mikejihbe / metrics

A metrics library for Node.js
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Reporters don't consider histograms #31

Closed tolbertam closed 7 years ago

tolbertam commented 8 years ago

Bug on my part. The three reporters (csv, console, and graphite) are each not reporting Histogram metrics. Will open a PR for this.

felpi commented 7 years ago

+1 hit same issue...

mikejihbe commented 7 years ago

Sorry guys, I'm a bit swamped with client work at the moment. I'd happily accept a pull request that resolves this though!

On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 9:07 AM, felpi notifications@github.com wrote:

+1 hit same issue...

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-- Mike Ihbe MustWin - Principal

mike@mustwin.com mikejihbe@gmail.com skype: mikeihbe Cell: 651.283.0815

tolbertam commented 7 years ago

I intended to open up a PR for this, but dissappeared for a bit. It should be really straight forward, so i'll do this when I get an opportunity soon.