mikeizbicki / cmc-csci143

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Meet and greet thread #364

Open mikeizbicki opened 8 months ago

mikeizbicki commented 8 months ago

Welcome to big data!

In this thread, we'll all introduce ourselves and practice using github issues. We'll be using github issues for all our in-class communication, so it's important that you understand how the system works. In particular, you need to understand github's markdown formatting syntax.

To practice, please reply to this post with:

  1. your name (including what you'd like me to call you if it's different than in sakai)
  2. your favorite pokemon highlighted in bold and
  3. a quote you like placed inside a code block (ensure that you use triple backticks to get a code block, and not single backticks to get inline code)
mikeizbicki commented 8 months ago

Hi everyone,

Please call me Mike. My favorite pokemon is ditto. I'll give you two fun quotes:

UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity.
  --  Dennis Ritchie (co-inventer of UNIX)
If you have any trouble sounding condescending, find a UNIX user to show you how it's done.
  --  Scott Adams (Dilbert Cartoonist)
westondcrewe commented 8 months ago

Hi everyone, My name is Weston, my favorite pokemon is Ponyta, and a quote I enjoy comes from a random twitter user:

all music is in 4/4 if you stop trying to count it like a dumb nerd
ben-smith23 commented 8 months ago

Hello everyone, My name is Ben Smith (1 of 2 at CMC), my favorite Pokemon is a Trumbeak, and here is a quote I got from Weston Crewe:

Never put me in a situation.

Associated meme

henrylong612 commented 8 months ago

Hi everyone,

My name is Henry. I didn't play Pokemon growing up but I guess my favorite is squirtle. Here is a quote I like:

The more I love humanity in general the less I love man in particular.
  -- Fyodor Dostoevsky
oncelscu commented 8 months ago


I'm Oncel. Favorite pokemon is Snorlax. A quote I like:

There is nothing we can do. 
KentaWood commented 8 months ago

Hi everyone, My name is Alex Wood. My favorite Pokemon is MagiKarp, and a quote that I like:

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. 
justinchiao commented 8 months ago


My name is Justin. My favorite Pokémon is Delphox.

"It never get easier, you just go faster" -Greg Lemond
abizermamnoon commented 8 months ago


My name is Abizer Mamnoon. My favorite Pokemon is Buizel

You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain - Batman
irajmoradi commented 8 months ago


My name is Iraj. My favorite pokemon is Pikachu.

A quote I like is the following:

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take   -Wayne Gretzky"
-Michael Scott
eoinoconnell04 commented 8 months ago


My name is Eoin (pronounced like Owen) and my favorite Pokemon is Mewtwo.

There is no "I" in team but there is in win. 
- Michael Jordan
rajabatra commented 8 months ago


My name is Raja. My favorite Pokemon is Pikachu

A quote I like is: Well done is better than well said. -Benjamin Franklin

epaisano commented 8 months ago


My name is Emma, and my favorite Pokemon is Oddish. A quote I like is: What? Like it's hard?? - Elle Woods (Legally Blonde, 2003)

oliver-ricken commented 8 months ago

Hi all,

My name is Oliver. My favorite Pokemon is Horsea, and here is one of my favorite quotes:

Slow down everyone, you're moving too fast...
-- Jack Johnson
rachelHoman commented 8 months ago


My name is Rachel. My favorite Pokemon is Eevee

If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain
-- Dolly Parton
ains-arch commented 8 months ago

Hi all,

I'm Ainslee. I'm not really familiar with Pokémon but in consultation with my friends who are, I have chosen Mismagius as my favorite guy.

A quote (source):

Google is the 800-pound gorilla in search. I want people to know that we made them dance.
  -- Satya Nadella (Microsoft CEO)
myngpog commented 8 months ago


My name is My (pronounced Mi) and my favorite pokemon is Piplup. (fun fact: i was recently in japan and visited 3 poke centers!)

I collect a lot of quotes so it's hard to pick a favorite but here's a nice recent one:

Any life will seem dramatic if you omit mention of most of it.
(unfortunately, I don't remember where it's from but I know it was a short story from Prof Noah's class (a wonderful cmc lit prof))
echen4628 commented 8 months ago

Hi everyone!

I'm Eric. My favorite pokemon is Lucario. A quote I enjoy is: I am a great believer in luck. The harder I work, the more of it I seem to have. -- Coleman Cox

Eshaan-Lumba commented 8 months ago

Hi everyone,

My name is Eshaan and my favorite pokemon is Snorlax. Here is a quote I like:

Being 100% in the moment is the only possibility to get a better future. 
-- Jurgen Klopp
mmendiratta27 commented 8 months ago

Hi everyone!

