mikeizbicki / twitter_postgres2

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Can't load plugin: sqlalchemy.dialects:postgres #1

Open CurtisSalinger opened 3 years ago

CurtisSalinger commented 3 years ago

Hello Everyone!

I am running into an issue when running my sh load_tweets.sh, where when I look into a zip file using vim nohup/nohup.geoTwitter20-04-01.zip to confirm it is making progress, I see the following error. I would love some help how to get around it, thanks for the help!

Screen Shot 2021-04-23 at 5 04 33 PM

mikeizbicki commented 3 years ago

You likely need to update the url in the load_tweets.sh script to use a postgresql:// url instead of a postgres:// url. Different versions of the sqlalchemy library require that this url be specified in different ways.