter Norvig]

There was a lot of interesting advice and examples in this article, but I especially liked the discussion of programming languages and his advice to learn a lot of them (in order to learn new concepts and such). I liked this quote from Alan Perlis: "A language that doesn't affect the way you think about programming is not worth knowing" because it seems pretty accurate based on my own experiences. I also liked his advice to learn about how fast a computer can do operations as we have in this class because I never really thought about how important that could be. I also liked the references to Ratatouille.

what to study in college [Paul Graham]

I both loved and hated this article because I think it was so spot on. I don't work on enough projects or hard things because school is so busy, but I totally agree that I should. I also liked his discussion on which subjects/classes are worth/not worth learning. I his idea that "many of these fields talk about important problems ... but the way that they talk about them is useless" because that is precisely how I feel about a lot of my non-STEM classes. I think a lot of his advice is pretty sound, but I guess I am not sure how it holds up today because of how different the environment is (the article was written in 2005).

How To Become a Better Programmer by Not Programming [Jeff Atwood]

I did not like this article too much. I don't think it's true that some people are doomed to programming mediocrity. The best programmers I know certainly have talent, but I think more important is their passion and commitment to learning more. I might agree that some people have a knack for it more than others, but I don't like the idea that there's no way to become a good programmer. I do however agree with the idea that you have to be good at coding-adjacent skills in order to become a successful software engineer for example.

How to Become a Hacker [Eric Steven Raymond]

I thought this was a very interesting article. I like the idea of a community of people who like open-source software and f ight for intellectual freedom. However, I was not a huge fan of how cliquey the group seems to be. It makes sense that grin ding without much help would make you a good hacker, but it certainly can be daunting for aspiring hackers. Regardless, the re were lots of interesting things in here like the importance of learning English and good HTML. Perhaps the most interesting piece of advice on here was to learn a martial-arts form; there were a lot of stereotypes in here that ERS seems to acknowledge, but martial arts is not something I was expeting. I liked his very no-nonsense writing style and pro-geek messages as well.

Aser-Abdelfatah commented 1 year ago

Mr. Robot Season 1 (+2 points) The show is pretty much interesting because unlike other shows that focus on typical good and evil duality, the show was way deeper to explore themes of corporate greed, corruption, and power dynamics from the lens of hacking. It was pretty dark though.

Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years (not 21 days) (+1 point) This article is very relatable, especially this year after the launch of ChatGPT. When ChatGPT became popular, everyone on social media were pushing people to learn programming and AI or otherwise, they will be left behind. And this article brings this important fact to light; you can't just binge-watch a YouTube programming tutorial and call yourself a programmer.

what to study in college (+1 point) The part I liked most was the math part because that is exactly what I was told before I came to Claremont, which is why I double-majored in Math and CS before figuring out I didn't need that much Math and dropped my Math major.

BITEEE0308 commented 1 year ago
  1. What to study in college (1 point): The article discusses what one should do in college. The author suggests that there are two main things that one can do: become very good at programming and learn a lot about specific, cool problems. They argue that the best way to become good at programming is to work a lot on hard problems and to engage in an interesting project. I think for me I got too trapped by schoolwork and definitely did not attend in enough projects through the 4 years.

  2. How To Become a Better Programmer by Not Programming (1 point): This article is really interesting because it discusses how to become a good programmer from a unique perspective. He suggests two main methods: becoming very good at programming and learning a lot about specific, cool problems. He also talks about the importance of learning math for its own sake, as it can be a valuable source of metaphors for various kinds of work.

  3. Mr. Robot (Season 1) (2 points): I really enjoyed this show! It masterfully combines a captivating premise with a realistic approach, resulting in a highly engaging experience. I felt like while I did not fully understand some of the more technical hacking aspects, it never takes away from the overall enjoyment. Also, I think it's a perfect choice for fans of crime thrillers or stories like me, and it combines well with hacker culture.

danimonz commented 1 year ago

Mr.Robot Season 1-3: I loved Elliot's character and the way he interacted with other characters. Watching him navigate through his world gave me a taste of his anxiety, especially during the first season which I believe was the best. His mental health gives his character so much complexity and was a theme that never left. Although he had trouble connecting with people, his morality and ethical code let me relate to his character. I constantly hoped his 5/9 plan would come true, a few days away and that feeling hasn't left. The plot twists and realizations that followed the show were all so good, I never really expected them. The fact that he was Mr. Robot completely took me by surprise. Finding out about Angela's involvement with the Dark Army and who her father was, even crazier. The entire setup and narrative of the show were done so well, slowly feeding you piece by piece until things started to click. Visually, I liked how crisp the show looked. The cool blues and neonish bright colors had a druglike effect. It almost felt like a video game. Overall, I loved the show. It made knowing how to code feel cool. Also loved the fact that Joey Bada$$ made a cameo in season 2.