My name is Manan, and my favorite Pokemon is Arcanine. As a hockey player, I like this quote:

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
--Wayne Gretzky (and Michael Scott)
lbielicki commented 7 months ago

Hello all~ my name is Liann and my favorite Pokémon is Bulbasaur. This quote is painted on a wall in my hometown:

"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."
-- John Keats, Ode on a Grecian Urn
GusAlbach commented 7 months ago


My name is Gus, and my favorite pokemon is Sneasel. I quote I appreciate is:

"We suffer more often in imagination than in reality"
- Seneca
danzhechen commented 7 months ago

Hello Everyone! My name is Dan. My favorite Pokémon is Greninja, the mega version! Here is my quote. I translated it by myself from Chinese with some assistance of ChatGPT.

The person in the whirlpool has the responsibility to tell what the whirlpool looks like.
elissayz commented 7 months ago

Hello Everyone! My name is Elissa, and my favorite Pokemon is Sandslash. Here is a quote from a book that I've been reading recently:

An act of translation is always an act of betrayal. 
-- R.F. Kuang
sjanefullerton commented 7 months ago


My name is Sarah and my favorite Pokémon is Wiglett! A quote I like is:

I’m doing badly, I’m doing well, whichever you prefer.
-Franz Kafka 
gibsonfriedman commented 7 months ago

Hi Everyone!

My name is Gibson and my favorite Pokemon is squirtle. A quote I like is: Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot. -Charlie Chaplin

nati-azmera commented 7 months ago

Hello Everyone!

My name is Nati and my favorite Pokemon is Pikachu! A quote I like is:

"There are no solutions, only tradeoffs." -Thomas Sowell

vibhuk10 commented 7 months ago


My name is Vibhu. My favorite Pokemon is Bulbasaur.

To lose patience is to lose the battle. - Gandhi
meghnapamula commented 7 months ago

Hi everyone,

My name is Meghna. My favorite Pokemon is Clefairy. A quote I like is:

"Strength is not always in what we say or do. Sometimes it is in what we are silent about, in what we leave or ignore."
tylerting commented 7 months ago

Hi everyone,

My name is Tyler. My favorite Pokemon is MewTwo. A quote I like is:

I fear not the man who has practiced 10000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10000 times. - Bruce Lee
AvidThinkerArsum commented 7 months ago

Hi everyone,

My name is Arsum. I didn't grow up with Pokemon but one I remember is Pikachu. A quote I like is:

Every seed you plant will yield something - good or bad depending on intention. ~ Rumi

adamzterenyi commented 7 months ago

Hello all,

My name is Adam, and I like Articuno. Here's a quote:

“What is pertinent is the calmness of beauty, its sense of restraint. It is as though the land knows of its own beauty, its own greatness, and feels no need to shout it.”
― Kazuo Ishiguro, The Remains of the Day
abraryaser02 commented 7 months ago

Hello! I am Abrar, and I like Meowth. A favorite quote:

“We tell ourselves stories in order to live.”  – Joan Didion, The White Album
amyyu116 commented 7 months ago

Hi everyone,

My name is Amy. My favorite pokemon is Sylveon. Here's a quote:

"We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents." -Bob Ross

JTan242 commented 7 months ago

Hi, My name is Jeremy and my favorite pokemon is Infernape.

"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
ciherrera20 commented 7 months ago

Hello, my name is Chris and my favorite pokemon is Rayquaza because its name is cool.

Not every change is an improvement but every improvement is a change
tylerheadley commented 7 months ago

Hi everyone,

My name is Tyler. Although I was not a Pokemon kid growing up, I think squirtle is cute. A quote my coach told our swim team recently is:

"When the student is ready, a teacher will appear."
ValentinaWatson commented 7 months ago

Hey guys!

My name is Valentina. My favorite Pokemon is Gengar and my favorite quote is one my dance teacher said to me the other day:

"Heels are vulnerable because you are in shoes that make you bigger in a world that tells you to be small." 
pangsark commented 7 months ago

Hello, My name is Sangeon and my favorite Pokemon is Gible.

"You have power over your mind, not outside events" - Marcus Aurelius
vitorvavolizza commented 7 months ago

Hi everyone,

My name is Vitor and my favorite Pokemon is Charizard.

 Don't fear moving slowly. Fear standing still. 
MSH-11 commented 7 months ago


I am Mohamed, and my favorite Pokemon is Squirtle.

Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think.
giffiecode commented 7 months ago


My name is Nico, and my favorite pokemon is pikachu

Adhere to your own act, and congratulate yourself if you have done something strange and extravagant, and broken the monotony of a decorous age.

luisgomez214 commented 7 months ago


My name is Luis, my favorite Pokemon is a Squirtle

Well done is better than well said. -Benjamin Franklin

baron-zeng commented 7 months ago


My name is Baron. My favorite Pokemon is Charizard.

Learning never exhausts the mind - Leonardo da Vinci
agemeda commented 7 months ago

Hi everyone, i'm Asanti and my favorite pokemon is eevee.

live simply so that others may simply live - bell hooks
Yugi00 commented 7 months ago


My name is Jacob and my favorite Pokemon is Aagron.

Success isn't always about Greatness, it's about consistency. Consistent, hard work gains success. Greatness will come. - Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson