mikenorthorp / gulp-shopify-upload

gulp plugin to watch and upload files to Shopify for use in theme editing
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Error undefined! ShopifyAPIError #27

Open ninjasort opened 8 years ago

ninjasort commented 8 years ago

I keep getting this error: Error undefined! ShopifyAPIError Not sure why it keeps failing to upload.

Any ideas?

ninjasort commented 8 years ago


ninjasort commented 8 years ago


j2is commented 8 years ago

I have the same issue, anyone had any luck with this?

j2is commented 8 years ago

I solved this, by removing the http:// I had: .pipe(gulpShopify('API KEY', 'PASSWORD', 'http://MYSITE.myshopify.com', 'THEME ID')); When I should have had: .pipe(gulpShopify('API KEY', 'PASSWORD', 'MYSITE.myshopify.com', 'THEME ID'));

MarkAPhillips commented 8 years ago

I am also getting this error. The above did not solve it for me. I assume this error is returned from the Shopify API - its not very helpful in debugging the issue. If I solve it I will post it here later.

MarkAPhillips commented 8 years ago

My issue was the location of my shopify files .I needed :

var options = { 'basePath': paths.shopify }; and pass this in where path.shopify is a file path from for shopify files and use this option as defined in the advanced section of the readme.

.pipe(gulpShopify('API KEY', 'PASSWORD', 'http://MYSITE.myshopify.com', 'THEME ID', options));

I would suggest improving the error handling in this case.

snikidev commented 7 years ago

I had this issue, my problem was with the URL.

Shopify gives you URL that has "https://", then api key, then password, and then your domain, followed by .myshopify.com.

gulp-shopify-upload doesn't want all that, it just wants your_domain.myshopify.com. No api, no password, nothing else in the link itself.

Well, that's what I had problem with. :)

ActualizeStudios commented 7 years ago

Hi I am also getting 2 errors: Error undefined! ShopifyAPIError when we don't provide https:// in shop url

Error undefined! ShopifyConnectionError providing options or not. Not sure about the "you can change the directory from which the plugin picks up files." All folders are in the theme folder. We have an extra sass folder where we do all import and drop it in /assets.

I'm not sure if the error message is accurate, and I'm out of ideas to fix it. Any help appreciated :) Thx