Nizeyumukiza commented 1 year ago

War Games: I was surprised at how the backdoor works. I have heard that backdoors still exist in software systems and there have been some other hacking incidents that involved passing through the backdoors. I was surprised how there were such advanced systems like Wopar in the 1980s.

CitizenFour (2014): I liked the fact that Snowden decided to share how the US government was surveilling its own citizens. When watching the movie, I was struck by how they could just open a camera of our phones or laptops and watch what they are doing at the exact time. I wonder if we would have known what was going on in the surveillance.

The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz (2014): It's saddening to see an amazing, wise, and intelligent human disappear while he could still have done a lot for this world. I liked how he always assessed the consequences of his work and how it would benefit humanity.

Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years: I like the point he is making. I started learning software development in my freshman year. I did not progress far because I did not put in a lot of effort to progress and work on more complicated projects. But I liked the idea that you need to put in years of every week hours work. Even if this paper is still applicable to this time, I wonder if with the progress that has been in the industry, new programming languages and techniques + chatgpt that is getting rolled out now will change the understanding on this paper.

Nizeyumukiza commented 1 year ago

Season 1 of Mr. Robot episode 1: I was amazed by how fast he recognized what was going on when his employers' database was attacked. I liked also how he was using his skills to fight crimes like putting in jail the guy who distributed child porn.

Season 1 of Mr. Robot episode 2: I didn't like he started taking in the second episode. He joined criminal hackers who were planning to take evil corp out of business. However, I liked how he was able to put in jail the other guy who violated his friend and ensured that he and his friend are secure. One thing I kept thinking about is: how he undermine other people a lot and depended on drugs. I want to see where it goes and definitely will keep watching.

Zero Days - Security Leaks for Sale: I was struck by how the hacking industry had become big. It seems that only people with resources can be able to buy what hackers who work on Zero Days leaks provide. Also, I was surprised how our infrastructure is connected to the internet which exposes it to hackers. I wonder what happens if poor countries or communities cannot be able to pay to get their infrastructure attacked. Regarding how militaries have started to create cybersecurity departments, reminded me of how I heard that international students from some countries might be restricted to attend or be part of the best cybersecurity programs in the country.

pmukneam commented 1 year ago
laurenleadbetter commented 1 year ago

Mr. Robot Season 1 I liked that Mr.Robot was a bingeable, dramatic and interesting series about a hacker and the power he held with his knowledge. I disliked how mike and his linked articles referred to Mr.Robot as the most accurate portrayal of real-life hacking; that was a haunting recurring thought as I watched.

Coders at Work - Peter Siebel

Peter Norvig: I liked how Norvig reinforced concepts we covered from him in class, that no design technique makes up for not knowing what you’re doing. Norvig’s accolades were also pretty cool; it was interesting to learn how a leader in AI development thinks and keeps up with things.

Jamie Zawinski: Zawinski discussed dropping out from Carnegie Mellon to focus on software development full-time. I found myself to strongly agree with Zawinki’s views on importance of open source software, the ethics of software development, and the importance of communication and collaboration among team members.

verynicocool commented 1 year ago

Mr. Robot: Season 1 Given, the dishonest portrayal of hacker culture that was fed to me through movies and TV shows in my youth, it was extremely refreshing to see and try to understand what genuinely goes on with the tasks that Hackers embark on. I loved the intricate plot and the fact that these hackers were doing somewhat "ethical" work as it portrays the field in good lighting. It was super interesting to learn about the vulnerabilities of the digital systems that are used in our world and I loved the overarching narrative of a strive for an equitable society. While obviously extremely interesting, it made me uneasy to learn about how common it is for massive corporations to make decisions and operate in such a way that comes at the expense of people.

War Games I think the premise of the movie is super goofy but I love it so much. The idea that David starts a global nuclear war simulation and puts the world in an actual dangerous state all because he thought some military supercomputer was a video game computer is so silly to me. It seems so unrealistic that something as wild as this would happen but simultaneously it makes the plot super thought-provoking. The way the film comments on society's reliance to technology and the way that unintentional consequences can arise is frankly kinda scary. I thought it was super interesting that despite the movie's age, it still brought up artificial intelligence related topics such as automated decision-making systems and assessed the plethora of risks that come with it. My only grievance with the film is the portrayal of technology and hacking/computing techniques which all seem to be very simplistic and outdated. Of course, this is to be expected as the film literally came out 40 years ago!

The Internet's Own Boy This documentary was absolutely fascinating. While watching movies with super creative technical plots is extremely entertaining, there is something special about learning about the accomplishments of a real person who had to work with the technology that we have in our real lives. I really resonated with Aaron's commitment to freedom of knowledge and his passion to stop the restrictive nature of knowledge in this society. I really enjoyed the documentary's ability to humanize Aaron and provide an intimate narrative about his motivations and personal struggles. I do think that the documentary should have highlighted more some of the ethical complexities surrounding Aaron's actions given that his alleged crimes were more serious than portrayed to be.