mikeizbicki / modulus-magnus-linguae

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We got into poster for KDD? #63

Open irajmoradi opened 1 year ago

irajmoradi commented 1 year ago

It seems the status on the website says "accepted" for the paper submission. We didn't get an email yet.


mikeizbicki commented 1 year ago

It's accepted, congrats to everyone! I just found this in my email:

Dear Michael Izbicki,

Congratulations! We are delighted to inform you that your submission One Textbook Is All You Need with ID 12 to the KDD’23 SoCal Data Science Day has been accepted!

We are going to follow up shortly with instructions for the poster presentation shortly.

In the meantime, if you would like for your contribution to be uploaded on the website, please make sure you upload the camera ready copy of your paper. Please make sure that the camera ready copy is at most 2 pages long in KDD double-column format (excluding references), where in those pages you describe concisely the work to be presented as a poster at the conference.

The deadline for the camera ready copy is Wednesday July 19 (one week from today). You should be able to find this option when you open your submission entry on CMT.

Looking forward to seeing you in Long Beach!

KDD’23 Local Arrangement Chairs