mikekatz04 / LISAanalysistools

Apache License 2.0
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Missing some dependencies in setup.py #18

Closed SimonMaenaut closed 3 months ago

SimonMaenaut commented 7 months ago

Hi, in order to incorporate this package as a dependency in a larger python project (where I'd like to use lisatools.sensitivity), pip needs to be aware of the minimal dependencies needed to use this package. Often these are included in setup.py.

At the moment these aren't in setup.py so pip install lisaanalysistools in a clean env. doesn't include dependencies.

List of missing dependencies based in install.sh and a quick scan of the python files in lisatools ``` setup_requires=[ "cython", "numpy", ], install_requires=[ "cython", "numpy", "h5py", "scipy", "matplotlib", "fastemriwaveforms", "fastlisaresponse", "requests", "tqdm", ] ```

To help, I would be more than willing to set up a pull request with changes.

Also I'm curious to learn why python>=3.12 is specifically required.

mikekatz04 commented 3 months ago

=3.12 is required because of the static typing docstrings, etc. It was intended as temporary. Going to work on this so it is not the case.

Will update dependencies.

mikekatz04 commented 3 months ago

Dependencies packages have been added. Will be included in version >=1.0.6