mikeizbicki / ucr-cs100

open source software construction course
485 stars 407 forks source link

HW4 Final Submission #1801

Closed kevdev158 closed 9 years ago

kevdev158 commented 9 years ago

Finished script and tutorial. We really enjoyed CS100, thank you for teaching us! Have a great summer!

@dtran049 @jtran071

mikeizbicki commented 9 years ago

This is almost an amazing writeup, but it falls short. There are a number of technical errors, and the overall writeup lacks polish. For example, your actual recipe files look a bit ugly because they don't use markdown syntax. If I were learning how to webscrape for the first time, this is exactly the sort of example I would want, but I wouldn't be able to follow your explanations. So I'm giving you 85/100.

As-is, I suspect very few people on the internet will want to read this. But it would only take a few hours more work to make it so that thousands of people would want to read it. Please let me know if you're interested in doing any more work on it like this.

kevdev158 commented 9 years ago

We'd be interested in continuing on working on the write up.

mikeizbicki commented 9 years ago

If you come to my office hours tomorrow, we can discuss in more detail how to improve it.

kevdev158 commented 9 years ago

None of us are in Riverside anymore.

mikeizbicki commented 9 years ago

Okay. I'm not sure how I can help you improve it then.

kevdev158 commented 9 years ago

Is it possible to go over it online?