mikenorthorp / gulp-shopify-upload

gulp plugin to watch and upload files to Shopify for use in theme editing
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Hit stream high water mark of 16 files while uploading #21

Closed Soviut closed 8 years ago

Soviut commented 8 years ago

Because gulp-shopify-upload doesn't act as a stream terminus and because it was the only step in my pipeline (no gulp.dest()), I managed to hit the stream high water mark of 16 files while uploading.

I solved this by using https://github.com/Floby/node-stream-sink at the end of my pipeline as follows:

sink = require 'stream-sink'

gulp.src "#{dest.env}/**/*"
    .pipe gulpShopify shopifyConfig.api_key, shopifyConfig.password, shopifyConfig.url, shopifyConfig.theme_id, options
    .pipe sink()

It might be a good idea to document this for doing mass uploads, as opposed to live watching.

mikenorthorp commented 8 years ago

This might have been fixed in the latest 2.0.0 release, it now supports mass uploads, let me know if there are still issues with your scenario.