mikeizbicki / cmc-csci143

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github test actions expectations #564

Closed myngpog closed 3 weeks ago

myngpog commented 3 weeks ago

hi im wondering if we only need to test whether our docker stuff builds successfully with github actions. do we need to test whether or not our db is loaded?

adamzterenyi commented 3 weeks ago

Your database will have to start up because the action has to try and load data into it. However, it will only start up locally for GitHub. If you get your ports working for your development environment on your own computer (when you only run $ docker-compose up --build), this should work seamlessly. Next, you'll need to run your data insertion file on the test file you've given GitHub actions, which is just like calling a .sh file. I hope I could answer your question.

myngpog commented 3 weeks ago

yeah it clarified things for me , thanks!