mikelupe / messagerepo_dummy

Dummy repository for "messaging"
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Orcharhino subscription model similar to Proxmox #1

Open mikelupe opened 4 years ago

mikelupe commented 4 years ago

@sbernhard Hello, is there a similar "free" subscription model like the one provided by Proxmox? It would be for deeper evaluation purposes in a lab environment. Mainly for Proxmox, but oVirt could be a target as well.

Thanks Mike

hlawatschek commented 4 years ago

Hi @mikelupe you can either get a trial version valid for 30 days or the orcharhino starter pack for eval purposes for a donation of 100€ to https://www.savetherhino.org per year. You can register for the eval version here: https://orcharhino.com/en/downloads Best regards, Mark

mikelupe commented 4 years ago

Hello @hlawatschek , thanks for the reply. I will evaluate the proposed option.

Kind regards - Mike