mikeizbicki / ucr-cs100

open source software construction course
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HW1 late submissions #36

Closed bmars003 closed 10 years ago

bmars003 commented 10 years ago

Late submissions for HW 1 will be taken under the following conditions:

i) You needed more time to complete the assignment ii) You did not follow the specifications and one or more of the following doesn't work for you homework:

$ git clone  http://github.com/yourusername/rshell.git
$ cd rshell
$ git checkout hw1
$ make
$ bin/rshell

By turning in a late submission you will acknowledge the following conditions: i) Your grade for HW 1 will have a penalty of 25 points. ii) Other penalties may occur ii) Due date is Sunday August 10th @ 12PM. iii) You will need to Notify me before the deadline that you making a late submission by stating so as a comment to this post. Failure to notify by the deadline with result in the grade standing as it was the first time it was graded. iv) Late submission is not a reshow v) Being able to turn in a late submission is a privilege that can be revoked without any question.

willccoates commented 10 years ago

hey i plan on submitting the assignment late because i did not have enough time to finish it

brunnaam commented 10 years ago

I will also turn in late to fix my problem with the tag hw1

ghost commented 10 years ago

I will turn in late for the tag hw1 problem

lwang031 commented 10 years ago

I tunred it in please check it.