mikejac / node-red-contrib-google-smarthome

A collection of Node-RED nodes to control your smart home devices via Google Assistant.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Node red creates a new device instead of addressing the original one #397

Closed Tom-vdv1988 closed 12 months ago

Tom-vdv1988 commented 1 year ago


I have a problem that my nodes are not synced with google home but that they are created twice. The intention is that I operate an outlet from the node red.

In Node Red: image image --> I named the outlet the same as in google.

In google Home: image

--> I can operate the dubble created device from the Node Red.


1) Original outlet that is present in the house, and is working from gogle home 2) New Outlet created by Node Red.

But the intention is that I can operate the existing outlet. And not that a 2nd one is created. --> Node Red should address the original outlet (1) and not create a new one.

I have also tried this with lamps, but this gives the same result. Lamps are also created twice.

I call the devices the same as in Google home. What am I doing wrong?

Thank you already for the help.

kr, Tom

FireWizard52 commented 1 year ago


How is your first device, the original outlet, created? Is it because another manufacturer, and where your outlet is part of, has been connected to Google.


Caprico85 commented 1 year ago

Hi @Tom-vdv1988!

If your device is already connected using another manufacturer, there is no way to control it with node-red-contrib-google-smarthome. We can only create new devices, we cannot take control over existing devices from other manufacturers.

You can unregister the device from its original manufacturer and control it exclusively from Node-RED if there's a module available for it. Then it would only appear once in Google Home. On the downside you loose the ability to control your device if Node-RED is offline.
