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Accessing HW0 Grade #303

Closed gbrlrz017 closed 9 years ago

gbrlrz017 commented 9 years ago

So I'm a little clueless right now about how to access the break down/comments on our HW 0 grade. Am I supposed to access it using the calcgrade.sh script?

I ran ./scripts/calcgrade.sh examplestudent with gbrlrz017 replacing examplestudent. But that didn't work for me.

Thanks in advance.

mikeizbicki commented 9 years ago
  1. You can also manually check your grade by looking at the grade file on github.
  2. Anytime you report an error with a program, you have to report the error messages you're seeing or there's no way you can be helped.
  3. You may need to update your local version of ucr-cs100 to have the latest scripts.
gbrlrz017 commented 9 years ago
  1. On github, is the grade file supposed to be under gbrlrz017 / ucr-cs100 / assignments / hw / hw0-rshell / ? If so, is there a reason why there hasn't been any recent commits to that file? If not, where do I find it on github?
  2. ERROR: student gbrlrz017 does not have attribute giturl in their studentinfo file ./scripts/config.sh: line 34: kill: (11437) - No such process
  3. Updating my local version of ucr-cs100 simply requires git pull, right? If so, I have the same issue with accessing my grade file as (1) on ucr-cs100 / assignments / hw / hw0-rshell / on my computer.
tkimva commented 9 years ago
  1. not default branch, grade branch
  2. ./scripts/calcgrade.sh gruiz007
  3. No. you should read previous posting here #240
gbrlrz017 commented 9 years ago

Nice, thanks!

For 2, is that purposely my ucr net id? Because I had an old github account with gruiz007 as my username, but I never gave write access to the instructors to that one.

For 3, how can I get the grades branch after running #240 's commands on my computer?

mikeizbicki commented 9 years ago

You are supposed to use your ucr cs account login when running calcgrade.sh.

tkimva commented 9 years ago

For 2, you don't need to worry about the id. Github id is defined by /people/students/[ucr cs account]. It is not necessary to be that your github id is same as cur csaccount. calcgrade.sh [ucr cs id] finds the file's definition first and go. For 3, grading is located another branch, so it's okay

gbrlrz017 commented 9 years ago

Thank you both very much!